Home page for Family History of Victor PAUL

of Christchurch, New Zealand.

This page is to host my interest in Family History and Genealogy.

Accessible from later in this page are the basic details of my ancestors. Only direct ancestors and their siblings are included and details of the living are omitted.

My principle (NZ immigrant) family lines are:

Florance Driscoll PAUL (male) and family moved to Christchurch, New Zealand in 1873 from East London, Middlesex, England - in particular they listed Poplar, Blackwall, Limehouse and Bromley/Bow as addresses. Other related families from this area are MORGAN, GOSLING or GOSNELL and DRISCOLL.
The East of London Family History Society homepage has good resources for East of London researchers.

March 2005 update.

My great-grandfather also used the name Florance DRISCOLL in the 1871 census of Bromley, Middlesex and he registered his daughter as Elizabeth Jane DRISCOLL in the English civil register. However he married as Florance PAUL in Poplar, Middlesex, England in 1867 and moved to NZ in 1873 and was known from then on as Florance Driscoll PAUL.

In the St.Mary and St.Joseph (Roman Catholic) chapel Poplar, Middlesex parish registers is:

FLORENCE DRISCOLE born: 8th  January 1835. Baptism: 18th January 1835.

Parents given as JAMES and JOANNA (nee PAUL), Sponsors: RICHARD PAUL and MARY DRISCOLE .

The note to the transcription notes that as the registers were in Latin, that Joanna could be Jane or Joan in English.


JOHN DRISCOLE born: 27th November 1836. Baptism: 4th December 1836.  Parents given as JAMES and JOANNA (nee PAUL)



The 1851 census of  Poplar, Middlsex shows for  125 White Hart Place, Poplar

            James Driscoll              Head    Marr    39        Labourer          Born Ireland

            Jane Driscoll                 Wife     Marr    41                                Born Ireland

            Horance Driscoll           Son      Un        16        Labourer          Born Poplar

            John Driscoll                 Son      Un        14                                ditto

            James Driscoll              Son      Un        12                                ditto

This seems to be my family, with Horance = Florance.

James CLUTTERBUCK migrated to Christchurch, NZ in 1878 from the hamlet of Northwood Green in the parish of Westbury-on-Severn, Gloucestershire, England. The family was established in Northwood Green by 1814, before that they seem to have come from nearby Hasfield / Ashleworth (aka Ashelworth) parish. Related families are BALDWIN HOBBS and COLEMAN. The COLEMANs are from the neigbouring parish of Longhope.
Good resources for Gloucestershire researchers can be found at the Gloucestershire Family History Society homepage. (I'm member A3372.)
CLUTTERBUCK researchers may like to contact Roy Clutterbuck who maintains the Clutterbuck Archives.

William JUDSON and family migrated to Woodend, New Zealand from Eastwell, Leicestershire in 1859. Related family names are all from nearby spots such as Eaton, Waltham, Plungar and Stathern and include COX, PYZER/POIZER/POISER/POYZER and GEORGE.
JUDSON researchers will be interested in the Judson Home Page..

More recently (1931) my mother's family migrated from (near) Omagh, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland to Thames, New Zealand. Judging by the names and religion (Protestant - Presbyterian, Methodist and Church of Ireland) these families were part of the plantation of Ireland from Scotland. The NICHOL family also used NICHOLL and NICKLE spelling during the last 150 years. Related families include McFARLAND, STEWART, STARK, HUSTON/HOUSTON and HUNTER. During the last 150 years these families lived nearby the town of Omagh in County Tyrone. Parishes such as Ardstraw, Cappagh, Dromore, Drumragh, Bodoney Upper and townlands such as Aghadulla, Ballought, Ballynahatty, Creevangar, Crosh, Lisleen, Loughmuck, Dergborough and Tirmurty occur in records I've found.
Other family names from this area are STEWART, STARK, McFARLAND, HUNTER and HOUSTON/HUSTON.
A good place to start looking for County Tyrone researchers is the RootsWeb Co. Tyrone page..

If you want to look at specifics in my family tree then :
    either start with my surname index or start with the full name index
Each of the GED2HTML generated pages has a "mail to" and a link back to this page.
An alternative view of the same information, generated with WEBBIT utility instead.
If you got here via a surname search then maybe there is a surname mailing list for the name you are chasing at John Fuller's Genealogy Mailing list page.

My full contact details:
Victor PAUL; 187 Henry's Ford Road, RD 2 Rangiora, 8254, New Zealand.
NZ Society of Genealogists member 3171




Good luck with your own research.
11 July 2004.
Copyright (c) 2001-2005 by Victor Paul. Last updated:
31 Aug 2005

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