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so does our family

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Here it is, Ivy Place Index Page 

Click for Priddy, Texas Forecast

Welcome to Priddy Sign

Hi, From the Ivy's. We live in a small town in central Texas, where everyone is related one way or the other. My husband retired from the US Army in 1992 and we moved here to his home town. We have just started doing our family history (Oct 96)and I just started using the internet, so please check back, hopefully the page will get better as I learn. (lest it will have more links. I want to Thank "GeoCities" for giving me this opportunity to have a home page. If I, the computer klutch, can create a home page, then you should have no problems, Stop by GeoCities, after looking at this page first, of course, and see how easy it is. Please stop and sign the guest book below. I am the volunteer for the Mills County, TX GenWeb site and will help do look-ups and searches for this area of Texas, Just Write Me.

Mini Menu

If you have been here before and know the page you would like to see, here is a small menu
Ivy Place Ivy's including Jarrett Ivy, and Descendants Research Notes
Ivy Place Robeson County, NC Ivy/Ivey's
Ivy Place Texas Kin  

Ivy, Caraway, Cason, Niemann and Kunkel

are just a few of the surnames we are researching.

Leave a post on one of the surname resource pages for


Ivy Place Research Notes  Family stories and myths vs Facts Updated as new information is available
Ivy Place Minnesota Relatives   New Pictures, just click on name or description
GenForum has a board for KIRCHGATTER researchers
Ivy Place Minnesota Relatives Notes page Sillman, Hansen, Kirchgatter, Swenson, are a few of these Kin
Ivy Place Dodd Relatives in Tennessee
 Mills County, TX Military Records, including the Civil War and WWII  Updated bi-monthly These records are for Mills County in General and not necessarily related
Ivy Family Tree Maker Pages and Reports
Coming Soon, my Granddaughter's, Harley Chase Covey, "Covey" Ancestors We don't have much on this line, and because of an adoption in the past there may not be a direct bloodline.

Harley's grandfather Lester Wilson Covey is the son of C.C. & Annie Caroline (Meneley) Covey, Lester Wilson was born November 24, 1934 in Madina, Texas and passed away on Wednesday, March 25, 1992 in Cross Plains TX and is buried in Goldthwaite Memorial Cemetery in Mills County. Texas.

In the meantime, check out the New Covey Surname resources
Otherwise, just page on down and see all the pictures
and information and other Ivy Links on this main page

Was Grandma Caraway really related to Jesse James?

Is James Courtney really Jesse James?

Want to find out the truth?

Courtney, Caraway, James Family Comparison Chart-
Closer to linking Pleasant James and James L. Courtney aka Jesse W. James

Note from the Webmaster, Sharon Ivy-
"I Hope the New Year is properious and healthy and Happy for everyone and also hope to learn facts and truth of James L. Courtney, aka Jesse W. James - I Invite all those who truly have an open mind and wants to find out for sure- one way or the other. My opinion is that the easiest way to prove Betty Dukes wrong is the DNA tests and if the other side, who claims that Jesse James could not of faked his death, are so sure they are correct, then it should be a simple process to arrange. Then one side or the other would have to admit they were "wrong" only the one is who is afraid of the truth would not want to settle it once and for all. It does not change the genealogy of those already connected, it would just add "new family member's" if it turned out to be true. Remember, I am searching the Blood lines, not the crimes


Receive Updates on the search for the truth
David Hedgpeth Dallas, TX has set up email updates on the new edvidence and information on the search for the truth. If you want to be added to David's Mailing list, simply send a request by e-mail:
Send Regular E-mail to: mldv@juno.com
Send Attachments to: mldv@integrityonline2.com

Read past updates

Index of James/Courtney Mailing list Update's

Genforum replys from David Hedgpeth

Links to other pages  on this subject- pro and con

The article is in Texas CO-OP Power Magazine, Volume 55, Number 7, January 1999 issue, article, Titled "Jesse James was my Great Grandfather, a Missing arm points to the real Jesse James", by Betty Dorsett Duke Pages 22 &23.
Texas CO-OP Power is published monthly by Texas Electric Cooperative Inc. 8140 Burnet Road, Austin, TX 78757 (512) 454-0311

This graphic/image above copyright property of vikimouse

Check out these Cemetery Pages
 I or one of my friends have put on line:
Maybe one of your relatives are there

I am in the process of indexing local cemeteries
in Mills County, TX:

Listed below are a few of them

Bethel Cemetery (Partial listing)
Bismark Cemetery - Kunkel-Grelle Graves
Listing of Military Veterans buried in Mills County Cemeteries  Civil War, WWI and II, Spanish American War, Vietnam and more
Mount Olive Cemetery
Nabors Creek Cemetery
Zion Lutheran Cemetery
Priddy Cemetery, Priddy, TX
St. John's Cemetery
North Brown Cemetery   Completed with historical text added
Trigger Mountain Cemetery, Mills County, Texas

Pleasant Grove Cemetery  Listing.   this site include's the historical marker text
Thanks to Ruby Berry, Novalene Watters, Margie Manual and Mary Ann Derrick, I have a complete and updated list to do lookups with plus the information that has been gathered during various lookups.

Price Family Cemetery  In Hamilton County, Texas


Pictures of Headstones for or from our Family Tree's

Leesville, TX Ivy and Caraway Headstones


Special Thanks to Shirley Runnels, Frances Richardson, Oliver Raasch and Christine Fung for indexing and sharing the information for these cemeteries

Shirley Runnels has placed the Center City Cemetery on her home Pages:
Check it out  Center City Cemetery

Frances Richardson has Surveyed Rock Springs Cemetery
  Available since on-line August 2, 1998

"Hurst Ranch Cemetery"  even though this cemetery is in Hamilton County, There are several Mills County Families buried there.
The Late Oliver Raasch had provided me with a list of the Military Veterans buried in Hurst Ranch Cemetery that he compiled a few years before his death and Christine Fung,  a Mills County Family Researcher, has transcribed the names and dates from an Archive Microfilm and I have added names from recent obituary's. This will not be a current or complete list of this cemetery, but thought the information would be of benefit to researchers, If you have information to share about Hurst Ranch Cemetery, please email/contact me   I hope to go to this cemetery to take some pictures in the near future, so check back

You are the th to visit our page since July 31, 1997. Thanks..

Ivy Place Guest Book

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This link will allow you to see the postings from the Geocities new format of guestbook, since the comments were limited and being cut off, I decided to use the above guest book for now   See who has visited us    
View the archived Geocities Guestbook

View our archives guestbooks


I have some great news for anyone researching the German/Americans that settled in Mills county and Washington County areas. The Zion Lutheran Church of Priddy, TX compiled a Centennial Church Directory in 1989 for the church celebrating it's first 100 years, 1889 to 1989. Well, I have just learned that they still have a limited amount of directory's for sale and if you would like more information than click here for more information Be sure to use your Back button to return to this page.

Check out our TEXAS Connections

Jarrett Ivy and Descendants Jarrett Ivy was born September 1814 in North Carolina and lived in Jackson County, AL (1840-1859), probably near LaFayette County, MS (1859-1870) Burleson County Texas (1870's) and now all parts of the world includes links to Ivy/Ivey/Ivie research groups and discussion lists , and other Ivy home pages

More of our Texas Kin. Caraway, Niemann, Lippe, James, Kunkel, and more

    Other related sites of Interest

    Please note

    that if the LDS Family Search has
    given you this page as a link to your query,
    and you can not find it elsewhere on this page
    it is more than likely selected for the links listed below.

    For your information

    If you came here because of the New LDS Family Search then I want to let you know that there has been a problem with the LDS family search and a couple of others is that they will key on one word, no matter how many were included in the original search query or question. If you use your Browser's "Find Button" to locate a word or phrase on the page it helps to find what their search engine keyed on. Use the surnames and hopefully you will see the link their search engine keyed on. I have no control over the way they do the search. However, they appear to only key on the "main" page and not the secondary pages. I just made a change in the descriptions and deleted all the surnames that I do not have in my database's but I am still getting a few queries with the description names so the search engine must save the old page and the changes I made won't change the problem till they update their search robot again.

    The Best way to find out if I have information on your search query is to write me by one of the email links on the main page. Thanks


    August 30, 2000

Here are some pages that are searching the same surnames in our Texas Kin other then Ivy listed above. They may not be in Texas, but share the same surname

Genealogy: Kunkel, Kunkle, Conkle, Gunkel, Konkel, Kunkelmann, Kunkler

The Schuster Family Home Page   Kunkel, Zschiesche, Wagner, Schwartz, Meyer, Lippe, and many more.

Ken Ewald Family HomePage   Researching Drueckhammer, Lippe, and more

Kincheloe Family History   Webmaster Jim Kincheloe

Great  Caraway Page

Caraway, Collins, Horton, Stark by Ann Overton

Minnesota, land of 10, 000 Lakes and my Grandparents

I am also searching for some of my relatives in the land of Ten Thousand Lakes, MN. If you have any Hansen's, Sillman's, Swenson's and this list could go on forever. If you have any relatives that lived in Yellow Medicine County, MN,especially Canby, Minneota and Oshkosh, in the 1800's; please write me

Ivy Place Minnesota Relatives  New Pictures, just click on name or description

A Stranger in Tennessee
Tennessee Kin Page

My Great Great Grandfather appears to have just turned up in Tennessee, I can't find any proof that he was born to any parents, has any brother's or sister's. He just exists. I can visit his grave in Sycamore Cemetery, in Cannon County, TN. I can see his family grow on the 1850 and on thru the census. I lose track of his daughters, Ibby Caroline DODD and Caldonia DODD and his son John W. or M. DODD. Thank goodness, I have found a little information on Richard Monroe DODD, his other son and my Great Grandfather. Hal Ray Dodd, son of Richard Monroe Dodd and Sarah Ella Bratten, is my grandfather,

For More Tennessee and Dodd information and Pictures Please go to our Tennessee Kin Page

Just Added
Don't forget to check out the New surname resource pages from Rootsweb for Dodd, Bratten/Bratton, Corley, Stewart, Pugh and Spurlock are just a few of the surnames I am researching, See Below for more Boards

Please visit our Family Tree Maker Reports of all our family connections

If I can help you, find your relatives in Mills County, TX just stop by.

Attention, Ivy, Ivey, Ivie Researchers
Don't forget to check out these valuable resources for the Ivy/Ivey Research
Ivy Family Genealogy Forum (includes all obvious variations)

Ivie/Ivey/Ivy Family discussion List

Robbie Giles has sponsored a new family discussion list at RootsWeb. This list is for the discussion of the IVIE / IVEY / IVY families anywhere /anytime.

To subscribe, send a message by clicking on the highlighted addresses below:


in the body of your message place the word 'subscribe' without the quotes. Turn off the signature line on your email program for this message only. Robbie Giles can subscribe you if you have problems.


is the address to use if you want to get a digest version of the postings rather than the every single posting.

The SurnameWeb

Want to find more pages, Try this Geocities search box

My List of Helpful Links

The Ivy Place in association with Amazon.com
Are you searching for reference books? Try Amazon Books,
Try searching for keywords, "Texas + Genealogy" 

Betty Duke has written a book telling the real "Truth" about her Great Grandfather. The book is titled, Jesse James Lived & Died in Texas by Betty Dorsett Duke, Melissa Roberts   Keywords, "Jesse James lived and Died in Texas"

Betty Dorsett Duke also recently wrote an Article about Jesse James

ATTN: Caraway/Carraway Reseacher's

"CINDY CURRIER" recently wrote me an email and told me that Ross Santee, wrote a book about her Grandfather, Allen Edger "Shorty" Caraway, Sr. titled, " Cowboy"  a 257 page Paperback - (December 1977) Univ of Nebraska Pr; ISBN: 0803258674 ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.63 x 8.01 x
If you have read the book and would like to make comments, I have started a comments page for it. Please Write/email Me  and I will create a comments page

 Hamilton County, Texas Census, 1890 : Uniquely Reconstructed & Annotated
by Mary C. Moddy Today!  Keywords, "Texas + Census"

Amazon.com logo enter keywords...

I have surfed the net to know that I should
provide my most helpful links, in case, I have one you do not know about.

From the Heart

To the Heart

The internet and genealogy has been a mind and life saver to me. In Oct. 1997 I had a heart attack and since then have had several operations, But thanks to my Doctor's (Dr. Linda Ball) at Comanche Hospital 211 S Austin Comanche, Texas * 915-356-5241 and Dr. Bayouth at Abilene Regional Hospital, Abilene, Texas, I was able to finish the Cardiac Rehab program at Comanche. 

While feeling sorry for myself, I did a search on the internet and found a wonderful page, that allows those of us with any level of Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) or those who have someone in their family suffering from CHF to read and write posts about their feeling, their medications, send and receive encouragement to each other. It is a must see page for any one who has or knows someone with CHF. Please stop by Jon's Place  Be sure to read the manual at the Site index  at his place It helped me understand my condition much better. Now I know what to ask my doctor or try.

USGENWEB Project My opinion, that this is the most important link for posting queries and finding information on the archives.

Ancestry Social Security Death Index I like the search features of Ancestry's Index, better than that of the CD that I own.

US Postal Service Zip Code You have the town and the state, but don't know the Zip, This site will help.

Texas Confederate Pension Records Did your Texas ancestor fight in the Civil War?, You can search the index and order the Pension records on line from the Texas State Archives.

The Civil War Home Page This site has links to find information about the Civil War.

HelpList This is a site of volunteer's for various look-ups.

Last but not lest, Check out my daughter's home page, she is into Couponing, Kids, rebates, Kids, making money, Kids. The Warmack Family Home page for pictures of the Kids and her Coupon, Refunds, service page

Heartland Genealogy Society

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