Genealogy Homepage

About the Arkansas GenWeb Project

In April, 1996, a group of genealogists organized the Arkansas Comprehensive Genealogy Database. The ideas was to provide a single entry point for all counties in Arkansas, where collected databases would be stored. In addition, the databases would be indexed and cross-linked, so that even if an individual were found in more than one county, they could be located in the index. At the same time, volunteers were found who were willing to coordinate the collection of databases and generally oversee the contents of the web page.

My name is Joann Gordon , and I am the person responsible for Perry County, Arkansas. If you would like to constribute your information to this page or would like to put up a page(s) of Perry County information, please let me know.

These pages last updated June 30, 1999
You are visitor since July 3, 1997
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Perry County Historical 
& Genealogical Society
Our long range goal is to publish a large volume of Perry County history containing biographies, photo, stories, etc.  The present project is a book with just pedigree charts.  Joyce Hill, Rt. 1, Box 223-K, Perryville, AR 72126 is chairperson for this project .  Charts need to be snail mailed to her or they can be emailed to me. Thanks, Jackie <paljac@arbbs.net >
Success Stories !!!
I appreciate you so much.  These were some of the people I have been looking for.  You have helped me get one step further in my research.
Anita Rook Reddig
Conway, AR

 This is part of our family.  Not a direct line, but close and I do correspond with a person directly descended from this line

I will forward this information on to him tonight on his great great grandfather

Thanks again

Johnnie T

Thanks so much for the graves listed in Perry County.  I got a lot of new info from your E-mail.

I really appreciated your help.

Please let me know if I can help you in Carroll County, GA.

Bill Magie

    Thank you so much for the information from the McGhee cemetery.  You helped me out tremendously with my research.  The names you found were my grandmother and my uncles.  Thanks again.

Robin Clark Niell

Map of 
Perry County
Map of 
Post a 
County  Officers 
Genealogy Resources
at Milam Library
Genealogy Society Members with email addresses
Oral Biographies




Perry County Court House
P.O. Box 358
Perryville, Ark. 72126-0358
(501) 889-5126

Arkansas Biographies

Arkansas Research - by Desmond Walls Allen

Arkansas Archives Family Groupsheet Project - This project is for you to use to submit your family groupsheets to the Arkansas Archives. While you're at it, email me a copy and I'll be glad to add it to the Perry County Page! VERY easy to do!!

Arkansas Connections Page

Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Arkansas History Commission and State Archives

Arkansas Masons Website

Arkansas Weather

Comprehensive List of Arkansas County Home Pages

Census Online

Coat of Arms

Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet-U.S.-Arkansas

Free Genealogy Forms Online

Federal Land Records for Arkansas


The Native American Resources

News4 is KARK-TV in Little Rock

Saline County Arkansas Genealogy

University of Arkansas Libraries

U.S. Maps for States, Territories - places, geographical features, etc.

Wars of America

Joann Gordon - My Perry Co. Familes

Marlene McCormick - Yielding and Mills connections

Kathleen Nichols' Homepage - Lipsmeyer connections

Ancestral Findings -Free Searches-

300 Million Searchable Records - GREAT site for Southern research!

Archived messages on Rootsweb - search by surname!

Alabama Dept. of Archives & History - information and records online!

America's First Families

Cathy Stanfield's Homepage

Joann K. Gordon's Genealogy Resources

General Society of the War of 1812

War of 1812 Bulletin Board

Making of America - contains scanned pages of sources - can be searched by surname.

Steve Johnson's Cemetery Listings

Henry Brewer Bible

Donna Warner's Homepage - The Dust Bowl

American Memory from the Library of Congress

Confederate Dead of Canton, MS - Search by surname or by state!

Civil War Regimentental or Unit Histories

Civil War in South Carolina Site

Clan Little Society, Scotland and Worldwide

Deciphering Old Handwriting

Edward G. Gerdes Civil War Homepage

GEDPAGE - The premier gedcom to html webpage builder - Free Download

Genealogy Help Page - good page for those questions you may have!

Genealogy Gateway to the Web - Plan to spend hours researching!

Genealogy Forms

Historical County Lines

Index of names for all USGenWeb sites

LDS Family Seach site - THIS is what we have been waiting for!

National Archives and Records Administration

THE NEWS STAND - Contains information on (and links to) genealogy columns (that accept  genealogical queries and/or announcements) which appear in newspapers around the world . 

The Olive Tree Genealogy Homepage - Great online resources!!

Settlement of United States by Animated gif created by Ed Stephan - This is GREAT!

Social Security Index

US Civil War Center - Index of Civil War Information on the internet

United States Easy Index to State/County Index

United States Newspaper Program - interlibrary loan of newspapers on microfilm

WPA Life Histories - Histories of the Depression Era - Check out their other pages too!


The following is taken from the Living the Times...1776-1976 A Bicentennial Tribute to Perry County compiled by the Heritage Committee of Perry County.


Perry County was formed in 1840 from Conway County. It was named in honor of Commodore Perry, hero of a naval battle on Lake Erie in the War of 1812. In the act of creating Perry County, the temporary seat of justice was in the home of John L. Houston. But early in 1841, Mr. Houston and another citizen by the name of John Greathouse, agreed to donate land on which to build a courthouse. The agreement was made with the stilpulation that Perryville be made the permanent county seat.

The first structure to be used as a courthouse was erected soon after. It was a sixteen foot square log building and served as the county's seat of justice until 1848, when it was burned during a vendetta between two local families. All early records were lost in the fire, making it impossible to give full details concerning organization of early county government. Another log building was put up immediately to replace the first. This log structure was still standing in 1889. The two buildings stood on the site of Old Perryville, which was located about one mile closer to the Fourche River than the present town.

In these early years the juries deliberated outside, if the weather was good, hidden by bushes. Money was scarce and fur pelts were of established value. Furs were often used to pay fines, the same as they were for other debts.

In 1860 material for a new , more suitable courthouse was on the ground for the building, but the Civil War loomed on the horizon, and the lumber was left to rot and ruin. It was not until 1872 that work was begun on another courthouse on land donated by J.L. Matthews. In May of 1874, this building burned to the ground. After another courthouse was built and also burned, along with the records, in 1881, a brick building was erected on the public square in 1888, at a cost of $4,000, much of which was contributed by private citizens. This building, with added wings, stands today.

Surname First Generation Years Birth Place End State
MOORE George W. m. 1858 . Ark Sources
LITTLE James . . GA Sources
RUCKER Enoch 1843 GA Ark Sources

© 1996 Joann Gordon: artsy@hartcom.net

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