Free stuff on the Internet
(Services, web pages, email, etc)
Last update: 4-23-00
Yahoo and other search engines list lots of sites with all kinds of
services to offer you. Here is a list of the services that are free. I
won't list shareware archives, as they are quite easy to find.
Have a site that offers a free service? Email me.
means this is a must-see program or service.
Advertising | Computers and
related (Stock programs Web pages Free Internet Access)
| Misc | Retail | Programming
- Ad-ministrator - up to one month free ad. Many categories including, autos, antiques, computer, musical instrument, etc. Search their ads by keyword and/or category.
- Autotrader online - search by state, car make, year, price range.
- Autoweb - advertise your autos for sale here.
- Car Talk ads - sell your car or meet Public Radio Car Talk fans. Ads run for 10 weeks.
- Classifieds 2000
- Commerce corner - 6000+ ads. Many categories including airplanes/helicopters, busses, autos, computers, more.
- Yahoo classifieds
Homes for sale by owner
Mortgage rates
Computers and related
accounting |
Email | Misc | News | Stock quotes | Usenet news | Web pages | Free list hosting
- Critec Accounting - this general purpose accounting package is version 1.02, and FREE.
Most of these are web-based email, which means you must have web access and a web browser. But they are all free email.
- Altavista
- Educast - free email.
- Emumail - free web-based email.
- Free Internet BBSs - privately run small BBSs which offer free internet access (usually means just email, possibly usenet).
- Freenets all over the USA. Free email and web access.
- Freenets (OFCN) - another freenet list by state/country.
- Hotmail
- Juno - they supply their own software for Windows 3.1 and 95.
- Readmail - allows you to specify your mail server and read your email via the web.
- Rocketmail - free email account via the web. This means you must have a web browser (Netscape or IE), a modem, and connection to the internet. This is NOT a mail program where you have your PC call the host to get mail, and you read and reply offline.
- Yahoo email - web-based email.
- Eudora Light 3.03 - This is the best free email program. It supports dial up connections as well as TCPIP. For dial-up, you must have an SMTP AND POP account on the ISP. This light versions include: address book, filtering of messages.
- Pegasus
Misc, computers
- Afterdark Online - the famous screen saver now offers a news/stock client. You do NOT need to buy the Afterdark screen saver. All you need is this and it's FREE.
- Backweb - a news receiver like
- CNN's Quicknews - free news via email.
- Headliner for Netscape - this is a ticker bar for news and quotes.
- IBM's infoMarket
- Mercury mail - custom news items via email.
- MNBC's NewsAlert
- Pointcast - free news via the
internet. Get this free software for Win 3.1, Win 95, the Mac and other
OS's. Configure it to receive the topics you like, then tell it how
often to get the news. Channels include Time magazine daily, Boston
globe, business (track business news), stock quotes (track quotes and
news for a specific company), politics, technology, industry news, and
- Websprite - news, scores, stocks, more.
- Worldflash 32 bit - requires Win 95.
- Yahoo My News Ticker
Stock quotes
The ability to get stock quotes online via a SLIP or PPP connection.
27 stock programs so far!
- BB Stock Tool - or see's section: Home,
Personal finance. (win3.1)
- EZStock - Get stock quotes over internet and graph historical prices. The demo is disabled after 30 days. (win95)
- Fund Manager - get stock quotes via Internet,
Compuserve, or AOL, or type them in. Graphing capabilities.
- Headliner for Netscape - this is a ticker bar Netscape plugin for news and quotes.
- IBM's
infoMarket - Get newsfeeds from CMP (major computer pubs), Nando Net, Reuters, and stock quotes. Uses Winsock 1.1 internet connection. (Mac, win95, win3.1, unix)
Insight by Intuit. Tracks
portfolios, makes graphs, gets news on each stock in your portfolio via
the Internet (if you use the Internet Edition). A square on the graph
indicates stock splits, or news items. You can also use your modem to
call their integrated services for stock price updates and news reports.
1-10 securities to track costs $9.95/month plus $4.95 per company
- Internet Stock
Tracker - "Internet StockTracker is a program for Microsoft
Windows that operates in the background continuously updating
securities prices, calculating the value of portfolios and alerting if a
price reaches a preset trigger. In contrast to other Internet stock
quote services, Internet StockTracker is a client application that
manages up to 12 different portfolios and saves intra-day
historical pricing. " (Win95, Win3.1) This is a good program, but the graphing feature frequently doesn't graph the data at all. Even for release 3.0.
- Interquote - Free software. But you
need to buy their service.
- Market Analyzer - Gets quotes via free internet quote servers. By Equis.
- Meta Stock - demo makes charts and graphs and does
technical analysis. 32,000 data points per chart, email charts to friends, design your
own indicators, download data automatically through your modem or internet.
(win95, win3.1)
- MS Investor - FREE. gets news and quotes from Microsoft's
server. Allows you to research companies before you buy their stock. MS Investor at
Microsoft. This is an online service you need a web browser for, but
it is free.
- NetProphet - (win95)
- Netstock -
"NetStock is a simple little stock and mutual fund
internet quote retrieval program with export functionality for
Quicken users." (win3.1)
Personal Stock
Monitor - gets quotes via the internet, usually delayed 15-20 min.
Tracks stocks, mutual and money market funds, options, indices (DJIA),
exports to Quicken, dynamically updated graphs, eight free quote
servers, high and low price alerts, symbol search, scrolling ticker bar.
The demo is disabled after 30 days.
(win95, works with most Win 3.1 systems with win32s.) Great review from Ziff Davis.
Shareware, $25.
Pointcast - free news via the
internet. Get this free software for Win 3.1, Win 95, the Mac and other
OS's. Configure it to receive the topics you like, then tell it how
often to get the news. Channels include Time magazine daily, Boston
globe, business (track business news), stock quotes (track quotes and
news for a specific company), politics, technology, industry news, and
more. One bad point is it only graphs the last 60 days of the stocks price and you can't change this. (win95)
- Prostream - stock feed suspended as of 1/23/97. However it will receive sports scores.
- Quicken - this is a general
financial package for the home but it can track investments. (win95,
- Quote servers, list of
- QuotesNow - Tucows says this is the most configurable stock program they've seen.
- Stock Agent
- $tock Exchange32 - receive
quotes via internet quote server. A screen saver displays latest quotes.
Here is a review and screenshot at
Galt shareware.
Stockvue by Alphamicro. (FREE 30 day demo) (win95)
- Tucows stock quote
software - (win95)
- Wall Street Analyst - demo. (Once on the site, you will have to do a search for the file title.)
- Wall Street Explorer - ascii export, multiple portfolios.
- Wall Street Tracker - tells whether you should buy or
sell stocks based on its comparison to moving averages and other
indicators. (shareware)
- Websprite - FREE. News, scores,
stocks, more. (win95)
- Winstock
- retrieves quotes from 5 different serverss, also gets news, creates
charts, quotes bonds, money market funds, options, non-US exchanges,
commodities. Exports to Quicken. Includes reports. (win95)
- Yahoo My News Ticker -
FREE. Stock quotes, news, sports scores, weather. Requires Netscape or
Internet Explorer, plus Win95, WinNT, or Win3.1. (Win95, Win3.1, WinNT)
Stock program summary
Name | Graphs? | Free/ shareware? | Tickerbar? | Portfolio w/ cash |
EZStock | Y | Y ($10) | Y | N |
Internet stock tracker | Y | (Free after trading hrs) | Y | Y* |
Personal Stock Monitor** | Y | Y ($25) | Y | Y |
Pointcast | 60 day | Y | Y | N |
Prostream | | Y | |
| | | |
| | | |
Note: a "portfolio with cash" means the program will help you simulate a
portfolio, giving you a value of the portfolio including any leftover
cash and using current stock prices. It will also calculate the annual
return of your investments in percentage format.
*: Basic portfolio function means it gives you a total gain/loss for
your portfolio.
**: The default view options for Personal Stock Monitor do not
include the total value of your portfolio. To turn this on, enter a
purchase for a stock. This will put the stock in your portfolio. Now
choose to view your portfolio. Go to View, Options. Turn on the fields
"$ Gain". This is the difference between your buy price and current
Lists of quote software:
- - a search
- Stroud's 16 bit Stock tickers
- Stroud's 32 bit Stock tickers
- Tucows (MCP)
Usenet news
As a general rule, free websites do not allow: business pages, spamming from that account, adult content, mirroring sites, copyrighted material including MP3s or other music files.
Web pages
| Allows 3rd party banners? |
Can FTP? |
| 50megs - free 50MB of disk space. Free counters
Angelfire - from Lycos. 5MB space. Polls, their own banner exchange along with Commission Central b.e., scripts.
| Don't think so.
Aparker - 5MB disk space.
Bigstep - They offer free web pages for businesses. Other pay services: ecommerce, marketing, web site reporting, personalized domain (like or it will host your own domain (
Crosswinds - unlimited free disk space. They say they will never
sell your personal info, and will not force you to display ads. No hacking pages. Free POP3 email account so you can use your own email program. Free business hosting. Can use their CGI scripts. They have a search engine to help others search your site. Uploading files is very slow, but web page access is fast.
Cybercity - in Hong Kong. Up to 5MB
of disk space given.
Dreamwater - 30MB disk space. "Fast server."
Express page - 50MB space, free pages. Free for businesses too. 4k limit for each HTML file.
| No
Family shoe box -
Fiberia - 11MB space.
Fortune City - 100MB of free web space.
Freeservers - 20MB, free domain hosting. Copy your old site from anywhere on the internet to Freeservers. Requires banner on every page.
| No
Geocities - free web page (11 MB limit on
disk space usage) and email. You must put up with ads that pop up in a separate Netscape window. Can be slow at times.
| No
| Yes
Howdy Neighbor - 2MB for web pages and email.
| No
Internet trash - no ads. 20MB space.
| No
Microweb - free web pages, personal or business. In India, could be slow from US.
My Family - family oriented web site. Geared toward genealogists. Has your own address book, photo album, calendar for family reunions, family tree page, family history page, recipe page.
| Probably not.
Netcolony - 100MB free disk space. File size limit = 150k.
| No
Nettaxi - 25MB, free POP or Web email, free 56K dial-up.
| No
Phrantic -
Prohosting - 15MB disk space. Free domain parking. You can also have CGI/SSI scripts.
| No. Their own banner exchange.
Student Advantage - geared toward college students. Offers discounts of 10%-50% at 20,000 stores.
| Sells your info. Owns the copyright on all your pages.
Tripod - free web pages with 2 MB disk space.
They do not sell your info to direct marketers. They have their own affiliate program so you can earn money. But you must get 1000+ hits per day to get paid $1. Has a free homepage mover to move you from another site.
Web4free - 10MB disk space.
WeCareToo - free webpages for non-profits.
Xoom - unlimited disk space free. Can be slow at times. You can use your own software to FTP changed pages. Have their own affiliates where you can earn money. Has page counter.
| No
| Yes
- free web pages
Free internet access
All of these have nationwide access numbers in all major cities.
Free list hosting
- Egroups - read mail via web or email, digests too.
- Findmail - discrete advertising in each message added.
- Letter Rip - free listserver for Mac.
- Lyris - has a free version avail. which is limited to 200 users per list, unlimited lists. For Win95, WinNT, Solaris for Sparc, Solaris
for Intel, IBM AIX.
- Mailbase - free for UK schools, otherwise
you can pay to have your own listserv.
- Makelist
- Onelist - discrete advertising in messages. Currently not accepting new lists. Return later to see if they have upgraded. Merged with Egroups.
Misc and other lists
List of free compilers for DOS and Windows.
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times since Dec 12, 1996.
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