Descendants of: Franz Greiner

Franz was from Germany, Theodore and Paul came to America.
I am looking for other Greiner/Griner's in US about 1900s that may be relatives.


1 Franz Greiner m. Caroline Nestman 
  2 Theodore Greiner b. 01-Jul-1856 d. 08-Dec-1923 
      m. Anna Louise Greiner b. 18-Oct-1860 d. 27-Apr-1937 
    3 Paul Frank Griner b. 10-Mar-1885 d. 04-Mar-1961 
        m. 25-Nov-1907 Mary _____ b. 1874 d. Age 36 
        m. 07-Sep-1911 Lillian Pearl Steinberg b. 27-Mar-1888 d. 03-Dec-1973 
      4 Gertrude Griner b. 16-Jul-1909 d. ? 
          m. George McCoubrie 
        5 George McCoubrie 
        5 David McCoubrie 
          m. Gladys _____ 
        5 Kathlene McCoubrie 
      4 William Griner b. 25-Nov-1910 d. Age 7 months 
      4 George William Griner 
          m. Hazel Virginia Cremeens 
          m. Lorna Theresa Ellington 
          m. Hilda Wisa b. 02-May-1922 d. 15-Jul-1995 
        5 Robert Griner 
            m. Norma June Cole 
            m. Mary H. Kenefick 
          6 Scott Griner 
        5 Georgia Lorrain Griner
            m. William John Whitney, Jr. 
          6 William John Whitney, III.
          6 Robert Joseph Whitney  
            m. Cynthia Marie Moore
      4 Paul Oliver Griner b. 25-Sep-1918 
          m. Pearl Goldfinger b. 18-May-1925 d. 3-Oct-1996 
        5 William Adam Griner 
            m. Deborah Ann Mitchell 
        5 Trudith Beth Griner 
            m. Ronald James Klein 
        5 Christine Griner 
    3 Mary Greiner b. 1894 
    3 Theodore Greiner 

Georgia Whitney

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