It can be difficult getting started, even with all the on-line help that's available.
I had the same problem when I first started, and here is what I did. I hope it works for you:
Sign up for a free home page from Geocities, Neighborhood:
Read what Heartland is all about, and how to get your free home page check here:
Information on Heartland. Be sure to bookmark that page.
Find a vacant lot to move to.
Once you have signed up, here's how to move in:
1. Go to file manager, sign in with your membername and password.
2. Choose your editor:
you'll find a choice of editors, ez editor, basic or advanced
Choose your editor: pick "basic"
3. Now all you have to do is fill in the blanks. You don't have to know any HTML language to do this. (Geocities puts the language in for you, we'll get to that later).
As you go along filling in the blanks, you can look at what you've done so far by clicking on "preview". When you're confident the page looks right, "save" it.
That was easy, huh? Congratulations, you just created your first web page! Just make sure it's named index.html and the extension on this and all your future pages is .html.
Maybe you need to add graphics, or change the look.
The best way to do that is to create a "practice page".
It's helpful if you first go to this link :
and print out the color chart, then come back to your
File Manager.
A. Copy the page you just created with the copy command on your utilities page. Name it index1.html or anything you want as long as the extension .html.
Save that page, using the Save command. Now you have 2 pages in your directory.
B. Place a check mark at the page "index1.html", then go EDIT and Choose your editor: pick "advanced"
There's the page you created, except now you can see all the commands the basic Geocities editor put on your page.
You will notice a lot of <--> brackets, and that all brackets <---> contain commands.
That's the HTML language that makes your page what it is. The brackets with commands are called tags.
There are links for you on the bottom half of this page where you can find help in learning those commands, or tags. For now, let's just change a few things on your page.
1. Changing colors on your page:
Look on the very top of your page, in brackets <--> is the word
body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" (this is an example of a white page). In order to change the white color to red, you would delete the FFFFFF and insert (looking at the color chart you printed out)
CC0000, leaving the # and " quotation marks in place. After playing a bit and you find a background color you like, you can now change the TEXT, LINK, and VISITED LINK colors in the same way.
2. Adding an image (graphic) to your page
Here's a graphic for you, and I'll tell you step by step how to place it on your page:

Place your mouse over the graphic. Click the RIGHT mouse button, and in the pop-up window that appears click "save image as". The name of the image is
arrowanm.gif. Note the place on your home computer where the image is being saved to.
Now upload that image to your directory in the File Manager.
Once signed in, scroll toward the bottom of the page. You'll see a place to upload files, EZ File upload.
In the command line type c:\arrowanm.gif (assuming you saved the image to c:\, if not, substitute as appropriate),
then click the upload button. Wait until you get a message "arrowanm.gif uploaded".
Now go back to your practice page index1.html and once again,
pick the advanced editor.
To place the image on your page, pick a spot on your page and type in
IMG SRC="arrowanm.gif" be sure to use the " quotation marks; enclose this in those pointy brackets!
Now PREVIEWyour page and you'll see the image.
1. Linking this practice page to your index page:
Type A HREF="index.html" enclosing it in pointy brackets <--->
, then type a description like
Return to John's Homepage, index page ,
followed by
/a (again, in pointy brackets<--->) and you're done!
This will get you started. Check out the links below to keep you going!
Remember that all words in the Pink are geocities editor buttons you click with your mouse, and all
RED words are commands that you type inside your geocities editor window and put in pointy brackets <>
You might want to print out this page for easy reference while working on your new page!
Good luck!
HTML Links and other goodies
Designs By TamFree Background sets for your home page.
WebTech University- Free Html Class's and more!!
Annabella's basic help
Html help
Barebones Guide to HTML
Helpful Links
If you have any questions let me know . If I can answer them, I will. No question is too dumb or funny. After all, you're trying, and you deserve a lot of credit for that!

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Updated on April 9, 2000