Very cool stuff! I like the carved pumpkin! Jarod is adorable in his cow outfit! Fun website!
Pat --
Enjoyed reading your experiences setting up a DV NLE system. I'm about to start the same process and it was refreshing to read such a frank and informative "case study." Have you been happy with the video you have produced using it? Any particular probl
ms between the DV Raptor and All-in-Wonder-Pro cards? Are you using Premier 5.1? Would love to hear from you. Good luck.
Don DePerna Jr. - 06/12/99
Hi my Name IS Don DePerna. I am a JVC DVL9000 owner and have a user
group of about 70 members (you can see it at
We are always searching for good NLE info and I was very impressed to read
your NLE article. I wish more technical things could be written in such
an easy down to earth way. You should be proud of yourself. I passed on
the address to all our members. I do have three questions though if you
find the time to answer them that would be great. First, If you had the
10Gig hard drive and added the 16Gig, did you do the partitions between
the two hard drives or just partition the 16Gig? Second,Have you heard
of any other manufactures other then Compaq's 5600 distributing PC's with
1394 ports? Third, I saw two cheap 1394 boards not on your matrix and was
wondering if you know of them? They are the Pyro from ADS Technologies
and the Addonics Flexport IEEE 1394. They are both about $200 cards. I
have been seeing used copies premiere on eBAY cheap. I was thinking of
buying a used copy of premiere and using it with one of these cards to
see if it would work. Peace, Don DePerna Jr
Your account of researching and buying a NLE system helped me enormously
to figure out what to do myself. I've been haunting the discussion
groups for awhile and following website links for several months and your
narrative really helped to put things into focus for me. The rest of your
web page is very helpful as well and I appreciate the effort you've put
into the matrix. If you get inspired, I would love to see the next chapter.
How do you handle logging? How about your experience learning the editing
software? How well does the batch capture work? Thanks again! Jonathan
Nice Touch ... Really Enjoyed It and Loved It TOO! I swear ... both
you and Lu are so creative! I bet you both would do well doing children's
storybooks too! Will keep in Touch. In the meantime, I'm going to check
out the "Chens". Love, Marcela P.S. Maybe I'll start a page for Bill, Primo,
and I. Was it easy?
The rocking chair pictures are cool. What a good idea. How come you
don't have any family pictures with Jarrod in it? Is he really your kid?
Ahhh. Finally, a great way to see the little ruler of the house. Just
gotta say though, we need a few more pics of Barney Butt to make this truly
a web page for all time
Wow, what a great way to see your new Boy The David Wongs and Chris
Sues both saw everything. See you soon!!!
Could not get the java aplet to load from my laptop. Will try on my
speedy 486SX at home.
We couldn't see your picture on the computer, so, could you please
send us a picture? You must be really tiny and cute!!!! I hope we get to
play together someday. :)
When you work 12 hours a day, 4 nights in a row who has time to sit
watching the dumb computer waiting for pics of poo-poo to show up.