Ellington Queries

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08/19/00 19:28:29
Name: Don Atwood My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Milton Kansas Surname search: Ellington Search location: Mo Tx Ark & anyplace
Search timeframe: 1860 and earlier Other searches: Oder

This is great as I have been at a loss on searching for Ellington and Oder.

08/15/00 14:00:38
Name: GR West My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Ga. Surname search: Ellington Search location: Athens/Clarke Co. Ga. area
Search timeframe: 1888-present Other searches: Silvanus G. West

My Grandfather`s SS application had his mother listed as Mahala Ellington and his Father listed as Silvanus G. West.My Grandfather Roscoe C. West was born in oglethorpe Co. Ga. June 5 1888.His Mother Mahala Ellington is said to be buried at oconee Hill ce etery at Athens Ga. I can find nothing on either of my Grandfather`s parents.any help will be appreciated.

08/05/00 23:57:32
Name: Hargis Gibbs My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Kentucky Surname search: Ellington Search location: Rown Co.Ky
Search timeframe: 1800s

My greatgrand father married Mary Ellington in possibly Rowan or Fleming Co. Ky I'am tring to research the family.

08/05/00 19:31:53
Name: Jean Frazier Freshour My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Tennessee Surname search: Byington Other searches: Freshour, Frazier, Ricker
Other: Julian, Whittle


08/03/00 00:49:58
Name: Sue Love My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Georgia
Surname search: Ellington

My mother is Wilma Jean Ellington Barnes Collins Warner. Her parents were William B. and Sarah Payton Ellington.

07/29/00 02:26:08
Name: Paul Ellington My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: SC Surname search: Ellington Search location: Va/Ky
Search timeframe: Any

My gg grandfather, William Booker Ellington,was born in Prince Edward Co. Va in 1821. He married Rebecca W. Yarbrough in March 1846 in Lunenburg Co. Va. He migrated to Ky. around 1855. I am looking for information about his parents. Any help would be ap reciated.

07/28/00 00:38:47
Name: Carlos Easley My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Texas Surname search: Ellington Search location: South Carolina
Search timeframe: prior to 1820 Other searches: Easley, Whitton

My gggrandmother, Emily Ellington married Wm Easley in 1836 in Talladega, AL. We believe The family came from South Carolina. Her mother, Bede, remarried William Caldwell. Emily had at least one brother, Dewie. I have some S. C. leads,

07/26/00 20:37:27
Name: Edith Ellington My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Arkansas Surname search: Ellington Search location: Virginia, Mississippi
Search timeframe: 1717 - present

I have information on the Ellington Family from John, Senior, 1717 in Prince Georges County, VA through John, Jr, David, Jeremiah (1737-1801), Leonard b. 1775; Pleasant, (1822-1864, died in Camp Chase Ohio); William (1852-1925); Guy (1882-1959); Philip (1919 -) and our children and grandchildren. If this is of any use to anyone, I'll be glad to share information.

07/21/00 17:53:34
Name: Donita Barkley My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Missouri Surname search: Barkley Search location: USA/Europe
Search timeframe: open Other searches: Greer, Harrod, Campbell, Lewis, Norris, Denney/Denny

Any contributions or tidbits appreciated. Will share my limited records.

07/21/00 06:34:18
Name: Doug Ellington My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: So. California area Surname search: Ellington Search location: Mainly Southern U.S.
Search timeframe: all

Me again..... Can't seem to stray too far from this wonderful site.... To recap, my dad is Owen Ronald Ellington.... His father was William R. Ellington (Roscoe), and HIS father was Moses Ellington..... Roscoe was married to Sophia Edna Huff, and they wer my grandparents... Moses was married to Gertrude (Gertie?), and they were my great-grandparents.... Any info you may have would be most helpful, as I keep running into walls doing this project for my personal hero... My dad

07/18/00 02:19:42
Name: Todd Ellington My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Indiana Surname search: Ellington Search location: KY
Search timeframe: 1800-present

Looking for information on My grandfather William George Ellington b.1887 d.1965 He was born near Farmers KY in Rowan Co. 1st wife was a Padgett. She died about 1907. He then married Lillie Mae Swim b.1884 d1933 in July, 1908. He fathered Iva Alice Elling on, 1909-1971. Joyce Myers Ellington b.1912 Carrie Jeanetta Ellington, 1913-1976. Lena Ellington, 1915-1988. Fred Clay Ellington (my father) 1917-1999. Delmar Leaka Ellington 1919-1920. Gene Ellington b.1921. William Harold Ellington, 1924-1993.

07/16/00 19:04:01
Name: Angela Ellington Evans My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: florida
Surname search: Ellington

My fathers name ia Richard Bennie Ellington;he and a younger brother are the last to carry on our name.I don't know much of our family before my father and I would like to find out where our name originates and from whom it descends.

07/15/00 03:11:35
Name: Shae Ellington My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Champaign, IL Surname search: Ellington Search location: GA
Search timeframe: 1850-1900

I am looking for info on William H. Ellington m. Laura Carnes(?)Child Richard Lee Ellington B.1890 in Murray Co. GA. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

07/09/00 05:15:15
Name: Amy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Henderson, NC Surname search: Ellington Search location: Henderson, NC
Search timeframe: 1900

I am just starting, this is my first time ever doing this. I went to a friend's family renioun and thought this would be wonderful for my family. Ellington is my Great grandfather's last name. His first name is Alvin. He was from Henderson, NC.

07/03/00 00:02:42
Name: Judy Ellington Lamperti My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: NKC, Mo. Surname search: Ellington Search location: VA, , KY., Mo.
Search timeframe: 1600 to 1900 Other searches: Naomi Cheek, Mo. and Carolyn Bartles

I am new at tracing but found web great resource and help. Descendant of following: Clinton Wm. Ellington b. 1914 Hainesville, Mo. sp. Nancy A. Wilson b. 1918 Dearborn, Mo. f. George Edward Ellington b. 1886 Ky. sp. Naomi Cheek f. Richardsen Bartles Ellington b. 1840? sp. Mattie B. Moore f. Thomas Jefferson Ellington b. 1810 KY sp. Carolyn Bartles b????? Here it becomes sketchy: i know from a written family history that my father gathered that there was a Pleasant Ellington and a David Ellington. I am not sure which came first but do know that David Ellington b. 1776 was in Va. and divorced a Marie Dupr y...he moved to Ky. where he was a college professor. I cannot figure out if there is a connection to John Ellington in VA. Georgia, I thought I had registered before on your heartland/plains site but don't find any information. I also had signed up for the newletter and have had no response to that. I do not know what disconnecting my 'signature' means. So that may be the problem. Please contact me at Lampertij@aol.com.....Thanks. Judith Ann Ellington Lamperti. Any help would be appreciated.

07/02/00 13:19:55
Name: Todd Ellington My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Indiana Surname search: Ellington Search location: Kentucky
Search timeframe: 1800-1950

Looking for the parents of William George Ellington, born 1887, Rowan Co, KY. Died 1965, Richmond IN

06/25/00 22:02:24
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Carrollton, TX
Surname search: Ellington


06/19/00 19:04:36
Name: Mary Davis My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: LAKE CITY, FL Surname search: ELLINGTON Search location: VA-KY-OHIO
Search timeframe: 1800-1900

I am looking for the children of Joel Ellington, (son of William Ellington and Mary Neal) who married Mary Webber 1802 in Prince Edward Co, VA.

06/19/00 02:41:35
Name: Ed Price My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: El Cajon, CA USA
Surname search: Allington

Looking for any records of Thomas Taylor Allington, b 1810 Bowling Green KY, d 25 Jan 1882 Florence Alabama, m Sarah A. E. Williams (d:1873, Florence Alabama), circa 1835 in Florence Alabama. Was Florence Alabama (state?) probate judge (1870) and Postmaster (12 Dec 1876 - 30 Jan 1879 or ? Mar 1882). Could find zero(!) references to him in local Florence newspaper. May have been ostracised due to participation in Federal military government dur ng Reconstruction? 1880 US Census lists a wife Margaret (Kyle?). Likely married in Florence, but can't find any marriage data. Any pointers greatly appreciated. Ed

06/14/00 04:00:54
Name: Joyce Ellington My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Oklahoma Surname search: Ellington Search location: Alabama & Mississippi
Search timeframe: 1800-1850

Trying to find a missing link....we know that Drury Alexander Ellington was born in 1813 in North Carolina....we find him in Alabama in the 1840's and 1850's ....then in Mississippi in the 1860's. We cannot find who his parents were....several of us are l oking so if you can help me please feel free to email me.......Thanks...by the way, we appreciate all the hard work that Georgia has done on this site.

06/10/00 06:54:51
Name: Doug Ellington My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: So. California Surname search: Ellington Search location: U.S.
Search timeframe: all

Me again..... Can't seem to stray too far from this wonderful site.... To recap, my dad is Owen Ronald Ellington.... His father was William R. Ellington (Roscoe), and HIS father was Moses Ellington..... Roscoe was married to Sophia Edna Huff, and they wer my grandparents... Moses was married to Gertrude (Gertie?), and they were my great-grandparents.... Any info you may have would be most helpful, as I keep running into walls doing this project for my personal hero... My dad

06/09/00 18:13:56
Name: Christina Kangas My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Clearlake
Surname search: Ellington, Mark Search location: Florida

Looking for my dad or any part of his family, my mother's name is Barbara Kangas.

06/08/00 03:00:36
Name: karen ellen wood My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: florida Surname search: gibson/ellington Search location: virginia/georgia
Search timeframe: 1759-1850 Other searches: wood/power


06/01/00 13:08:33
Name: Jamie Gildemeister My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: DeKalb IL
Surname search: Ellington

This is a Wonderful site. My Great-grandfater was James Robert Ellington from Magazine AR son of Thomas Nathan.

06/01/00 07:28:01
Name: Gloria Ellington Poletis My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Virginia Surname search: Ellington Search location: Shelby County Texas or Texas in general. There is an Ellington Air Forch Base there
Search timeframe: 1700-1900

My Father, Herman Esterbrook Ellington was born in east Texas 1887. His Father was Milton Ellington married to Mary Moore. Any information from that area would be greatly appreciated.

05/08/00 01:48:39
Name: Alice Mason My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Cookeville, TN Surname search: ELLINGTON, HIGHTOWER Search location: Laurens Co. GA
Search timeframe: 1800-1835 Other searches: Mason, McKethan, Crutchfield, Hicks and more

I'm looking for any information on John T. Ellington who married Mary Elizabeth HIGHTOWER, and died leaving daughter Mary Ann Frances Ellington. His widow later married James HICKS, who became guardian of the daughter. There is a Laurens Co. GA legal re ord dated July 22, 1844 which mentions "James Hicks in his role as guardian of Mary Ann F. Ellington, one of the distributees of the estate of the deceased Simeon Ellington." How was John T. Ellington related to Simeon? Was this the same Simeon Ellingto whose widow Elizabeth is mentioned in an 1838 Laurens Co. legal record? The same Simeon Ellington whose estate had a dispute over the ownership of a slave with the estate of John T. Ellington in 1836? Any help would be greatk appreciated.

05/06/00 07:25:52
Name: Debby Comer My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: California Surname search: Ellington Search location: TX,KY,GA
Search timeframe: 1800-1900 Other searches: Jenkins/Comer

William and Martha Ellington moved to Texas before 1850. The 1870 Bosque Co, TX census lists William as 66 from KY, wife Martha 44 from VA. In the 1880 Bosque Co, TX census William is listed as 81 from GA and Martha is 50 from VA. The children on the 1 80 census are the same as the younger children on the 1880 census...so I'm confused. I don't know if William is from GA or from KY or if he was born in 1799 or in 1804. I do know that Iva Ellington married Lemuel P Jenkins in Bosque Co, TX in 1881 and t at she is listed with William & Martha in the 1880 census. I would appreciate any help I can get. Thanks

05/06/00 03:00:12
Name: Joan counts My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Tuscumbia Al Surname search: Ellington Search location: Early Co. GA1779
Search timeframe: 1779-1800 w

I would like to know the Father of of my great great great greatgrandfather Enoch Ellington

04/21/00 07:43:04
Name: Doug Ellington My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: So. Calif now///Was born in Memphis, TN Surname search: ELLINGTON Search location: USA
Search timeframe: all

Hi, Me again! I visit this wonderful site every month or so... Still seeking histories for William R Ellington (who went by the name of Roscoe)and Sophia Edna Huff, who was his wife.....They were my grandparents and resided in Missouri....Also any inform tion on hi father, Moses, would certainly help in my quest.... Thanks!

04/19/00 22:20:04
Name: Virgil P Holden My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Summerdale, AL Surname search: Ellington Search location: Texas
Search timeframe: abt 1867 Other searches: Belk, Gregory

George E Ellington b abt 1867 (according to pension app) supposed to have run off form an orphanage near Waco TX around the age of 10 and lived on the farm of Joseph Thomas Gregory. ended up marrying his daughter Gertrude Thomas Gregory No other info other than a death date Aug 23, 1933 Abilene TX (no info on death cert) All replies answered

04/08/00 03:40:06
Name: Judith Ellington Lamperti My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: N. K.C.Clay Cty., Mo. Surname search: Ellington Search location: NW Mo., Ky., Va.
Search timeframe: before 1900's

Late 1700's David Ellington college professor in Ky. unsure b. 1764. Va. Pleasant Ellington b. 1787 in Va. m.Mary Holland in Greenup Cty. City?) Ky. Thomas Jefferson Ellington b. 1812 in Ky. m Carolyn Bartlettb.1820 in Ohio. married in Greenup, Co. Ky. both died in Ridgely,Platte Cty., Mo. TJE and CB had son: Richardson Bartlett Ellington b.1840 Paradize,Clay Cty.,Mo. m Mattie B. Moore. RBE had son George Edward Ellingtonb.1872 in Clay County, Missouri m. Naomi Ellen Cheek in Mo. 1899. GEE had a younger brother named John. GEE and Naomi had 9 children, twins died almost at birth. Others: Morley, Wilbert, Clinton, Glenn, Ollis, L.V.Pearl, Thelma. Clinton is my father. Twins run thru this line of Ellingtons. Clinton Ellington (1914) married Nancy A. Wilson (1918) in 1940. Twin daughters born to them were my sister: Janet and myself, Judith. If you have any links, please write me at the above email. Thanks. Judy As to the site, I have only been able to read the messages section and hope to access the actual site a/s/a/p Looking forward to answers.

Georgia Whitney
October 4, 2000

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