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01/27/99 03:04:17
Name: Marie Austin-Tyrone My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Hernando Beach, Fl. Surname search: Duncan,Sisk,Parrish,Hodges Search location: Tn.,Fl.,N.C.,S.C.,Ga,Penn.
Search timeframe: 1800-1900

Looking for history on Samuel W. Duncan, b/Johnstown,Penn. or wife Mary E. Hodges, b/Rome,Ga. I am descendant of Mary Elizabeth Duncan Sisk, adopted daughter of Samuel Edwin Duncan, their son, and Martha Lavina Parrish Duncan, his wife. She was adopted in Chattanooga, Tn. in 1911, and court papers name mother as Lula Holland. Any information on any of the above would be appreciated. Love this cite.

12/31/98 06:10:41
Name: Susan Williams My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Van Buren, AR
Surname search: Babb

Searching specifically for information on Babbs in Crawford County, AR. Grandfather was Wallace Hampton Babb, b 22 Feb 1882, d 19 Sept 1958. His father was supposedly named Isaac Thomas Babb, a farmer for 30 years in Mulberry, AR. I'm stuck.

12/31/98 03:33:13
Name: Terry V. Babb My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Originally born Tillamook, OR
Surname search: Babb

Good to visit; not sure there is a "direct" connection between your "line" and mine... I am told that I follow the Phillip Babb line, and that I am tenth generation male in that line; my grandfather was Hamit Pinson Babb of Union Co., AR - his father was Thomas Jefferson Babb, whose father was Robert Newton Babb.

11/23/98 23:28:24
Name: phyllis webb My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Durham, N.C.
Surname search: Gilmore Search location: Chatham Co. N.C etc

I know my father's father died very early in life and his mother's name was Rosa. He had four sons, Everett, Clarence, William, Ward. They are also related perhaps by material side to Abernathy/. Thanks you

11/12/98 18:28:31
Name: Helmut steinberg My URL: Visit Me
Where are you from?: peru Surname search: victor steinberg wagner
Search location: europa

I don't have email but you can write to me to the following adress: 602 10av apt 3rn Ny.Ny 10036. Thank you

11/04/98 00:49:59
Name: Guillermo Steinberg My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Born & grew up: Buenos Aires, Argentina / Live: Firenze, Italy Surname search: Steinberg / Frumkin /Rempel / Idelsohn Search location: Dubesar / Odessa / Nikolayev
Search timeframe: 1850 - 1891 Other searches: Raizen / Besboky

I came here attracted by the story of William Steinberg, the cigar manufacturer, as my ggf Zalmen Steinberg was the landowner of a tobacco growing in Odessa or near to it, until 1891 when he emigrated to Argentina due to pogroms. His wife was Malke Rempel Please write me if you find a connection!

10/25/98 05:56:08
Name: Jon Czarowitz My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: TEXAS Surname search: Cunningham++ Search location: NC,TN,MO,MS,TX
Search timeframe: 1400-Present Other searches: McKinney,Lee,Klepper Other: Coffey,+++

Come visit our Clan Cunningham tent at the 37th Annual Scottish Games in Salado TX Nov 13-15 1998. The tent is open for Cunningham research all day Sat and Sun after Church. Texas Commissioner Clan Cunningham Society

10/25/98 05:13:47
Name: Kathy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Florida Surname search: Elderton Search location: Florida & England
Search timeframe: 1700-1900 Other searches: Spanier,Lambert Other: McQuaig

I am looking for any information on a Thomas C. Elderton, born May 6,1833. He immagrted to the U.S. in 1865. Thomas married Annie Elizabeth Pope , August 4,1875 in St. Augustine, Florida. They had 8 children. Only 6 were found in the 1900 census. Any info mation wouldbe very helpful

10/25/98 05:56:08
Name: Jon Czarowitz My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: TEXAS Surname search: Cunningham++ Search location: NC,TN,MO,MS,TX
Search timeframe: 1400-Present Other searches: McKinney,Lee,Klepper Other: Coffey,+++

Come visit our Clan Cunningham tent at the 37th Annual Scottish Games in Salado TX Nov 13-15 1998. The tent is open for Cunningham research all day Sat and Sun after Church. Texas Commissioner Clan Cunningham Society

10/25/98 05:13:47
Name: Kathy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Florida Surname search: Elderton Search location: Florida & England
Search timeframe: 1700-1900 Other searches: Spanier,Lambert Other: McQuaig

I am looking for any information on a Thomas C. Elderton, born May 6,1833. He immagrted to the U.S. in 1865. Thomas married Annie Elizabeth Pope , August 4,1875 in St. Augustine, Florida. They had 8 children. Only 6 were found in the 1900 census. Any info mation wouldbe very helpful

10/08/98 01:42:50
Name: Texie Stark My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Oklohoma Surname search: Hischa, Sampson Search location: Oklahoma
Search timeframe: 1850-1950 Other searches: Boyd, Arthur Lafatte Other: James, Benjamin

No one in my family knows where my great grandfather Sampson Hischa is buried. i am trying to find out if anyone knows of any Hischa's it would be greatly appreciated. I would also just like to know more about the man. he was a full blood indian and I am v ry proud of my indian heritage and I would like to find out more.

10/04/98 10:15:33
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

09/24/98 20:45:58
Name: Sondra Bahre My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Southern.Illinois Surname search: WEATHERHOZ Search location: SCHAFFERMAN
Search timeframe: 1926,1949-1998 Other searches: CAMPBELL Other: 1913, 1931, to 1998

#1) WEATHERHOZ, Eleanor Barbara, B. 9/2/49, N.J., Bergen Co. at ? Unwed Mothers Home, 279 Wilson Ave. ?Fairview,NJ. ONLY Change of Custody issued by handwirtten statement, signed by Clementine Melanase (also assisted at birth). No lawyer, No court docu ent. B'mothers names still on b.cert. Daughter in NEED of pertinent family info. #2 CAMPBELL, Madeline, B. 2/4/31, searching for b'family. B'mother B. APPROX. 1913, Illinois Baby B. 2/4/31 St.Ann's, St. Louis, Mo. Please, ANY help appreciated! gsrba@egyptian.net

09/11/98 08:29:43
Name: Sondra My URL: Visit Me Where are you from?: Illinois
Surname search: Weatherhoz Search location: Baltimore,Md Search timeframe: B: 1926
Other searches: Schafferman Other: Campbell,Lorraine

Hi Georgie, I have become are real nightowl with this searching the web but still very much a novice!! Haven't heard anything from anyone, yet.. Where is that Geraldine ?!!!!!!!! Family member wants to reunite after many years! **Please note new address to contact me: gsrba@egyptian.net (juno e-mail addres no active)

09/07/98 17:27:29
Name: robert mercer My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: nh Surname search: babb Search location: nh pa va
Search timeframe: 1635-- 1850 Other searches: mercer


09/03/98 01:38:36
Name: Bruce Frazier Henley My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Granbury, TX


08/10/98 02:18:05
Name: Kathy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Florida Surname search: Elderton Search location: St. augustine, Fla. or England
Other searches: Annie Elizabeth Pope Elderton

I have been trying to find information on Thomas Charles Elderton. He was born May 6, 1832 in England. He died July 20,1906 in New Augustine (St. Augustine, Florida).I cant seem to find anything on them before they came to America from England. If anyone s interested please let me know.

08/12/98 18:29:05
Name: Sondra My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Surname search: Campbell, Schafferman
Search location: Illinois, Missouri, Maryland, New Jersey Search timeframe: born 1913 and 1926

Searching for LORRAINE CAMPBELL, B: Approx. 1913 in or near ( ?) Springfield, Illinois, most likely of Catholic faith. She was in St. Louis for at least a time in 1913. Would like to hear from Lorraine Campbell, her children and/or any of her family. Would like family information, please. Write SONDRA at rachelbahre@juno.com Searching for GERALDINE KATHERINE WEATHERHOZ SCHAFFERMAN, born 1926 in Baltimore, Maryland, lived in Bergen Co, New Jersey for a time in 1949. Would like to hear from her and/or children or family members. Would like family information, please. Wr te SONDRA at rachelbahre@juno.com

07/22/98 17:05:51
Name: Edo Steinberg My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Israel

I found this page by searching for sites with my last name in them, which are at GeoCities. I'm not researching, but if I were this would be the place I'd go to. Very interesting.

07/22/98 12:56:06
Name: Deb Kujawski My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Wisconsin Surname search: Beaver Search location: North Carolina
Search timeframe: pre-civil war Other searches: Safrit

Have my Beaver lines back to the civil war in which both my gggrandfathers fought. Looking for info further back than that. My gggrandfathers names were Alexander Beaver and Rufus Safrit.

07/08/98 11:48:52
Name: AL Emmons My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Naples, FL Surname search: Emmons Search location: Virginia
Search timeframe: 1700's

Tootles: Thanks for the picture and the latest info. Sorry I cant help you with the Allington connection. I am still not sure where the connection between Wyatt and Allington occur. I do have another pic of Allington castle from the 1700's. Will email it o you. Al Emmons

07/01/98 03:24:44
Name: Sylvia Gregory Berry My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: North Carolina
Surname search: Ackiss, Ackers, Gregory Search location: Northeastern NC, Southeastern VA

I am looking for info on James and Mary Ackiss, John and Margaret Ackiss Gregory, Hosea & Ferebee (Pheraba) Gregory from the Halls Creek Area of Pasquotank County, NC.

06/09/98 19:29:38
Name: Frank T. Blankenship My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Charlottesville, Virginia Surname search: Blankenship, Beaty, Blair, Gregory Search location: Va.,N.C.,S.C.,Ala.,Tn.
Search timeframe: As far back as possible

Great site! I'm a Mottley descendant.

06/04/98 06:43:50
Name: Lorraine My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Arizona Surname search: Whipple, Turner, Tweedy Search location: Kansas, Georgia
Search timeframe: forever Other searches: everywhere Other: please help

I have Whipple's I think maybe from Kansas don't know for sure, and Turner and Tweedy's from Atlanta Georgia. Whipple's I have from 1804, but Turner and Tweedy from 1920.

05/27/98 22:47:05
Name: Jason Brown
My URL: Visit Me


04/28/98 23:17:39
Name: Janice J. My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Washington Surname search: ANDREWS Search location: Saratoga, N.York
Search timeframe: 1810 and before Other searches: MORTON Other: Maury Co, TN.

I liked the way you've set up the page. Couldn't get into any of the URL's though.'Server does not have DNS entry.' Is this on your end or mine?

04/19/98 19:17:28
Name: Jon Czarowitz My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Temple, Texas Surname search: Czarowitz,Cunningham Search location: Bukovina,Austria & Texas
Search timeframe: 1700 to present Other searches: See web page

Well done page. Just surfing in after short break to work taxes. Good idea to use sign-in for page. It should get more to sign in. Come by and see our pages.

04/07/98 21:06:24
Name: Joanne Loyd My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Michigan Surname search: Loyd, Loyed Search location: Dublin, Georgia Macon County
Search timeframe: last 100 years Other searches: Rozier


04/06/98 16:52:50
Name: sean wagner
My URL: Visit Me


03/18/98 16:29:35
Name: Barry Fraser My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Toronto Surname search: Fraser Search location: Scotland
Search timeframe: 1839 Other searches: Crawford, Lindsay, Shepherd, Renshaw Other: O'Conner, Loftus, Williams

Enjoyed your page very much, although none of your surnames seem to match ours. Enjoyed my visit.

03/01/98 01:32:53
Name: Shell My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: MO, USA Surname search: MOIT & RANDOLPH Search location: MO, AR, TN
Search timeframe: 1930's, anytime

Great looking page.....had fun checking it out :-) Couldn't find any matches to my family. Looking for surname MOIT & RANDOLPH Take Care & GOD Bless!!!!!!! "My BOSS is a Jewish Carpenter" > Shell > :-)

02/18/98 02:59:24
Name: Sindi Short My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Metolius, Or.
Surname search: Phoebe, C.W., Lydig (Meyers)

Phoebe was my Grandmother. She died on 3- 25 1915. After she died, my Grandfather adopted my 2 Aunts, Rebecca Jane and Amanda Belle, to a man named Lawson Bryant on 4-17-1915 in Newport, Ar. Thank you, Sindi

02/12/98 10:48:19
Name: Jack My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Gettysburg,Pa
Surname search: Ditzler and Weik


Hello Georgia

Enjoyed reading about your family. Very well done on your page.
I like reading about peoples ancestors and what they may have found out.
Almost like reading a good mystery book.
Thanks for sharing and nice to meet you on the internet.

The Ditzler's

02/03/98 01:56:27
Name: Ivan My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Alaska


Georgia Whitney
September 26, 1998

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