Ludvik Queries

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01/04/00 23:01:43
Name: Michael Ludvik My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Sydney, Australia
Surname search: Ludvik

Wow, a Ludvik genaeology. My grandparents came out from Hungary after WWII, and settled in Sydney Australia. I'm 23, and currently working and living in New York as an engineer. My extended family are still all primarily in Sydney, with one of the families living in Palo Alto (Cal fornia). I don't know what else to say...All you Ludviks out there, email me.

11/11/98 18:33:42
Name: Robert Ludvik Blumenblatt My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Czechoslovakia

My father was Otto Blumenblatt. I am contacting you from the New York Institute of Technology where I teach mathematics.

12/29/97 04:42:54
Name: Bryan Gerald Ludvik My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Hugo, MN/Ladysmith, WI Surname search: Ludvik Search location: WI,NE,CA,Chech
Search timeframe: 1900>

Hey, nice site, thanks for doing it! I'm a Ludvik, and I thought there were only a few of us left. I guess I've been vounteered to track my family history, so I've been relying heavily on the net. Found a few hits, but this is the first time your site urned up. My grandfather Ottocar Ludvik came from Czechoslovakia as a child, along with brother Boguslaw, who was eleven years old at the time (supposedly a family of 15 brothers!). The family settled in Wahoo, NE., not sure when. Grandpa Otto (Butch) as proprietor of "Butch's Bar" in Ladysmith, WI. Married Margaret McDonald, daughter of a Wisconsin logging camp cook, somehow tied in with LeBlanc family, possibly with Ojibway ancestry. I hope I can help your project, as it would certainly help mine

Georgia Whitney
July 17, 1998

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