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Awards Received

A very special thank you to each one who gave me awards! Your awards are very special to me and much appreciated. They encourage me to continue with my creativity. Also these awards give me inspiration and recognition for all the hard work and long hours it takes to creating a homepage.
May God always guide your path.

Southern Lady's Very Special Website Award

My Heartland CL sent me this very special award, Thank you so much Anita {Southern Lady}, I could not have gotten featured without your help : )


Thank you so much for this award Larry, it was unexpected but I am so happy you gave it to me!

Pat is a Very Special friend of mine. Thank you Pat for such a Very Special Award!

Thank you Angel Lady it is beautiful!

Tam's Guided Tour

You are angel to visit this site.

Counter reset on February 16, 1998

Created on November 16, 1997,
Updated on August 9, 2000

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Special Thanks to for hosting my stay here!