06/30/99 19:39:29
Name: judith ramey farmer | My URL: Visit Me | Where are you from?: mt. hope, w.va |
Surname search: chandler,ramey | Search location: ky, va and wva | Search timeframe: 1800 -present |
Other searches: ramey,shephard,bragg |
im trying to find family tree of clara mae chandler. born in virginia or w.va 1908.
06/23/99 23:35:12
Name: Cindy Chandler Myddelton | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Valdosta, Ga. | Surname search: Chandler | Search location: NC, Caswell Co. |
Search timeframe: 1880 | Other searches: 1880 andback | Other: Barker, Pleasant, Lee, Thornton, Cook |
I have been unable to locate the name of greatgrandfather. His son was Henry Thomas Chandler who lived in Semoa, Caswell Co., NC approximately 1900. I know he was living in Caswell Co. 1911. Any information on this family would be so very helpful. Tha
k you, Cindy
06/06/99 16:15:08
Name: Don Riley Chandler | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Memphis, TN | Surname search: Chandler | Search location: Tennessee |
Search timeframe: 1800-1900 |
Trying to connect Ivy Chandler born 1807 TN-Died 1858 Lauderdale Co. TN(married to Sara Ann Griggs 4/10/1844) To J.R.(Don) Chandler who married Maggie Bibb on 10/14/1891 in Lauderdale Co. Their son Richard Floyd Chandler(DOB 9/3/1892: DOD 4/26/1957) was
y grandfather. Ivy Chandler can be traced to John Chandler 1600-1659, who came to Virginia in 1610 >Married Elizabeth Lupo.
06/06/99 13:38:50
Name: Cathy Barton | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Webster Co, Mo | Surname search: Chandler | Search location: Caswell Co, NC |
Search timeframe: 1780-1790 |
Looking for Susannah Chandler Willis parents. She married Benjamin Willis in Caswell Co, NC. Susannah and Benj. had several kids when they left Caswell Co, Hoping to find her paarents and siblings.
Thanks Cathy
06/05/99 15:56:09
Name: Don Riley Chandler | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Tennessee,Lauderdale,Co | Surname search: Chandler | Search location: Lauderdale,Co,TN |
Search timeframe: 1800-1900 |
Trying to connect Ivy Chandler born 1807 TN died 1859 Lauderdale TN (mar. to Sarah Ann Griggs 10 APR 1844) to J.R.(Don)Chandler who married Maggie Bibb on 10-14-1891 in Lauderdale. Their Son Richard Floyd Chandler(DOB 9-3-1892:DOD 4-26-1958)was my grandfa
her. Ivy Chandler can be traced to John Chandler1600-1659,who came to Virginia in 1610>Married Elizabeth Lupo.
06/01/99 05:20:22
Name: Allen Brian Chandler | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: MN | Surname search: Chandler | Search location: Kentucky |
Search timeframe: 1985-earliest trace | Other searches: Extended family of one Clarence Chandler (deceased |
I'm 19 and my Grandfather died in 1985 or so, my grandmother (Blanche) is still alive and just turned 90. She has a bit of a family tree written down but I would like to know all I could. My grandfather's father and kin came from somewhere in Kentucky,
ny info would be helpful
05/29/99 16:19:30
Name: Cindi Chandler Davidson | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Knoxville TN | Surname search: Chandler | Search location: Knoxville, Detroit |
Search timeframe: 1900s | Other searches: Lee Warner Chandler | Other: Viola Mae Candler |
I’m looking for my family.. (5/99)
Father: Lee Warner Chandler --------born in Detroit, MI
Mother: Viola Mae Perry Chandler ----born Straw Plains---outside of Knoxville, TN
One son : 55 or 56 years old
One daughter 51 yrs (this is me = Cindi... adopted at birth Jan 1, 1948 in Knoxville, TN)
One daughter : 53 or 54 yrs old.
Please provide any information to:
Cindi Davidson,
12320 Bluff Shore Dr
Knoxville, TN,
email: hbd@esper.com
05/18/99 16:04:56
Name: mike chandler | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: GA |
Surname search: chandler | Search location: KY |
Hi Georgia its mike i was just checking out your web site since you sent me the address with the book.thank you
05/15/99 17:25:21
Name: Vera Chandler Black | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Originally Iowa,now Tx. | Surname search: Joseph & Anna (Jessop) Chandler | Search location: Mechlenberg(then)Co, Virginia |
Search timeframe: Joseph b.abt 1790(need parents & siblings) |
We have Anna's ancestors, and Jos-Anna children. Cannot confirm Josephs parents and/or siblings. Joseph purchased land beside David Chandler (1818) in Surry Co.N.C. Joseph and Anna moved to Hendricks Co., Indiana 1821.
05/13/99 20:04:57
Name: Deborah Chandler Bretherick | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Florence, AL | Surname search: Chandler | Search location: Lauderdale County, AL |
Search timeframe: 1800-present |
05/11/99 15:37:46
Name: Kelly Hokkanen | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Davis, California | Surname search: Chandler | Search location: NC, KY, MS, LA |
Search timeframe: 1800-1900 |
Looking for info about the following family: John
Chandler b. abt 1807 (in NC?), lived in KY. Son
Weldon E. Chandler b. abt 1829 in KY, married 1)
Martha Crews; 2) Elizabeth Stephens. Moved to MS,
fought in Civil War in MS. Children: Monroe Brown
Chandler, Gabriel, Daniel, Joseph, Ada, Lou.
Monroe moved to LA around 1870-75, m. 1) Mary E
Simmons, and later to TX where he married 2) Annie
05/10/99 10:43:17
Name: Pam SHOUSE | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Ky | Surname search: Chandler | Search location: Ky. |
Search timeframe: 1810-1870 |
05/08/99 02:38:51
Name: Jeanne Varney Avery | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Missouri | Surname search: Chandler, Bybee, Westfall | Search location: Indiana, Missouri, Ohio |
Search timeframe: 25 years - ongoing | Other searches: Varney, Rice |
I am particularly interested in finding Silas P. Chandler
who married Lydia Smith in 1844. Silas was born
7 April 1825 in Indiana, and Lydia was born ll Aug.
1827 in Belmont Co., Ohio. They moved to and had
their children in Long Prarie, MN Their children:
(live births) Melissa Angeline b. 6 Oct 1849, m. Jacob
Fisher, 1870; Nancy Emily b. 6 Nov 1853, m. John Wait;
William Welker Chandler b. 1 Jan 1867, m. Emma
Christine Thornquist (OLSON).
04/24/99 15:41:35
Name: Carol Chandler Hendrickson | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Florida | Surname search: Chandler | Search location: Kansas City |
Search timeframe: 1800's | Other searches: Britt, Walker, Mullen |
I am searching for information on Thomas Franklin Chandler, b. 1885, who married Helen Britt (of Sumter SC);son of Isaiah Chandler who married Isabelle Walker; son of Isaac Chandler who married Elizabeth Mullen. Any information on any of these people wou
d be greatly appreciated.
03/18/99 02:57:48
Name: Harlow Chandler | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Virginia | Surname search: Chandler | Search location: MA, CT, NH, Quebec |
Search timeframe: 1637 on |
My line from William and Annis Chandler>John>Joseph>Daniel>Daniel>Harlow>Malcolm>Henry>Harlow>Harlow
I would welcome contact with anyone interested in this line.
03/14/99 03:22:23
Name: Ginny Schilt | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Stuart, FL | Surname search: Chandler, Wescott | Search location: MA,CT,OH,IL |
Search timeframe: 1620-1850 | Other searches: Masterson,Rider,etc |
03/08/99 20:22:31
My URL: Visit Me |
Rebecca Chandler married Richard Minyard on
October 24, 1827, in Franklin County, Gerogia.
They had at least three children: James, Mary
Rebecca, and William Mordica. They are in the
census of 1850 in Talledega County, Alabama, with
only one child, Mordica. William Mordica Minyard
was my great grandfather. My need is: who were
the parents of Rebecca Chandler?
12/13/98 03:32:05
Name: Mary Frances Heriot Coker | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Turbeville, SC 29162 | Surname search: Chandler | Search location: Sumter Cty. South Carolina |
Search timeframe: late 1600-1700s |
There seem to be several Chandler I am looking for the family of Amos Chandler who married his 1st cousin one removed Elizabeth Chandler, d/o Thomas Chandler who married Jane Piggot. They received a land grant in 1786 on Lynches River
12/10/98 05:23:42
Name: Mary Frances Heriot Coker | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Turbeville, SC | Surname search: Chandler | Search location: from Va. to Sumter Cty SC |
Search timeframe: 1775-1783 | Other searches: Brearley |
Amos Chandler and his wife Elizabeth( his 1st cousin) came to Sumter co. They had eleven children. We think they came from eastern Virginia. They are buried in a family cemetery in Sumter Cty, SC.
10/22/98 18:36:53
Name: Erin Ennis | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Washington, DC | Surname search: Chandler |
Search location: PA, NJ, NY | Search timeframe: 1800-1900 |
I am looking for information on several Chandlers.
William Chandler, d. 1853, married to Annie E. Baker, both likely from NJ or PA; William R. Chandler, son of above, d. 1902, married to Sarah Jackel on 31 Aug 1878. William R. was born in Cape May, NJ, but no date known or any other information; finally,
Amelia McIntyre, daughter of Willam R. and Sarah. Amelia was born in NYC.
10/03/98 21:34:08
Name: Vera Chandler Black | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Iowa/Texas | Surname search: Chandler, Joseph | Search location: Surry N.C. |
Search timeframe: 1790 | Other searches: Dtr. Sarah Chandler b.03-27-1830,Hendricks Co., Ind. |
Searching for parents and siblings of Joseph Chandler, husband of Anna Jessup. Also searching for place of burial for Joseph and (2nd) wife Sally/Sarah(Ritter) Chandler last known residence was in Hendricks Co., Ind.
09/23/98 19:05:44
Name: Robert Chandler | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: Montreal |
Surname search:geneology "Chandler" |
08/28/98 22:05:40
Name: Wm. Rogers | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Virginia | Surname search: Chandler | Search location: Delaware & PA |
Search timeframe: 1800's |
Looking for tie into Chandler family of PA with those of Sussex Co. Delaware
08/14/98 04:00:09
Name: L.A. | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: arkansas | Surname search: Chandler | Search location: arkansas & alabama |
Search timeframe: late 1800s, early 1900s |
07/25/98 19:34:59
Name: Charles Robert Chandler III | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Chattanooga, TN | Surname search: Chandler | Search location: N.Ala or N.Ga |
Search timeframe: 1800-1900 |
Comments:My grandfather was Charles Robert Chandler b. 5 Mar 1885 in Summerville (Chattoga County, GA). His father was Asberry Moses Chandler b. in Fort Payne (Dekalb County, AL date unknown. Any info you can supply would be appreciated.
07/11/98 20:52:04
Name: Susan Malcolm | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: MD | Surname search: Chandler | Search location: RI and NH |
Search timeframe: mid-1700s |
I'm looking for any info on William CHANDLER. All I know about him is that he m. Patty HILL on 17 Feb 1780 in Providence, RI. Their dau, Polly Grosvenor CHANDLER, was b. 3 Jun 1784 in Hanover, Grafton, NH. She m. on 11 Feb 1806 to Isaac LOVEJOY.
07/07/98 07:17:47
Name: John Chandler | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: New Jersey | Surname search: Chandler | Search location: England |
Search timeframe: 1475 and back |
I am a 15th desendant of Thomas Chandler.
Thomas, Thomas II, Thomas III, Henry, William,
John, Joseph, Josiah, Stephen, Samuel, David,
Charles, Homer, Homer Jr. & John (me). Any info you want to share is ok by me.
06/16/98 17:15:33
Name: Regina B. Lake | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Rehoboth, Ma. | Surname search: John W. Chandler | Search location: Rockland, Maine |
Search timeframe: 1810-1895 | Other searches: Mass. N.H. Vt. |
I know he was married to Sara J.B. Means in 1843 at Columbia, Me.. They had two sons,John V. and Frank Means Chandler. He retired at Rockland, Me.. He was living in 1892.
We are trying to find who his parents where.
Would appreciate any information you cn find.
Thank you.for any help you can give me.
04/12/98 02:33:39
Name: Lois Birmingham | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Maine | Surname search: Chandler | Search location: England and MA |
Search timeframe: 1800 | Other searches: Belinda Newcomb | Other: Straight | <
I have my grandfather, Russell Chandler's roots traced back to Henry S. Chandler, who was married to Belinda Newcomb in Provincetown, MA, on Nov. 20, 1827. Henry's parents (I don't have their names) came from England, and settled in Provincetown, MA. T
ey had 2 sons and 1 daughter. The names are as follows: Henry S., William, and Olive.
04/03/98 16:25:45
Name: Janet Lynn Chandler Bowen | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Hannibal, MO | Surname search: Chandler | Search location: SW Missouri |
Search timeframe:1857-1900 | Other searches:Brokaw and Eason | Other: Bolin or Moore or Edwards |
I am looking in particular for Shadrach Chandler father of
Thomas Jefferson Chandler b.10-28-1872. I don't know if this
is a first or middle name. He came to SW Missouri from Oklahoma?
I have seen his name in a family geneology book that was written
by a cousin named Hillsman. Her mother/grandmother was my
grandfather's sister. Any and all help is appreciated.
12/02/97 21:35:42
Name: VaLaine Lighty-Peters | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Indiana | Surname search: Chandler | Search location: Tennessee/North Carolina |
Search timeframe: 1780 | Other searches: Ingram | Other: Simmons/Barnhardt/Cox |
11/27/97 14:26:11
Name: Donna Kennedy | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Springfield, MO | Surname search: Duncan, Chapman, Chandler, Mitchell, Garoutte, Robertson, Jordan, Todd, Garner. | Search location: St. Francois, Crawford, Greene and Wright County Missouri |
Search timeframe: 1835 St. Francois for Chapman, Chandler and Duncan | Other searches: Alice James (Jesse James cousin) |
Luther Chapman married Francois Dunkin (Duncan) in St. Francois County, MO 5-07-1840. Francois "Fannie" died between 1850 -1860. I can't find where she's buried. They had moved to Crawford County by 1850. Luther was in KS by 1860. He married Nancy Jo
e Churchill there.
Luthers 1st child was Mary "Margaret" Chapman that married James Chandler 12-22-1859. Crawford County, MO. They moved to KS and had George and William. By 1864 they are having rest of the children in MO. I don't know where in MO. By 1878 she purchase
land in Wright County, MO. next to her fathers and she is a widow. I don't know what happened to James. Her last child was Gib Chandler born in 1876.
Thanks for any help!