When it comes to blowing away snow,
Yoopers don't mess around.
Snowmobling in the UP is the major tourist attraction for at least 4 months of the year. Most locals own at least one sled.
Keweenaw snow report.
Here is a look at winter in the Bessemer area.
DNR Snowmobile Trail info
Don't ya just love snow?

MTU's Winter Carnival is a world famous event.

Who needs a ladder!
April Showers bring May(or June)flowers. Yes! Spring!
If you are wondering why we live here...
- Our spring brings the freshest air and an abundance of wildflowers.
- Summer is a time for family and friends..picnics and fishing...swimming
- Fall brings color so dazzling the woods look like they are on fire.
- Fall is for hunting...bow season, muzzle loading season, rifle season.
- Winter teaches us patience and give us something to talk about, the awful weather.
- Winter lets us ice fish, snowmoble, ski, sled, play, watch, or coach
hockey, and exercise. (shoveling snow)
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