UK Brownie Promise and Law
The Brownie Guide Promise:
I promise to do my best to love my God, to serve my Queen and my country, to help other people and to keep the Brownie Guide Law.
The Brownie Guide Law:
A Brownie thinks of others before herself and does a good turn every day.
The Brownie motto:
Lend a hand

Pack Holiday
Brownies can go on pack holiday or pack holiday under canvas. There are many wonderful Guide Association holiday homes specially equipped for Brownies. I love Hanson House in Linby which is owned by Nottinghamshire Guide Association.
Pack Holiday has a theme and the activities, games, crafts and even some of the food spring from the theme. And the leaders and groups and places all have a new name! Here are some themes we had when I was a Tawny Owl:
Pirates - we made swinging parrots had water battles and were marooned in Bestwood Country Park.
Romans - we made scrolls and clay pots, had a toga party and ate chocolate dormouse and jelly fish
Roald Dahl - we made sweets with Willy Wonka, mice finger puppets from the witches and ate worms (spaghetti)

Aileen Paterson wrote a great picture book about a Pack Holiday. It is one of the splendid Maisie series about Maisie the kitten.

Mary Carr, Email