Georgia's Page....Hey! Wait for the music!

If you arrived here by the TBI here:-)

I am new at this and this page will be changing for a long time as I learn new and exciting things to add. But do feel free to check out the progress! I am glad you stopped by. Oh...just in case you want to know....I am 49 and if you are really curious you can click on Photo an old picture (well me and my sis..I am the on the right). I need to put a newer one up. I was married 28 years but unexpectedly became a widow 1/2003. I have a 21 year old married daughter. I work with animals...literally...and I have too many hobbies to mention. Well, okay I will name a few. I enjoy being creative and have expressed myself in many ways...painting, writing, needlework of my own design and of course, my web page. I enjoy the outdoors, horseback riding, white water canoeing, camping and fishing. I am online WAAAAYY too much and love every minute. I have made many good friends! So if you would like to know more, e-mail me! I like to keep adding to my "friends" list!
Internet Friends


Learn about my newest

I am adding these website links. I have many more but will have to add them later. In the meantime, check these out, you may find them of interest.

Cyberworld Railroad
Powwow Chat Download
The Dundee Independent News
TBI help
Lightening Entertainment
My Own TBI Story Page
My Friends Terry and Amanda's Page
HTML Quick Reference

My Friends Waynes Page
Bingo Zone
Crescendo Liveupdate
National Geographic
Egyptian Info and History
The Electronic Newsstand
Cool Free Stuff
My Friend Mike's Page

Well, I'm working on it! So, if you have any good tips, let me know. May be on Freetel...or Powwow...or AOL. Call me or e-mail suggestions, tips or comments!....

You can talk to me on Powwow ( if I am Online ) by clicking on the icon.
You must also have Powwow running to connect.

Okay now that you have seen a little of my work,
come and visit our Family Homepage.
Don't forget to check out my page on there too! Bet you will like it! sure to check out my contribution to the TBI ring.. Scrambled Brains and Chicken Soup

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