101st Kingswood Guides

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Welcome to the site for 101st Kingswood Guides. We meet in Wollaton in Nottingham. UK Guiding is split into Regions, Counties, Divisions and Districts. We are part of North Castle District of Castle Division in Nottinghamshire. The County badge we wear on our neckers features Robin Hood's horn. Nottinghamshire is part of Midlands Region. We trade for these and other badges. If you are interested click here
We have four patrols - the Red Rose, the White Heather, the Daffodil and our senior patrol the Sunflowers.

Calling all American, Canadian and Australian Guiders and Girl Scout Leaders! Some of our Guides would like penfriends. If you have a Guide or Girl Scout aged 10-14 and interested in being a penfriend for one of our girls please EMail our Guider



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About the Nottingham County Standard

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A song we sang at the Division show

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Mary Carr.

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