ESPOSITO Family Tree

ESPOSITO's Family Tree

Hello, I am José René Espósito Ruano from Guatemala. I am looking for any descendants of Juan Espósito Lorentina born 1861 aprox. in Napoli, Italy. Married with Fortuna Pezzila who was born in Napoli, Italy. They take come to Guatemala from Italy in 1890 aprox. I would be interested in hearing from any descendants of this exchanging information on the Espósito name. I am also looking for information on all related surnames to this line. They had eigth children. One of them is my Grandfather. The names of them are:

  1. Carmelo Espósito Pezzilla- Born Napoli, Italy and Died on Feb-1-1963
  2. Pascualina Espósito Pezzilla- Born Napoli, Italy
  3. Rossine Espósito Pezzilla- Born Napoli, Italy and Died on Dec-7-1921
  4. Susumina Espósito Pezzilla- Born Napoli, Italy
  5. Luis Nicolas Rafael Espósito Pezzilla- Born May-7-1896 in Guatemala and Died on Sep-29-1967
  6. Nicolas Juan Rafael Espósito Pezzilla- Born Feb-3-1899 in Guatemala and Died on Jan-19-1983
  7. Juan Jose Nicolas Espósito Pezzilla- Born Dec-15-1905 in Guatemala and Died on Sep-19-1971
  8. Jose Juan Nicolas Espósito Pezzilla- Born Oct-24-1903 in Guatemala and Died on Mar-3-1965
Some Links about GUATEMALA

  1. Inguat- Guatemala (Maya World) Where Man, Nature and Time are One
  2. Guatemala President- Alvaro Arzú Irigoyen
  3. Guatemala's Images- Some pictures of Guatemala

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