Ginseng's Root Cellar
Welcome to the Root Cellar,

where we are all searching or storing our roots.

Welcome to my Root Cellar, so glad you could drop in for a spell. Would you care for a nice cup of hot tea while you browse? Perhaps something a little stronger would be more to your liking... Ahh, doesn't that just about hit the spot..

The hardest part of making these pages was deciding what and how much I could/should display. Some of my information comes from published sources. Some information has been sent by cousins. (And I hope to have links to those online soon.) Some of it has been dug out of musty dirty old papers at the courthouse. Some has been found by reading microfilms. The cousins and I will be happy to further share information with newfound kin. Email me at ginseng05 @ (remove spaces) if you think we have connecting roots. Perhaps I know of another cousin who happens to have more information on just the person you are looking for.

The format will be a little different than usual. I have left the years but taken out the month/date. If there is further info on a spouse, there will be a hyperlink to them. Most daughter lines will be with their fathers so you might want to check the every name indexes. The every name index has not been updated in quite a while, though.

So sit back, have another sip or three, and lets see who is currently being stored in The Root Cellar.

Index of names A - L

Index of names M - SP

Index of names ST - Z

My roots are mainly found in Holmes, Stark, Tuscarawas, and Wayne Counties. Other than the Anabaptist lines, most immigrated from the 1830's to 1852.

I have quite a bit of info on these lines:

ARNOLD\Pennsylvania & Ohio
DIERDORFF-DEARDORFF\York Co, Pennsylvania\Stark, Ohio
FANKHAUSER\Trub, Bern, Switzerland\Winesburg, Holmes, Ohio (and others)
FURBEE\Wetzel Co, West Virginia
GODDARD\Marshall, Tyler, and Wetzel Counties, West Virginia
GRABER\Sigriswil, Switzerland\Mt Eaton, Wayne Co, Ohio
KERR\Scotland\Ireland\Washington Co, Pennsylvania\Wayne Co, Ohio
KREBS\Niederwichtract, Bern, Switzerland\Winesburg, Holmes Co, Ohio\Indiana
MUSKOPF\Pfalz, Germany\Stark Co, Ohio
RUEGSEGGER-RICKSECKER\Bern, Switzerland\Stark, Ohio\Wayne Co, Ohio. Under construction 2/00.
SHUMAN\West Virginia, Ohio
STAHL\Holmes, Tuscarawas Co, Ohio
STAUFFER\Switzerland\Wayne Co, Ohio
SUMMER-SUMMERS\Lancaster Co, Pennsylvania\Holmes Co, Ohio
WUETHRICH-WUTHRICH\Trub, Bern, Switzerland\Winesburg, Holmes Co, Ohio\Indiana\Texas
ZUERCHER-ZURCHER\Bern, Switzerland\Stark and Holmes Co's, Ohio\Indiana

These are a few of my favorite genealogy sites...

The Fankhauser's of Trub, Switzerland. There are several pictures of the old Homeplace in Switzerland. Check them out!

OMII Genealogy Project. This site is a MUST if you have Mennonite or Amish Ancestors.

The Swiss Genealogy Page


US GenWeb Project

Holmes County, Ohio

Stark County, Ohio

Tuscarawas County, Ohio

Wayne County, Ohio

The Swiss GenWeb Page

Heartland Genealogy Ring Member

This site owned by Ginseng. 1996-2005. Formerly located on,,, or

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Last updated August 4, 2005.

This site owned by Ginseng, 1996-2005. Formerly,,, or