10/26/99 18:40:54
Name: Mike U. Ellington | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: San Angelo, Texas | Surname search: Ellington | Search location: Va, Ms |
Search timeframe: 1700-1800's |
I understand that my ggg and his brother were tobacco farmers in Virginia. My gg moved to Mississippi where my grand father Luther William Ellington was born. Following the civil war, he along with two brothers and a sister moved to Hillsboro, TX. My fath
r Alvin william Ellington was born in Hillsboro Oct 1, 1907. Information on the Virginia family would be appreciated.
10/25/99 18:23:15
Name: Ben Ellington | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Concord, NC | Surname search: Ellington | Search location: NC |
Search timeframe: 1900 |
Does anyone have any information on Thomas Mortimer Ellington, probably born around 1900-1910 in the vicinity of Henderson, NC? Thanks in advance for any responses!
10/25/99 16:16:45
Name: Sandra Ellington-Freeman | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Arizona | Surname search: ELLINGTON | Search location: VA/TN/ARK |
Search timeframe: 1800'S |
Looking for descendants of the WILLIAM ELLINGTON who settled in Montegomery county, Arkansas about 1832.
William had 5 sons, Jeremiah, Nathan, William, John and George.
I believe that I am a descendant of Jeremiah.
Any info on this line would be appreciated.
10/24/99 07:24:11
Name: Doug Ellington | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: Los Angeles area |
Surname search: Ellington |
Moses Ellington was my great grandfather.... His son was William R (Roscoe) Ellington...My grandfather.... I don't know much, other than I have connected with someone who's grandfather is Henry Ellington, brother of Roscoe....Anybody that knows anything a
ong this bloodline, please feel free to contact me! Thanks, Doug Ellington
10/18/99 22:00:42
Name: Llewellyn Thomas IV (Lew) | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: Pittsburgh |
Surname search: Ellington |
I am a decendent of Jonathon Jacob Ellington. I am looking for information on all of the Ellingtons in my line.
10/13/99 18:19:08
Name: Melinda Pennington | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: St. Louis, MO | Surname search: Ellington | Search location: Bath & Morgan Co., KY |
Search timeframe: 1800 - 1900 | Other searches: Armitage |
We are trying to locate the parentage of Mary ELLINGTON born abt 1819 in KY. She married John E. Armitage on September 26, 1833 in Morgan Co., KY.
I found the following Ellington's in Morgan Co., KY but don't know if they are related to our Mary:1850 Morgan Co., KY Census
Benjamin Ellington, age 33 (est. born 1817)
Elizabeth Ellington, age 20
John Ellington, age 8 1/2
Margarett Cups, age 2
Other sources for Morgan Co., KY:
VIRGINIA FAMILIES, p685, there is listed a David Ellington born Oct. 29, 1763 in Maryland; enlisted in Montgomery Co., Va., Sept. 5, 1782, discharged Dec. 5, 1782, enlisted in Sullivan Co., NC, Dec. 1782, discharged May 1783, pensioner, died in Morgan Co.
Ky. 4/12/1855.
Jonathan Jacob Ellington line from Hampshire Co., VA (later West VA) who was the fathers of David Ellington and Dorothy of Morgan Co. KY.
Our Mary ELLINGTON was divorced or left by her husband John ARMITAGE. He moved on to Moniteau Co., MO with all the children except for the youngest child, Isabelle Armitage who was born abt 1853 in Morgan Co., KY. In October 30, 1853, he sold some land i
Bath and Morgan Co., KY to Alvin M. ELLINGTON of Bath Co., KY. I don't know if there is any relation to our Mary.
Mary (Ellington) Armitage is listed in the 1860 Census for Morgan Co., KY living alone with daughter Isabelle. In 1870, she is listed in the Census for Morgan Co., KY also. Mary could not read or write.
Melinda Pennington mgpenning@aol.com
10/13/99 08:02:11
Name: Laura E. Beeman | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: New Mexico | Surname search: Ellington | Search location: Arkansas |
Search timeframe: 1840 to Present | Other searches: Casey, Bottom, Lewis |
You have a great site for the Ellington family. I am the granddaugher of Laura Luretha Ellington, daughter of William Campbell Ellington and Mary Elizabeth Casey. William was the son of Thomas Nathan Ellington. I have corrections that need to be made
or this family. How do I send them to you.
10/13/99 03:27:42
Name: B. Tomkiel | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Florida | Surname search: Ellington/Mcdaniel | Search location: Ga?Walker Co./Tn/Chatanooga area |
Search timeframe: 1895 to 1910 |
I have no information on my grandparents other than his name is Charlie C Ellington and hers was Lena Powers McDaniel they married in Walker Co Ga in 1905. He was from Chatanooga area. She is from Ga. Appreciate any info on them. I am new to searching and
haven't located very much. Thanks.
10/12/99 14:03:06
Name: Jody Ellington Paulk | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Gaston Co. NC | Surname search: Ellington/Paulk | Search location: NC |
Search timeframe: 1900's and before | Other searches: Howard, McIntyre, McKenzie, etc. |
Help!!! (GRIN)
10/12/99 02:04:49
Name: Dand |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I was very pleased to run across a picture of my ancestors castle (Allington Castle at Maid Stone
England). My family have been able to trace our line back to the Brotherinlaw of William The Conquer who was an ancestor of Sir Thomas Wyatt The Older.
Any futher imformation that would help me to dig deeper would be appreciated.
I also know that my Grandfather had the opportunity to claim Allington Castle during the Great Depression of the 30's but it was probably for back taxes and at that time few people had any money for such ventures.
We hold a family reunion every 2 years in Missouri if anyone would be interested they could contact me.
10/04/99 20:01:07
Name: jayne allington | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: uk |
10/04/99 19:20:44
Name: Marjorie Sanchez | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Salt Lake City, Utah | Surname search: Ellington/Gibson | Search location: Virginia |
Search timeframe: 1720 |
Need to know the connect of the Ellington, Lockett and Gibsons
10/02/99 16:35:15
Name: George R. West | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Athens,Ga. | Surname search: West | Search location: Oglethorpe,Wilkes,Clarke & Madison Co. Ga. |
Search timeframe: 1800 Up | Other searches: Ellington.Mahala of same area. |
My Grandfather Roscoe Conkling West was born 5 June 1888.He was decended from Silvaniah Gibson West and Mahala Ellington.Need info on his parents.any help at all will be appreciated.
10/02/99 16:11:30
Name: George R. West | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Ga. | Surname search: Ellington | Search location: Oglethorpe,Clarke Co. Ga. |
Other searches: West |
My GGrandmother was Mahala Ellington(maiden name) She was married to Silvaniah Gibson West.My Grandfather was Roscoe C. West decended from the above.He had A sister named Edna & A brother named Lewis.I need information on Mahala & Silvaniah.Thanks. George
R. West
09/19/99 19:43:27
Name: John P. Ellington | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Fulton Co. Georgia | Surname search: Ellington | Search location: Georgia |
Search timeframe: Pre 1880 |
I am the son of Huey Ellington who is the son of John Corbin Ellington, who was the son of John Peter Ellington who was the son of W.P. (William Peter?) Ellington - all from Roswell, Georgia area. Any help from anyone out there would be great!
09/15/99 19:00:43
Name: Helen Pate Ross |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Just dropped in to see how it is going. Everyone likes your web My book is slowly getting finished. I am on page 535 in my indexing. I have 44 orders for it. Hope to get it in by Nov. After it gets to the printer sometimes he is slow ( I think) in getting
them done.Helen
09/15/99 18:45:05
Name: Pat Ellington | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: Conyers, GA |
Surname search: Ellington, John Robin |
09/11/99 22:10:59
Name: Doug Ellington | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Los Angles, Calif | Surname search: Ellington/Huff | Search location: All |
Search timeframe: All |
My grandfather was Roscoe Ellington (William R>??), who was married to Sophia Edna Huff. Roscoe was the son of Mose (or Moses) Ellington. Sophia was the daughter of Hampton Huff & Susie B Campbell....There is supposed to be some sort of Jesse James' Sist
r connection, as I am told that Mose Ellington was born to her and a John Ellington. I am also told that there is a relationship between my grandmother (Sophia Edna Huff) and the gang, the Younger Bros. Presumably, Steve Huff married Magnie Brown...They
ad son, Hampton Huff. Meanwhile Ellis Campbell married Narcis Younger who is the sister of Cole, Jim, Bob and John Younger. Narcis had a daughter, Susie B Campbell, who married Hampton Huff.. Their children were Hattie, Carl, Rosie B., Minnie and Sophia (
y grandmother)
09/10/99 01:02:16
Name: Darlene Hinton | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Seattle | Surname search: Hood married Sally Ellington | Search location: Wake/Johnston Co., NC |
Search timeframe: 1800's |
A super job! Would you please e-mail me. I do have a liitle information and am hoping you may have knowledge of children of Charles A. Hood and Elizabeth Ellington Actually Elizabeth died and he married her sister Sally. Thanks Darlene
09/05/99 21:32:18
Name: Jimmy (Momajim) Ellington Eddings | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Alabama | Surname search: Ellington | Search location: Georgia & Alabama |
Search timeframe: late 1700's forward | Other searches: Arnett, Eason, & Stewart |
Happy Birthday! I visit this site very often and enjoy it every time. Thanks for your work. One day I hope to connect with another from our line (William Archibald, Marion Lafayette, Andrew Archibald).
09/02/99 04:59:34
Name: Joan Vaughn Lewis | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Lexington, Ky. | Surname search: Ellington/Waldron Connection | Search location: Va. |
Other searches: Overfelt |
I e-mailed you earlier re: info of Lucy Ellington or Ellinton and Benjamin Waldron"s daughter, Catherine. Thanks, Joan
08/22/99 14:59:36
Name: Roberta Dawson | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: NC | Surname search: ELLINGTON | Search location: VA, TN, GA |
Search timeframe: 1775-1850 | Other searches: LEMARR, BORUFF |
David Ellington (1742-1820) in his will written 1812, Wilkes Co. GA, says that property is "to be divided equally among all my children except JOHN HENDRICK, DANIEL DUPREE, JOHN BIGGARS, and WILLIAM ELLINGTON, who have each of them already received the am
unt of four hundred dollars" and that after the others have received a like amount, they and the others are to share equally. Hendrick is husband of Lucy Ellington and Dupree, husband of Sarah/Sally Ellington. WHO IS JOHN BIGGARS???? IS THIS WHERE THE "
Wilkes Co. Returns 1825-29, 418: No. 13 is to Lewis Lay, agent for JOHN ELLINGTON $200, and No. 14 is to JOHN BIGARS (amount illegible, but 3-digits).
Is John Bigars husband of David's daughter, Martha, who earlier researchers say married Amos Watson,and later research show to be daughter of David M. Ellington whose pension application in 1834 names as daughter Mrs. Martha Watson, wife of Amos Watson?
08/19/99 13:41:15
Name: calvin ellington | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: GA | Surname search: Ellington | Search location: USA |
Search timeframe: 1800 up |
Am trying to find parents of Drury Alexander Ellington, born in North Carolina, Aug.19, 1813. Drury was in AL and married twice there, but was in MS by 1855. Have no clues on who parents were.
08/04/99 21:14:34
Name: S. Payne | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Florida | Surname search: El(l)vington | Search location: TN, SC, NC |
Search timeframe: early 1800's | Other searches: Batchelor, Payne, Shirk | Other: Crawford, McDowell |
Ann El(l)vington born 23 March 1808. Where - TN. NC. SC. Ann married Caswell Batchelor before 1826, place unknown. First two children born in TN. 3rd-& 4th child born in MO. After that family moved to Indiana. Ann died 20 Feb. 1886 in Wayne County,
N. I'm hoping that the El(l)vington name might be a derivative of the Ellington name.
08/03/99 06:22:13
Name: Douglas Ellington | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: Memphis, Tennessee |
Surname search: Ellington |
My father is Owen Ronald Ellington, son of Roscoe Ellington, all from the Springfield or Kansas City, Missouri area
07/30/99 21:28:45
Name: Janet Ellington Beasrd | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Fredericksburg,Va, | Surname search: Ellington | Search location: Virginia |
Search timeframe: late 1800's |
Hi everyone! I'm just beginning to research for our family. My family is from the Faulkier and Stafford County area of Virginia. The Ellingtons in our family had a unique practice of naming their sons after their fathers--James Howard Ellington, then J
mes Matthew Ellington and the cycle continues the same. My grandfather,James Matthew Ellington married Cora Hefflin in the early 1900's. I'm looking for information about my great grandparents-James Howard Ellinton and???
My great grandmother was a Pamunkey Indian. I'm looking not only to find out about our Ellington roots, but also learn may great grandmother's name. Any help would be appreciated. I'ld like to meet new relatives too! Thanks, Janet
07/29/99 02:30:27
Name: wt motley | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Alexandria, VA | Surname search: Motley | Search location: VA, NC |
Search timeframe: 1700s-1800s |
Found your excellent site from researching Martha
Ellington Motley of Pittsylvania County. My family is from Mocksville, NC about 120 miles from Pittsylvania County, VA. Family members reported losing contact with relatives in Pittsylvania County back in the 1920s. I am looking for the link. Oldest relia
ly documented NC relative is Horatio Motley, 1797-1883, wife Nancy, 1803-1878.
Any info on Davie County Motleys greatly appreciated.
07/29/99 00:19:08
Name: Roberta Dawson | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Cullowhee, NC | Surname search: Ellington | Search location: NY, VA, TN, AR |
Search timeframe: 1600's to present | Other searches: LeMarr, Ellison |
I am a descendent of David Ellington, d Wilkes Co., GA >John Ellington > Nathan > Nathan Mitchell > Mary Elizabeth "Lizzie" Ellington Kyle.
Also would like any Ellington/Ellison information from NY, and proof that John Ellington m Martha Lemarr, and any information on Martha Lemarr. What are sources for information?
I have seen John's name as John B. and John Buchanan Ellington. Does any one have source for this?
Also, another website asked for information about 17th century Ship Captains listed in Library of VA Colonial Records Section: William Ellington, ship Grace 1640; John, Hopewell, 1671, Sarah 1674, Mary Ann 1674, 1675, 1676. Does anyone know about them?<
07/29/99 00:08:45
Name: Roberta Dawson | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Cullowhee, NC | Surname search: Ellington | Search location: NY, VA, TN, AR |
Search timeframe: 1600's to present | Other searches: LeMarr, Ellison |
07/28/99 13:30:46
Name: Deborah Isaza | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Florida | Surname search: Ellington | Search location: Georgie |
Search timeframe: 1850's |
My gg gm was Rachel Ellington, born GA in the 1850's. She married John "Dock" Arnold in Wilkes Co., GA. She was said to have been orphaned and raised by her brother Bud Ellingon. Her Bible says she had a brother "Jeames" (James?)
She was badly afflicted with skin cancer. Most grateful for a lead.