A Thanksgiving Poem
The sound of merry laughter
Fills our home this holiday.
We feast on nature's bounty
In a tempting, bright array.
Our cousins, aunts and uncles
Are all gathered by the score
To celebrate Thanksgiving Day;
We could not ask for more.
This treasured harvest feast is shared
By those we cherish best;
With happy hearts we bow our heads
In gratitude expressed.
Then when the day is over
And it's time for guests to part,
The spirit of Thanksgiving
Linger still within each heart.
-- Elisabeth Weaver Winstead

The Pilgrims Came
The Pilgrims came across the sea,
And never thought of you and me;
And yet it's very strange the way
We think of them Thanksgiving day.
We tell their story, old and true
Of how they sailed across the blue,
And found a new land to be free
And built their homes quite near the sea.
Every child knows well the tale
Of how they bravely turned the sail
And journeyed many a day and night,
To worship God as they thought right.

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A CityView Thanksgiving!
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