Pond info and suppliers

Updated: Jan 1, 2006
chuckr44 @t gawab dot com

Note: all prices are estimates only and are in US dollars. I live in Michigan (zone 4) in the US so all my experience is based on winters which freeze everything solid.

Pond care

Building a pond assumes some things: you are using chlorine-free water and have allowed the pond to "settle" after filling it with tap water. This allows beneficial bacteria to grow, stabilize the pH, allow chlorine to evaporate (but not chloramines) and allowed the temperature to stabilize. You can use fish-tank water purifier to remove chlorine and chloramines from the water. Aquarium supply stores also have bottles of "good" bacteria with which to stock your pond. You should also manually change the water in smaller ponds, like half-barrel ponds. Change 20% of the water each week, then top off with treated water (treated with aquarium purifier).

Next, be aware that ponds, especially smaller ones and half-barrel ponds, can have bigger swings in temperatures. They can get very hot in the summer sun. So put up your half-barrels on 2 2x4s so air will circulate under them and the ground will not transfer as much heat to the container.

Pond Size

Ponds can come in many sizes, from a half-barrel size to thousands of gallons. Choose the size that fits your style and your space available.

Installing a pond

Whether you install a pond by digging out a hole in the ground and putting in a flexible liner, or by putting in a rigid liner, you have to consider the same things. Consider putting small gravel (1/4" to 1/2") in the bottom to harbor bacteria to break down sludge and decaying matter. Here's why. In a pond, things are born, grow, and die and fall to the bottom. Dead things are eaten by scavengers (if you have them) like shrimp and crabs, and some fish. Then bacteria break down the smallest pieces. The bacteria need a sheltered place, between the gravel, in order to do their work. NOTE: no pond animal eats feces except bacteria.

Also in a pond, plants use sunlight to make oxygen, which is used by animals in the water. Some plants are better for making oxygen, do some research to find out which ones you want for your pond.

Alternative containers

Pond location

Putting a pond in a sunny or shady location each has different effects. A shady location will reduce algae growth but overhanging branches will drop more junk in the pond. It will also keep the pond cool in the hottest summer months. Fish need cooler water. Most fish need water that is 65-75F. Don't let the water get over 75F.

A sunny location will aid in plant growth but also help algae to grow, and keep the pond warm on cool days. It will also overheat the pond on really sunny days, especially if the liner is black.

What about the neighborhood kids? Do you want a pond in a location where the neighborhood kids can see it, and investigate it? I'm not saying kids are bad, but they are curious and they will want to see your pond and if there are any animals in it. They also have a habit of throwing things in your pond to see if it will float, or if a fish will eat it. If you don't want your pond with a lot of garbage in it, do not put it in your front yard if you are in a suburb.


Plants which produce oxygen during the day are useful for supplying oxygen to animals, like fish, living in your pond.
This page says plants USE oxygen at night and give off CO2. So if you find dead fish in the morning, you could have low oxygen in your water. Try a bubble, waterfall, or some other aerator in your pond.


Pond Problems


Algae is a problem in sunny ponds. Algae uses chlorphyll to photosynthesize sunlight into energy. It also uses excess nitrates (like from dead frogs) as food. Algae can stick to the sides of objects, or free float in long strings. Some algae is free-floating single cells called unicellular algae. It just turns the water green. If you look closely you might see green clouds swirling in the water. Here are some helpful algae combatting tricks:


Mosquitos are a pest in almost every country of the world where there is liquid water. They breed in any standing pool of water as small as a tablespoon in your rain gutter. The female mosquito is the only one that bites and she needs the blood to help develop her eggs. She then lays the eggs just below the surface of the water. These develop into larvae, called "wigglers". Wigglers hang from the surface and will wiggle to the bottom if disturbed. Later they hatch and emerge from the surface of the water as adult mosquitos.

Here are some mosquito-fighting tricks:

In my first pond, I bought a 1.5" feeder goldfish from a petstore. I tossed it into the pond in April (in Michigan we call it "spring"), fed it every other day for 4 weeks, then stopped feeding it (as the mosquitos were coming out). That single fish was in a 30g roundish rigid pond liner. It ate all the bugs that fell in there and there were no mosquitos coming from that pond at all. It was great! And it go so fat I would say it increased in weight about 250% by September (about 6 months).

Sludge in bottom

Sludge in the bottom of ponds, regardless of size of the pond, is from dead and rotting stuff that fell in: bugs, leaves, grass, etc. You can reduce sludge by adding some freshwater shrimp to your pond. You will never get rid of all the sludge. Depending on the species, the shrimp will eat algae, or sludge. Otherwise, bacteria will start growing (not necessarily bad bacteria) to complete the life cycle of your pond. However, some sludge is beneficial, for bacteria live there that consumes the nitrites in your pond.

Algae eaters and suppliers

CAUTION: many snails, clams, and shrimp will not survive a freeze or temperatures below 60F. Read the description for each species carefully if you live in a freezing climate, or be prepared to buy new clams, shrimp every year. See your pet stores for ghost shrimp, which are typically 4/$1.00.


Snails help consume surface algae in a pond. Be careful, some snails, like certain species of apple snails, will eat your pond plants. Tadpole snails will multiply rapidly and produce too much ammonia in the water, thus killing your other animals.


Tadpoles grow up into frogs or toads. Bullfrogs spend 2 years as tadpoles. Bullfrogs can eat other small frogs or fish and have voracious appetites. Use bullfrogs with caution. The head part alone on bullfrog tadpoles can be 1-2" long.

Tadpole Links


Daphnia are small creatures about .5-1mm long, also called "water fleas" because of their jerking motion. They are almost invisible to the naked eye but a magnifying glass will help to see them, as well as a low power microscope. They are usually light pink, pink to light tan. They are not white like cyclops.

- Where to look for in the wild:
In still water. Next to objects, like logs, sticks, grass, weeds, all underwater. Daphnia congregate in the light. Look for them on shaded ponds where the light comes through the trees.

- Culturing
Get a 1 or 2 liter clear glass bottle. Wash thoroughly. Fill with (fish safe) water, put in location which gets lots of sun, but keep it warm, 72-76F. Let algae grow in it. Free-floating algae will color the water green all over. A scum just on top of the water could be bacteria or a fungus. You might want to start over if you get this or soak up the scum with a paper towel. Bubbler IS necessary for oxygen. Collect from a pond or order daphnia. Feed them 1tsp yeast dissolved in water when the water looks fairly clear. Keep in sunny location. Sun is not required for daphnia, but is required for their food, the algae.

At some point, start another bottle with water, let it get green. Transfer 1/4 of the old water to the new container to start a new batch.

Daphnia will form ephippia, or resting eggs, if it gets too cold or water conditions become less than optimal. These eggs can survive drying out or freezing and will hatch the next spring. So once you put daphnia in your pond, you should have them forever, if you don't have fish (fish love to eat daphnia).

Daphnia Info Links


Shrimp can also eat detritus from the bottom of the pond and clean it up. They also eat algae (some species), and dead animal or plant matter.

Shrimp Info Links

Shrimp Sale Links


Fish can also be put in your pond (imagine that!). I recommend no more than 1"* of fish per 24 square inches of surface area. This will make sure the oxygen content of the water does not go too low. This recommendation is based on the pond NOT having a bubbler or waterfall or other water aeration. With aeration, you can have 2" of fish length per 24 square inches of water surface.

So, with a container that is 12" x 12" (144 sq inches), you can have (144/24=6) a six 1" feeders with no aeration. Or, you can have 1.6" of fish in a round pot that is 12" in diameter (12*3.14/24 = 1.6).

* Note: this is my guess, not based on scientific evidence.

Here is one quote from Jeff Cook's half-barrel pond page:

It is rumored that a pond will support one inch of fish for every 5 gallons of water without requiring oxygenation or filtration. If you see your fish "gasping" at the top of the water (low oxygenation), or you intend to put a lot of fish in a small space, then your pond will require mechanical filtration and aeration.

Do not put fish into a pond for the first 2-4 weeks until the pond has "aged" or "settled" and beneficial bacteria have had time to establish themselves.

Pond Plants and Suppliers

There are lots of plants you can put in your pond. Here are just a few.

* Will die and not return after first frost. Does not survive freezing temperatures.


Plants which produce oxygen during the day are useful for supplying oxygen to animals, like fish, living in your pond.
This page says plants USE oxygen at night and give off CO2. So if you find dead fish in the morning, you could have low oxygen in your water. Try a bubble, waterfall, or some other aerator in your pond.


Fueling the rapid growth of duckweeds requires substantial amounts of nutrients. Thus duckweeds have evolved the ability to rapidly remove minerals necessary for their growth from the water on which they float. When present, duckweeds also can remove many organic nutrients. Research has shown that duckweeds are especially adept at removal of phosphates and nitrogen, particularly ammonia. The treatment of sewage and wastewater from agricultural operations requires the removal of great amounts of nitrogen and phosphate. Duckweed grown on sewage or animal wastes normally does not contain toxic pollutants and can be fed to fish or to livestock, or spread on farmland as a fertilizer. (Thus duckweed is a great cleaner for ponds or aquaria water.)

Collecting duckweed

Growing duckweed

Duckweed Links



What kind of frog is in your pond? Are those frog or toad eggs? Frog eggs are laid in clumps, toad eggs are laid in long strings. Common american frogs are: leopard frog, wood frog, spring peeper, mink frog, bullfrog (large, 6" long or larger), green tree frog, pickeral frog, green frog.

LARGE, 6" or longer. Tadpoles are large also, 1" without tail or larger.

Chorus frog
Gray to light beige on top with darker long blotches and spots. Slightly bumpy skin. Black line running from snout, through eye, along side to back.

Green frog
Medium to dark green, almost no markings. Lighter on belly.

Green/gray tree frog
About 1" long. Slightly bumpy skin, with *bilateral* dark squiggly lines. Greenish color looks like lichen, with lighter or cream color on belly. Also comes in gray variation. Cope's gray treefrog has bright yellow-orange coloring on inner surface of hind legs.

Leopard frog
3-4" long. Light green with irregular round blobs on back and legs. Spots are smaller than pickeral frog and have light borders.

Mink frog
3-5" long. Appears to be dark brown on top with green squiggly lines. This is how you tell it is a mink frog, there is more dark brown/black on top than green. The skin produces a musky, mink-like scent when handled by people.

Pickeral frog
Spots are larger than leopard frog and more regular shaped and placed. Bright yellow inside thighs.

Spring peeper
About 1" long, light brown, with slightly darker brown spots or lines. Usually has an X shaped mark on its back.

Wood Frog
1-1.5" long, light brown on top with dark brown stripe going from snout, through eye, stopping at back of head. White on belly. I think there are variations where the brown stripe goes under the eye also.


Toads have dry, warty skin with varying size of bumps. They also have one large wart behind each eye. They are tan to brown with lighter bellies. They are often found burrowed into sand or dirt, with just their head showing. Toads do not cause warts but they can be irritating to eyes if you handle them and touch your eyes. They often pee on you if picked up, because they are frightened. Size: 3-6" depending on age, sometimes 7".