We left Tulsa, Oklahoma in August of 1974 to study Spanish at King's Way Missionary Institute, a language school in McAllen, Texas, as a response to God's call on our lives to serve in missions in Latin America. In February 1976, we arrived in Honduras, Central America.

From the beginning, God clearly directed us that our mission was not to start new churches, but rather He was calling us to help strengthen already established churches. We have been fulfilling that call ever since; serving first in San Pedro Sula and then in Gualaco, Olancho.

In 1982 we began working with Amor Viviente, a growing group of churches in Honduras. For twelve years we worked in Tegucigalpa, the capital city of Honduras, where we played an active part in the integral growth of the Tegucigalpa congregation, not only in the main areas of our ministry, but also participating at different times in other ministries wherever God opened a door for service (home groups, intercessory prayer, Bible teaching, counseling, etc.). We have seen the church grow from 400 to more than 4000 believers and we have trained leaders to continue with our local work. The church in Tegucigalpa has nearly 500 home groups throughout the city. Most new believers are added to the church through home group evangelism; home groups being the back bone of church growth in all the Amor Viviente congregations.



In 1982 we established the first Christian Print Shop in Honduras which has grown into the Interdenominational Christian Education Center (ICEC), providing audio, video and printed teaching materials to churches throughout the country.

During our annual week of prayer and fasting in January 1988, the Lord spoke to us about starting a Christian Radio Station in Tegucigalpa. For the next several months we worked and prayed to make this vision a reality. In early 1989 I left my work with the ICEC in the hands of people I had trained and moved full-time into the position of Technical Director of our Radio station where I continued preparations for getting on-the-air.

In June 1989 we took a step of faith by purchasing our equipment and in September our radio station license received approval. After remodeling the studios and installing the equipment, we went on-the-air December 22, 1989. Difusora Cristiana de Radio (DCR) 940 kHz AM, is a Christian station that reaches the one million people of Tegucigalpa with the good news of Jesus Christ.

Part of our vision was to establish stations in major cities of Honduras. In late 1992, two more stations were added: FM 103 in Tegucigalpa and 1520 AM in San Pedro Sula, the second largest city in Honduras. In February 1994 our newest station, FM 104 signed on in the coastal city of La Ceiba. I am the Technical Director of what is now known as "Sistema DCR", four Christian radio stations with well over two million people in our listening area. It is important to note that, though I did all the planning and installation of these stations, the Amor Viviente churches in Honduras financed them without outside help.


Mary Lu:

In 1984 I began my work as the Director of the Children's Ministry, which through dynamic evangelism and teaching grew to over 100 Bible Clubs ministering to two thousand children weekly. In 1989 I left the Children's Ministry in the hands of people who had been with me almost since the beginning. I then spent one year working in the new DCR radio station organizing and categorizing the music library.

Starting in 1990 I was the Director of Music Ministry at Amor Viviente, Tegucigalpa, emphasizing the renewal of praise and worship, and street evangelism through Christian music. This ministry grew to include:

The Lord provided numerous opportunities for us to minister in the church and outside of the church through:

After twelve fruitful years in Tegucigalpa, we felt that the Lord was calling us to make a move and to work with the Amor Viviente congregation in San Pedro Sula to assist in the establishing and edifying of that local church body. Dan continues as the Technical Director of the four Christian radio stations (which requires much travel), but all our local service is poured into the San Pedro Sula church.

We have been in San Pedro since January, 1995. Our involvement includes praise and worship ministry, radio programs, teaching in seminars and preparing teaching materials for use in our church home groups. As the San Pedro Sula church grows, we are looking forward to the new challenges of service and ministry and invite you to participate with us through your prayers and giving. Your faithful support allows us to strengthen the Body of Christ in Honduras and you share in the fruit of this Ministry.


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