Hi, I'm glad you stopped by.

We have several blogs now. Imagine, after all this time having a web page now I find out about blogging.

Anyway if your interested, the links are below.

My Personal Blog

My Quilt Blog

Pick a link from the list below to go to my various pages. I have very definite views and opinions on everything from welfare to gun control, and a lot in between. In the following pages I try to explain some of these views. If I make you stop and take a second look at a situation, then I feel I have accomplished something. If you want to argue, agree, or just give me your opinion, don't hesitate to contact me.

This page is in serious need of being updated and I'm trying to get to it so check back occasionally and see how I'm doing.

Pictures of my quilts 

My political views and philosophy

Get to know us a little

My latest passion (quilting)

Fort Washington Auto (site under construction)

HandyDewey (site under construction)

This background shows what happens when Land Developers get a hold of our open land, fields and woods. And they call it progress.

If any of these links stop working, please let me know.




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