Neuman / Newman Queries

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02/02/00 14:40:33
Name: Carol Wilson My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Canada
Surname search: Newman

My Grandmother was Myrtle Almeda Newman. She married John Munro Martin in 1905. Myrtle was from Bishopton Quebec, but her ancestors I was told were from the US, and were united empire loyalists. Apparently our Newman name stems from Germany. I know that Myrtle's parents were Frederick Newman, and Emmeline Clark. It may have been them, or their family that came from the US, not sure. I beleive the Newman's in my family line were from Lancaster New Hampshire. Haven't confirmed this yet. Any connection with other Newman's out there??

09/06/99 15:50:26
Name: Danie Neuman My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Canada
Surname search: Neuman

Ok, I know that My Great-Great Grandparents on my Grandfather's (Henry Neuman b.1918) side are Fredrick Neuman -who married- Cristina Fransky and they had my great grandfather: William Neuman and Charles Marquarot -who married- Martha Bloom and they had m Great grandmother Ernestine Marquarot. I also know that they are from Germany. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

03/05/99 15:37:20
Name: Cheryl Neuman My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?:Illinois


03/21/98 17:55:16
Name: Marsha Neuman Lawson My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Mississippi Surname search: Neuman Search location: Texas, Louisiana
Search timeframe: 1880-present Other searches: Davenport Other: Dowd

I have been doing some family research on the Neuman family. In surfing through yahoo I found you name as being a researcher also. I have very little information on this family except that somewhere in our family one of my grandfather's came from Germany Maybe there is some relation here.

Georgia Whitney
July 17, 1998

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