Tiny's Web Page

This is me
Hello my name is Richard. This is my homepage. I graduated in May of 98. After playing the trumpet for the last 7 years, and being in several choirs, plans are to go on to college (Roosevelt University)for a degree in music education.

Sports is an enjoyment in my life as well. Six years of wrestling, going as far a Regionals my Sophmore year. Sectionals in my Junior year was going well until another wrestler that I was on the mat with, lost his balance and landed on my ankel, breaking it, thus causing me to forfiet my match. My Senior year (1998), I managed our wrestling team watching my little brother go to Regionals.

Older cars are really neat. Mine is a 1963 Ford Farlane. It is in real good shape and still original, no rust (yet). My dad and I built up a new engine and put it in over the summer of 1999. I also have a newer Mercry Tracer.

Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read about me. Let me hear from you. E-mail me HERE
Bye :-)

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