The Jarrod Page
Born April 19, 1998
Fall Pictures
Events during the fall of 1998

Monthly portraits of Jarrod
Rocking Chair

A progression of pictures of Jarrod sitting in a rocking chair with a new
picture added each month.
At The Hospital

Pictures from the Jarrod's stay at the hospital
The Delivery
Jarrod Pui-yi
Born April 19, 1998, 6:56 AM
5 lbs., 17 1/2 inches
Parts 1, 2,
3, 4,
5, 6,
7, 8,
9 - The story behind the delivery.
Don't worry, there are only 3 or 4 small pictures per page so it should
be "easy to download" over a modem.
Photo Albums
The following photo albums are "summaries" of Jarrod displayed
using a small Java applet. They are the highlights of the same pictures
as above. It's kind of cool to see, if you have a Java capable browser.
It run's best on higher end Pentiums.
The delivery
Last Updated: September 1, 1998
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