I have found connections to three different (so far) families of Stahl. J F Stahl lived in Stark County. William W and family were in Wayne or Tuscarawas County. And John Valentine Stahl lived near Winesburg in Holmes County. While there were more families of Stahl living in the area, I've only collected records for those with a connection.

* J F STAHL b. 1829/30 d. 1864 m. Barbara ZINSMEISTER, b. 1837 d. 1897
Stark County, Ohio.
. * Will H STAHL b. 1863, d. 1917
. * Eleanor STAHL b. 1886

John was supposed to have been born in Weinsheim, Bavaria, Germany. John Valentine and his family moved near Winesburg, Holmes Co, Ohio in 1828.
* John Valentine STAHL b. 1782 d. 1854 m. Margaret MARHOFER d. 1835
. m. Dorothea MARHOFER b. 1795 d. 1889
. * Mary B STAHL m. 1835 Godfrey REIGLER
. . * Johnann REIGLER b. 1844
. * John Casper STAHL b. 1817 m. Mary SMITH b. 1821
. . * Daniel STAHL b. 1843
. . * John STAHL b. 1844
. . * John Henry STAHL b. 1846
. . * Maria Henrietta STAHL b. 1848
. . * George Edwin STAHL b. 1850 d. 1851
. . * Margaretha Emilie STAHL b. 1851
. . * George Joseph STAHL b. 1854
. * Anna Margaret STAHL b. 1817 d. 1909 m. Daniel HAAS b. 1813 d. 1884
More info.
. . * Maria B HAAS b. 1839 d. 1904 m. Christopher SCHEUFLER b. 1830
. . . * Caroline C SCHEUFLER b. 1858
. . . * Emeline C SCHEUFLER b. 1860
. . . * Godfrey SCHEUFLER b. 1862
. . . * Mary M SCHEUFLER b. 1864
. . . * Charles W SCHEUFLER b. 1868
. . . * Sophia LM SCHEUFLER b. 1870
. . . * Lenora A SCHEUFLER b. 1872
. . . * Robert W SCHEUFLER b. 1874
. . . * Wilhelmina J SCHEUFLER b. 1876
. . * Johann Heinrich HAAS b. 1841 d. 1926
. . . * Mathilde Margaret "Matilda" HAAS b. 1869 d. 1947 m. William F SAAM
. . . * Webbie HAAS
. . * Catharine HAAS b. 1843 d. 1901 m. Benjamin WARNER
. . * Caroline HAAS b. 1849
. . * Louise Theresa HAAS b. 1858 d. 1931 m. John (AUL) AULT d. 1930
. * Charles B STAHL b. 1821 d. 1902 m. Louise Catherine DODEY b. 1839 d. 1926
. . * Julius Caesar STAHL b. 1866 d. 1945 m. Amanda MALONE b. 1870 d. 1941
. . * Dr. John Valentine STAHL b. 1868 d. 1927
. . * Daniel Webster STAHL b. 1871 d. 1943 m. Clara DEUBER
. . . * Elle Louise STAHL b. 1889 d. 1889
. . . * Irvin Leo STAHL b. 1890 d. 1890
. . . * Irene Mable STAHL b. 1895 m. Ed McCOY
. . * Charles Henry STAHL b. 1873 d. 1937 m. Cora B SNYDER
. . * Joseph Henry STAHL b. 1876 d. 1955 m. Mary EMIG
. . * Mary Ida STAHL b. 1877 mar Mr JEPPSON
. . * Lulu Emma "Lucy" STAHL b. 1880 m. Ed HANSON
. . * Laura Hankinson STAHL b. 1888 m. Robert ?
. * Joseph STAHL
. * Jacob Valentine STAHL b. 1837 m. Elizabeth (2433) FANKHAUSER b. 1844
. . * Mary Lucia Catherine STAHL b. 1863 m. Alfred David SCHINDLER b. 1855
. . . * Ora Elsa SCHINDLER b. 1887 m. Mr. Keens
. . . * Walter Robert SCHINDLER b. 1892
. . * Louise Rosetta STAHL b. 1864 d. 1892. Might have married a SCHINDLER?
. . * John Christian STAHL b. 1866
. . * Emma Margaretha STAHL b. 1867 d. 1955 m. John William GEPFERT b. 1864 d. 1944
. . * Frederick Andrew STAHL b. 1868
. . * Elizabeth STAHL b. 1871 d. 1877
. . * Charles Herbert (Norbert) STAHL b. 1872 d. 1954 m. Lucy HENDERSON d. 1954
. . * Robert John STAHL b. 1874
. . * William Valentine STAHL b. 1876
. . * Edwin Daniel STAHL b. 1877 d. 1948/9 m. Salomi HENNY
. . * Henry Arthur STAHL b. 1879
. . * Hilda Barbara Ann STAHL b. 1881 m. George ZELLERS
. . * Ida Elizabeth STAHL b. 1883 m. R KNOHR Rev.
. . * Herbert Oscar STAHL b. 1886 d. 1920
. * Daniel STAHL b. 1838 d. 1871

* William W STAHL b. 1838 d. 1904 m. Jane ARNOLD b. 1842 d. 1914
William and Jane lived in the area around West Lenbanon, Wayne Co. Josiah and his bride lived near Mt Eaton, Wayne Co.
. * Josiah Alaide STAHL b. 1870 d. 1957 m. Ida L RICKSECKER b. 1873 d. 1957
. . * Ruth Leola STAHL b. 1899 d. 1979 m. Walter Earl MUSKOPF b. 1895 d. 1981
. . * STAHL, Merle A
. * Mary A STAHL
. * Henry or Harvey STAHL
. * Anne STAHL m. Ogilvie E McFARREN

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