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Pebbles, Jarrod, Kyle, & Ryan's Home Page

August 9, 2001
Ryan Pui-jeung Leong
Born Thursday
August 9, 2001, 10:02am
5 lbs, 12 oz, 19 inches

On Wednesday morning (8/8), mommy saw the doctor who said baby looks fine and doesn't show any signs of coming soon.  So mommy wakes daddy up at 3:30am and asks, "Did you charge the digital camera?"  In a stupor, daddy asks, "uhhh, uhhh, why?"  "I think I'm having contractions."  Mommy rudely awakes her mom & dad so that they can come over and watch Jarrod and Kyle why mommy takes a shower then she and daddy head on over to the hospital.

Daddy drives by a MacDonalds and wants to buy breakfast, but mommy has a strong contraction.  No time to stop and buy food!

They make it to the hospital before 6:00am.  Around 7:45, mommy has the epidural.  Forget that totally natural child birth stuff.  No pain, no gain?  yeah right!  As the pain wears off, mommy and daddy are able to catch a few winks here and there (especially daddy).

The doctor arrives, and asks mommy to push.  A couple minutes later, out pops Ryan.

If you are interested, you can see a lot more pictures in our photo album

Old Web Pages before 2001 Archived
Where did they go?  They are still here.  I just moved them off of the home page.

Hi! I'm Pebbles Head. This is my home away from home. When you come and visit me, I'll bring you images from my masters. They are really nice, but are too cheap to mail photos too you. So, they painstakenly crop images for your viewing pleasure. 

This is my friend, Barney Butt. He's pretty nice to me 'cuz he let's me sleep in his house when I come over to visit. Barney and I are good friends. But Barney misses Darren. 

Since Darren moved away with his main squeeze, he really looks forward to when Pat comes over to visit, because a lot of times, Pat will bring me too! 

for photo and video needs, check out Camera World.

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