07/24/99 02:52:25
Name: Bill Fairchild My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Ohio
Surname search: Ellington


07/23/99 02:51:57
Name: daniel ellington My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: tx Surname search: ellington Search location: usa
Search timeframe: 1800 Other searches: 1900 Other: england

i'm trying to track my family tree and i'm looking for the most complete genaology records.

07/11/99 14:04:02
Name: Jerry Simpson My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Tyler, Texas Surname search: Ellilngton, Hatchett Search location: all over/Va, Ky, NC
Search timeframe: aft 1600

I am attempting to trace and compile all the Ellington's who are descended from John Ellington Sr. I urge anyone who is descended from him to contact me and let me exchange information with you.

07/07/99 15:05:22
Name: LaMona Phillips My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Wasco,CA Surname search: Ellington Search location: Virginia
Search timeframe: 1700-present Other searches: Waldron, St.Clair Other: Pearcy, Moorman

update: For Nancy Ellington, the daughter of Jeremiah Ellington, and Frances Jones Nancy Ellington married December 1, 1792, Pittsylvania County, VA, to Dudley Jones, Jeremiah gives permission, John Waldron was Surety.

07/03/99 04:31:43
Name: jerry a. simpson My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Tyler, TX
Surname search: Ellington/related

Haven't been inside yet, but I've seen your comments in the GenForum andthought I'd have a look. I'm descended from Hezekiah, Hezekiah, David Alexander Hezekiah, Martha Jane, etc.

06/29/99 20:13:36
Name: Joyce Ellington My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Eucha, Oklahoma Surname search: Ellington Search location: Mississippi
Search timeframe: 1800-1865 Other searches: Unger Other: Kimberlin

You can tell you have put LOTS of work into this.Thank you! Joyce

06/19/99 14:34:51
Name: H.E.Swindoll My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Chattanooga, TN Surname search: Ellington Search location: Georgia
Search timeframe: 1895 to present Other searches: Strickland

My aunt, Cordelia Strickland, married Coke Asbury Ellington (II) 7 Oct 1895 in Gilmer Co, GA. They had two sons--Marlin Fletcher and Millard Duval. Coke died in 1899. Delia and her two sons were living with her father-in-law in the 1900 census of Gilme Co. Delia married Arch M Smith in Gilmer Co and they were living there in 1910 census. The Ellington boys were not living with them. Delia and Arch moved to Tift Co, GA and were there in 1920 census. Arch and Cordelia had one son, Earl C. I have info mation on Millard Duval Ellington and Earl C. Smith. I can locate nothing on Marlin Fletcher Ellington except that he was born in March of 1896 in Gilmer Co, GA. If you can help me find Marlin and any family that he might have had, PLEASE e-mail me. I ppreciate your time and efforts in helping me locate this cousin.

06/16/99 12:20:59
Name: Roberta Dawson My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Cullowhee, NC Surname search: MOORE Search location: AL, MO, KS
Search timeframe: 1850-1880 Other searches: DAWSON Other: ELLINGTON

Looking for information on William A. Moore, 1850-1880 MO & KS

06/16/99 05:30:33
Name: Jan Cutsinger My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Fort Smith, AR
Surname search: Ellington

Looking for Joseph Edward Ellington who lived in Shelby Co., TX in the 1870s and 1880s possibly longer. His father is listed as Porter Winn Ellington--no info on him. Any help will be appreciated.

06/15/99 03:17:32
Name: Jody Ellington Paulk My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Central NC Surname search: Ellington Search location: NC
Search timeframe: 1800's and back Other searches: too many to list!!!

Does anyone know ANYTHING about Thomas Settle Ellington, b-Feb. 4, 1874, d-Nov. 20, 1935, Married to Martha Brafford Ellington,(b-March 21, 1880, d-May 2, 1968.) Or is it possible that my family dropped off by aliens? (grin)HELP!!!!!

06/13/99 14:28:51
Name: Larry Peterman My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: GA Surname search: Ellington Search location: GA
Search timeframe: 1700-1850


05/17/99 20:36:47
Name: Judy Rule My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Weiser, ID
Surname search: Ellington Search location: AK

I am looking for information on Louisiana Ellington, wife of Joseph Morton Jones, Sr., who lived in Arkansas around 1850-1900. Relatives say she was from Virginia.

05/14/99 17:11:36
Name: Cathy Ellington Johnson My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Louisville, KY Surname search: Ellington Search location: Kentucky
Search timeframe: 1750 to present

Com 02/22/99 03:19:45
Name: JAN E. REESE My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: MANSON, N.C. Surname search: ELLINGTON Search location: NORTH CAROLINA
Search timeframe: 1800-1900 Other searches: REESE 1800'S-1900'S Other: BARKER 1800'S-1900'S


02/17/99 09:10:22
Name: Jimmy Ellington Eddings My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Alabama
Surname search: Ellington

I really enjoyed your site! I've yet to find anybody connected to our part of the Ellington familey. My grandpa (popa) was born in the later 1800's, my daddy's oldest sister was born in 1900.I have not got very much information, except Popa's name Arch bald Andrew Ellington m. Bessie Mae____________? Most all my aunts and uncles are dec'd. Cousins scattered...I would like any information which may help finding out more about our part of the Ellingtons.

02/14/99 03:38:45
Name: Richard B. Anderson Jr. My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Virginia Surname search: ELLINGTON, ELLISON, COOPER, MORTON, CARPENTER, AUBREY Search location: Virginia, New York, Massachusetts
Search timeframe: 1700s and before Other searches: YATES/YEATTS, ANDERSON, and many others

I was just wandering around the Internet when a search turned up your web site as part of the findings under the surname ELLINGTON. I'm a descendant of the ELLINGTON/MOTLEY marriage and have been looking for as much documentation as might be available on those and other allied families. I'll be glad to share what information I can, especially if it leads to documenting what I have, adding new cousins, and perhaps extending some of the family further back.

02/10/99 06:33:53
Name: Fred Cosgrove My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Durango CO Surname search: Ellington Search location: Reynolds Co., MO
Search timeframe: prior to 1860 Other searches: Collins Other: Cosgrove

Thanks for your web site. It's great. Betty Ann Ellington Cosgrove Helvy married William Benton Cosgrove in Reynolds Co., MO about 22 Aug. 1880. They had one child: Bentonville Cosgrove. He married Josie Collins. I'm seeking information about any and all of the above. Thanks. Fred Cosgrove

02/07/99 00:55:06
Name: Jan Woodard My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Garrison, TX Surname search: Ellington,Drinkard Search location: VA-AL
Search timeframe: 1700-1850 Other searches: Woodard AL-TX

I am researching the David Ellington line from Prince George and Amelia Co., VA. My line descends through his son Jeremiah.

02/06/99 21:35:54
Name: Margaret M. Midkiff My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Virginia Surname search: Ellington, Lipford, Bowler, Frizzell Search location: Virginia
Search timeframe: 1700-1800 Other searches: Midkiff, Yeatts, Shelton, Brumfield, Compton,Creasy Other: Heads & Arnetts of GA-TN


02/06/99 02:14:45
Name: Helen Pate Ross My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Surname search: Canaday/Kennedy
Search location: ILL-MO

Sarah Canda/Kennedy married Michael Ellington i Mclean Co Il moved to DeWitt Co IL. After Michael died Sarah and four of her children moved to Harrison Co MO. Unable to find anything on her famlly but know Canadas were there also.

01/30/99 00:50:46
Name: Marilyn My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Florida Surname search: Ellington Search location: Columbia Co. FL.
Search timeframe: all

I am looking for the parents of Richard A. Ellington, b. 3 Feb 1840 d. 3 Oct 1915. 1st wf unknown, 2nd wf, Laura Cooper. Known chn: Rosa Ann b. 1872; John Acee b. 1880. Just starting, this is all I have. Great page!

01/26/99 02:58:53
Name: Paul Easterling My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Los Angeles, CA Surname search: Ellington Search location: KY, VA
Search timeframe: 1750-1900

First time visitor to your Web Page. It is excellent. I am a descendant of Jonathan Jacob Ellington > David Ellington > Abraham Ellington/ Rachel Wells > Isaac Ellington/Matilda Cassidy > Reuben Ellington/Mary Medley Ratliff > Georgeann Ellington/Wiley Washington Easterling. I have about 200 names descending from the branch of Reuben Ellington. Would be willing to share this Ellington/Easterling data with interested parties.

01/21/99 21:12:54
Name: Keith Eng Ellington My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Tallahassee, FL

Near the bottom of your lineage William H. Ellington (1856-1929) had seven children of which the eldest John S. (1876-1968) was my great-grandfather. He moved to Miami in the 1920's. Family legend says the North Carolina Ellingtons were British loyalist . Is this so

01/21/99 17:52:59
Name: Bill Tankersley My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Birmingham, Ala Surname search: Ellington Search location: Va, Tenn, Miss
Search timeframe: 1800-

Looking for family of Wm. Thacker Ellington, b. 1818, Petersburg, Va. Son of Wm. Ellington and Julia Thacker. He had an uncle Stansfield Ellington living in Lewisburg, Tn., where he moved in 1839. He m. Esther Cummings McLary Vernor in 1843, Farmington, Tn. They moved family to Tishomingo,Miss. in 1849. There doesn't seem to be a connection here, but do you know of one elsewhere? Thanks, enjoyed browsing your pages.

01/18/99 00:46:00
Name: Carolyn Trim My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Texas Surname search: Ellington Search location: KY>OH>IL>MS
Search timeframe: 1800 forward Other searches: Trim, Williams, Rankin, Green, Nicholson

Great site. Will compare names to mine.

01/07/99 18:20:29
Name: Nancy Gowen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Fairburn, GA Surname search: Ellington Search location: Fayette County, GA
Search timeframe: 1800s

I decended from Richard Cox Ellington b. Oct. 20, 1799 in VA, m. Eliza Eleanor White Dec. 24, 1825 in Green County, GA. She was born in 1809 and d. 1882 in Fayette County, GA. He died April 15, 1875 in Fayette County, GA. There were buried in the family cemetary which is located in a pasture on what was the Ellington property. There is no marker for their graves now. I saw pieces of his headstone which had been broken into many pieces. My grandmother was Susan Elizabeth "Betty" Ellington Tarpley the dughter of Zackery Taylor Ellington and Addie Rebecca Harper Ellington. Zackery Taylor Ellington was the son of Richard Cox Ellington.

01/07/99 05:21:22
Name: Fred Cosgrove My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Colorado / Missouri
Surname search: Ellington Search location: South / SE Missouri


01/04/99 22:22:28
Name: Charles Whyte Ellington My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Raleigh, NC
Surname search: McClenehan Search location: NC


12/26/98 06:48:05
Name: Conrad Brown My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Huntsville, AL Surname search: Ellington Search location: Southeast US
Search timeframe: 1700-present

I have some information that was provided to me by my Great Uncle Charles Ellington, son of Charles Hill Ellington and Grandma Daisie. One of the mysteries we have tried to discover is the burial place of Enoch Ward Ellington. Last time I checked my gre t uncle still lives in Corsicana, TX. That's where Great Grandfather Charles Hill is buried if I am not mistaken.

12/20/98 12:47:36
Name: John William Spooner My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Northampton, England Surname search: Allington, Bassfords, Penn, Johnson, Gibson, Hull, Jolly, Liddington, Hillyard, Elston, Warner, Turvey, Bodsworth, Adams, Lewis, Bartholomew, Massey, Hearn, Harris Search location: Northamptonshire, England
Search timeframe: All

I loved your Web page. This give me something to work on. Well Done!!!

12/15/98 11:35:32
Name: Randy Easton My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Michigan Surname search: Allington Search location: Eng to Michigan
Search timeframe: 1800's

Starting from Richard Allington England m. Elizabeth (Baird) Scotland Rev. William B. Allington m. Mary J. (StClair

12/05/98 23:04:10
Name: Jan Woodard My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Garrison, TX

I am researching David Ellington's (b. Prince George Co.,VA)family. My husband is descended through his eldest son Jeremiah's daughter Sarah who married Francis Drinkard. I have info on their line if you are interested.

11/29/98 20:51:16
Name: Robert Motley My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Cohasset, MA Surname search: Ellington Search location: VA
Search timeframe: Eighteenth Century Other searches: Forrest, English, Long

found your URL at the Ellington Family site. Am trying to understand any possible connections between the Ellington's in Long Island and the Ellington family in Amelia Co., VA. I am descended from Joseph Motley m. Martha Ellington

11/13/98 16:20:22
Name: Frank I. Elam My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Ashland, KY Surname search: Ellington Search location: Morgan Co.
Search timeframe: !700-1900 Other searches: Sargent Other: Cassity

Looks great

11/09/98 02:38:54
Name: Rebecca Ellington Lockhart My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Florida Surname search: Ellington Search location: VA
Search timeframe: 1600 forward

First time on this site. Picked up reference to it in GenForum.

11/03/98 05:07:52
Name: James H. Mitchum My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Dallas, Texas Surname search: Ellington Search location: GA, NC
Search timeframe: 1780 - 1820

James and Joel Ellington came to Newton County Georgia c. 1830. They were brothers and each named their firstborn sons after the other. My line is through Joel Ellington who died Newton County 01 March 1858. He married Edith Holcut in Wake County North Ca olina 26 November 1816.

Georgia Whitney
July 25, 1999

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