Ellington Queries

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03/20/00 00:19:04
Name: Pat Herron My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Indiana Surname search: Ellington, Search location: NC,VA,TN,
Search timeframe: 1700 to present Other searches: Rudd/ Giles/Amonettes

This site is great. Doing research for a friend. Would love to find some of her family.Looking for info on Waddill Carter Ellington, Henery B. Ellington, Barrington Harrison Ellington( b.5-18-1873, d. 3-24-1943 marr. to Mary Love Davis), and John Flemming Ellington.Probably in the Raleigh NC or Richmond VA areas. Any info would be appreciated.

03/19/00 07:55:53
Name: Doug Ellington My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Southern California Surname search: Ellington Search location: United States
Search timeframe: all

Hi, I visit this wonderful site every month or so... Still seeking histories for William R Ellington (who went by the name of Roscoe)and Sophia Edna Huff, who was his wife.....They were my grandparents and resided in Missouri....Also any information on hi father, Moses, would certainly help in my quest.... Thanks!

02/22/00 05:27:34
Name: Michelle Singleton My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: TN Surname search: Ellington/Daws
Search location: TN Search timeframe: 1800/present


02/20/00 20:03:27
Name: Amy Ellington Schaller My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: NC Surname search: Ellington Search location: NC and VA
Search timeframe: unkonwn Other searches: Parson, Parker, or Beasley

Please Help? I am currently unable to find much information on my father's side of the family. My grandfather was William Edward Ellington (born November 16, 1921 and died December 25, 1993) possibly from Alexandria, Virginia area. He had a brother named Clyde L. El ington, Jr. (all I have on him is a name). Their father was Clyde L. Ellington, Sr. Does anyone recognize these names?

02/12/00 21:54:04
Name: Sharron Carroll My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Texas
Surname search: Ellington Search timeframe: prior to 1856

Great website! I am looking for the father of Andrew Middleton Ellington. "Mid" Ellington was born in Texas, in 1856. His mother was Sarah Frances Winn.He was married two times, Nancy Porter Winn and Martha Louisa Winn. Any information would be appreci ted.

02/10/00 17:52:04
Name: Bill Greene My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Melbourne, FL
Surname search: Ellington

Married an Ellington some 42 years ago. Cousins from Madison Co., TN. Just wanted to comment on what an outstanding site this is. Still have much review to do but am really impressed. Sets a standard.

02/10/00 17:02:14
Name: Sherri Ellinghaus My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Baltimore,MD 21234 Surname search: Elling Search location: ??
Search timeframe: ?? Other searches: none

I'm just trying to trace back our last name to find the origin Thanks

02/08/00 06:54:58
Name: Gary Clifton My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: California Surname search: Ellington, Brock, Powell Search location: KY, OH, IN
Search timeframe: 1800-1900

I am gggrandson of Nancy Ellington, d. of Jonathan Ellington, s. of Johanthan Jacob Ellington (see Ellington line this site). Nancy's (b. 1798, actually 1803 in KY)middle name was Brock, but nearest Brock is husband of her sister Elizabeth,who married ye rs after Nancy's birth. Thus,there is an earlier Brock connection in family--any clues out there?. Nancy married Thomas Warburton Powell in 1816 (not 1818) in OH. I have complete line of their descendants for whomever is interested. The family migrate to Indiana about 1832 from Ohio. From 1842 to 1846 they were in Bardstown, KY., then back to IN. The Powells are a very large family and are spread all over central and northern IN.

02/06/00 19:39:41
Name: Doug Ellington My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: So. Calif. Originally from Memphis,TN Surname search: Ellington Search location: U.S.
Search timeframe: all

Hi, I visit this wonderful site every month or so... Still seeking histories for William R Ellington (who went by the name of Roscoe)and Sophia Edna Huff, who was his wife.....They were my grandparents and resided in Missouri....Also any information on his father, Moses, would certainly help in my quest.... Thanks!

01/27/00 19:10:29
Name: Don Hoover My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Rockingham Co, NC Surname search: Ellington Search location: Rockingham Co, NC
Search timeframe: 1800 to now

I am interested in Daniel Ellington of Rockingham Co, NC and all of his descendents. I come down from John first son to Elisha to Elizabeth who md George Carter.

01/25/00 07:51:49
Name: Joyce Ellington My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Eucha, OK
Surname search: Ellington Search location: Mississippi/NC

I was first introduced to your site through Calvin and Betty Ellington and it has helped a great deal. Thanks for the good work.....

01/19/00 23:45:54
Name: Carol Palmer My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Deford, Michigan Surname search: Ellington Search location: VA/NC
Search timeframe: prior to 1839 Other searches: Kearney,Hunt,Holden,Weldon

Think we had a brief e-mail encounter @ one time. Can't seem to verify the connection between Charles Ellington and Meredith Ellington(Franklin Co., N.C.), or be certain of the line that Meredith comes from. Any input from anywhere would be appreciated. G ad to share any info that I have.

01/17/00 07:13:14
Name: Doug Ellington My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Los Angeles area Surname search: Ellington Search location: Mainly southern states
Search timeframe: 1800's to present Other searches: Huff

Still seeking histories for William R Ellington (who went by the name of Roscoe)and Sophia Edna Huff, who was his wife.....They were my grandparents and resided in Missouri....Also any information on his father, Moses, would certainly help in my quest.... Thanks!

01/17/00 05:34:10
Name: Charlotte Willams Jeffers My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Arkadelphia, AR Surname search: Ellington, Baucom, Williams Search location: Union Co., NC
Search timeframe: 1750-1850

Looking for the parents of the Sarah "Sallie" Baucom b. abt. 1813 who married Fleet Williams in abt. 1836. She is reported by some to have been the daughter of Lewis and Lucy Ellington Baucom. I need data to prove this connection. There is already firm data to confirm her marriage to Fleet Williams. They lived in the area of Monroe, Union Co., NC. Fleet died in 1842, leaving Sallie with four small children which she raised without remarrying. She died in 1875. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm always happy to share data with any interested parties.

01/16/00 05:28:06
Name: Debra Jones Holdren My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Valparaiso, IN
Surname search: Ellington/Jones

I am the great-great granddaughter of Louisiana Elllington Jones. I am researching any cherokee Indian or General Robert E. Lee connections.

01/16/00 04:24:05
Name: Melinda Pennington My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Oklahoma Surname search: ELLINGTON Search location: MORGAN CO., KY
Search timeframe: 1800 - 1900

I'm searching all ELLINGTON's in Morgan Co., KY. I don't have much information on our line and need help. If someone will share their Morgan Co., KY Ellington research with me, I'll share my 1850 Morgan Co., KY Census records. I just don't know how all these Ellington's fit together but I know they are related. Thanks for your help. Melinda Pennington, mgpenning@aol.com

01/14/00 18:13:45
Name: Pat Herron My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Richmond,In Surname search: Ellington Search location: Virginia,NC
Other searches: Rudd,Giles,Amonette,Almarode

Am doing research for Friend. We are searching for ancestors of her father John Flemming Ellington, b1/26/1908 d .12/1984. We have names of his father Barrington Harrison Ellington b5 18 1873 , d 3'24'43, m.Mary Love Davis b8-25-1873 or 1876 d Jul 1931 Barrington's father was Henery B. Ellington and mother was Mary B Harrison Henery's Father was Waudill Carter Ellington and mother wasMartha L. Moore These folks were from the Raleigh, North Carolina area. Also attemptong to locate information on the family of John Flemming Ellington's wife, Cathern Douglas Rudd ( Later spelling of first name was Catherine) b.8-1-1913 d 8 48 1980 in Roanoke VA: Her father Hudson Ragland Rudd b/11/1/1887 d.Jul 4 1973 Richmond VA and his wife Ethel Clarabell Giles b.10-13-1885 d.4-21-1978 Richmond VA: Hudson's Parents Albert Anthony Rudd b Jan1861 in Powhatan Co VA/ Clara Douglas White b Sep 1860 Petersburg VA d Oct 1950 Albert Anthony Rudd's parents Frederick Rudd and Judith Ann Amonette. Frederick's father James Rudd, grandfather John Rudd Judith Ann Amonette's parents were James Amonette and Nancy Kerr Toler Ethel Clarabell Giles parents Edward Alexandra Giles, b Jul 8 1843 or 1848 inNelson Co VA d.3-9- 1917 in Hopewell VA m Susannah Cathern Almarode b.7-28-1845 or 1847 in Middlebrook VA d.either Feb 1934 or 1-7-1935 Susannah Cathern Almarode's parents John Almarode and Sarah Bosserman. Any connections to anyone's lines, get in touch with me at Pherro1127@aol.com

01/02/00 21:30:40
Name: Rita Ellington Dickinson My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Fort Valley, GA Surname search: Ellington Search location: Upson Co., GA
Search timeframe: earlier-1830

Searching the Andrew Willerby aka A W aka Awillaba Ellington. Want verification of supposed connection as son of Josiah Ellington.

01/02/00 21:19:18
Name: Charlie Ellington My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Texas Surname search: Ellington Search location: USA
Search timeframe: l700 -l900


01/02/00 20:46:56
Name: Rita Ellington Dickinson My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Fort Valley, GA Surname search: Ellington Search location: Upson Co., GA
Search timeframe: earlier-1830


01/01/00 15:49:02
Name: Susan Ellington Wheless My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Franklin Cty, NC
Surname search: Ellington Other searches: Kearney, Weldon, Holden

I would like to hear from anyone with any information on the Ellington family in NC and/or VA.

01/01/00 01:38:01
Name: Carol Palmer My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Michigan Surname search: Ellington Search location: NC/VA
Search timeframe: 1600's-mid 1800's Other searches: kearney Other: weldon

I can definitely trace our family back to Meredith Ellington, but with all the John's, Wm.'s, and Daniels life gets complicated at that point. My grandfather was Joseph Ellington of Franklin Co., N.C. He was the great grand son of Meredith. Any help would be appreciated!!!!!

12/19/99 00:03:02
Name: Barbara Diane Ingebretsen ne Ellington My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Dallas,TX
Surname search: Ellington

My mother worked on our family tree when I was younger and it has since been taken over by my older brother Roy Patrick Ellington of Las Vegas, NV. My father Roy G. Ellington was born in Magazine AR, and is buried in the family Cemetary there along with 7 or 8 generations of Ellingtons. My brother had told me of this website but this is my first visit. Gee there are more of us than I ever imagined! Happy Holidays to all!

12/15/99 23:12:38
Name: fay hoodock My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: MD Surname search: Ellington French,Harrison, Burke, Hudson Search location: Rockingham. Forsyth Co NC
Search timeframe: 1858-1912

I am trying to convince my new brother in law that I'm a good researcher, but his Ellington has me stopped. We need parents of Daniel R. Ellington, b. 1858 Rockingham Co NC m. Mary Jane French b. 1864-5 Rockingham Co Their son William D. Ellington b. Leak ville 1887 m. eatrice Harrison. Help appreciated.

12/10/99 13:48:53
Name: Michael Packard My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Mississippi
Surname search: Ellington Search location: TN, AL, MS Search timeframe: 1820s-1880s
Other searches: Campbell, Carnes, Mabry, McMillan, Robrets

Looking for more information on John Ellington, his wife and ancestors. Thanks! Descendants of John ELLINGTON Generation No. 1 1. JOHN ELLINGTON was born in ?, Mississippi. He married MARY CAMPBELL?. She was born in ?, Mississippi. Child of JOHN ELLINGTON and MARY CAMPBELL? is: 2. i. SARAH ANN MATILDA ELLINGTON, b. 2 September 1862, AL; d. 20 February 1927, Thomastown, Leake, MS. Generation No. 2 2. SARAH ANN MATILDA ELLINGTON (JOHN) was born 2 September 1862 in AL, and died 20 February 1927 in Thomastown, Leake, MS. She married JAMES GRIFFIN CARNES 1878, son of ELISHA CARNES and MARTHA MABRY. He was born 10 January 1860 in Attala, MS, and died 12 June 1924. Children of SARAH ELLINGTON and JAMES CARNES are: i. CHARLES LEONIDAS LONNIE CARNES, b. 1879, A, Attala, Mississippi/ USA; d. 4 December 1964; m. (1) BEULAH WATTS; m. (2) VERA NOWELL; m. (3) NANCY E. SHUTTLEWORTH, 11 September 1898, Attala, Mississippi/ USA; b. 1872; d. 1923. ii. IDA CARNES, b. 20 April 1880, MS; d. 16 January 1949; m. CICERO FRANKLIN BURRELL, 15 November 1898, Attala, Mississippi/ USA; b. 26 December 1877; d. 13 February 1963. iii. LENNIE CARNES, b. 27 September 1881, MS; d. 23 January 1938, Attala, Mississippi/ USA; m. LEVI MASON CALDWELL, 15 November 1898, Attala, Mississippi/ USA. iv. MARY CARNES, b. 1 October 1883, Sallis, Attala, MS; d. 31 July 1963. v. PARLEY CARNES, b. August 1884, MS; d. Abt. 1902, MS. vi. LURA CARNES, b. 3 October 1887, MS; d. 4 October 1972, Leake, MS/ USA; m. JESSIE VERNON NORWOOD. vii. WILLIE SHULER CARNES, b. 18 September 1889, MS; d. 30 October 1897, MS. viii. WALTER RUFUS CARNES, b. September 1890, Sallis, Attala, MS; d. 1948. ix. ELISHA FRED CARNES, b. 19 December 1893, Sallis, Attala, MS; d. 28 July 1971, Kosciusko, Attala, MS. x. JOHN CARLTON CARNES, b. 13 May 1896, MS; d. 4 May 1990. xi. EUNICE CARNES, b. 3 October 1898, MS; d. 2 September 1899, MS.

11/30/99 03:39:25
Name: Melinda Pennington My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: St. Louis, MO Surname search: ELLINGTON Search location: Morgan Co., KY
Search timeframe: 1819-1875 Other searches: ARMITAGE

We are researching the Ellington surname in Morgan Co., KY. Mary Ellington born abt 1819 in KY married John E. Armitage September 26, 1833 in Morgan Co., KY. They had 6 children, John and Mary must have divorced, she stayed in KY with youngest child Isabelle Armitage and John moved to MO with the other children. Here are some other Morgan Co., KY Ellington's that I have found but it is unknown if they are related to our Mary: Source: Donna Powell 1850 Morgan Co., KY Census Benjamin Ellington, age 33 (est. born 1817) Elizabeth Ellington, age 20 John Ellington, age 8 1/2 Margarett Cups, age 2 VIRGINIA FAMILIES, p685, there is listed a David Ellington born Oct. 29, 1763 in Maryland; enlisted in Montgomery Co., Va., Sept. 5, 1782, discharged Dec. 5, 1782, enlisted in Sullivan Co., NC, Dec. 1782, discharged May 1783, pensioner, died in Morgan Co. Ky. 4/12/1855. Jonathan Jacob Ellington line from Hampshire Co., VA (later West VA) who was the fathers of David Ellington and Dorothy of Morgan Co. KY.

11/12/99 15:43:39
Name: George R. West My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Athens,Ga. Surname search: Ellington Search location: Clarke Co./Athens,Ga.
Search timeframe: 1850-1950 Other searches: Silvanus G. West

Mahala Ellington was my GGrandmother.It is said that she is buried at Oconee hills cemetery at Athens,Ga.Her husband was Silvanus West.My Grandfather was Roscoe C. West born 1888 died 1972.I need help in finding Mahala and Silvanus.I have no dates .

11/06/99 21:17:51
Name: Brian Hedrick My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: New Mexico Surname search: Ellington, Dorris Search location: GA, SC
Search timeframe: all

I am searching for information on my maternal grandfather's line. He is Roy Webster Ellington, born to Richard Lee Ellington and Mamie Dorris. He had a brother Jewel, who died in 1993 and had apparently amassed a fairly large genealogy of the Ellingtons. We cannot find what happened to this information. Both brothers were born in Roswell, GA I believe, and Jewel's last residence was Stone Mounta n, GA. I remember hearing about big family reunions that my grandfather would return to GA for, but we seem to have lost contact with that part of the family. Many in the family almost certainly still live in the Atlanta area. If you think you may have any information that might help in my research it would be greatly appreciated. Brian Hedrick bhedrick@compuserve.com

Georgia Whitney
January 22, 2000

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