Cristina's Place

Come on in!

Please make yourself to home, turn on the stereo if you like

Hi, I'm Cris, actually my given name is Cristina Marie, but you probably know me as Tara. I'm from the great state of Ohio!! Go Bucks!! I'm 26 years old, 5ft.6in. tall, Weight ??? (forget it!!) I have long auburn hair and dark brown eyes.I'm a Paramedic/Firefighter by Profession. Some of my Favorite Past times are, Swimming, Sailing, And Playing Bingo,and the Bingo Zone is a very cool place. Check it out!!! And of Course Chatting, I'm an addict!! I Love to surf the net.but most of the time you see me along with the rest of the regulars in the Tavern on the First Floor of the Chathouse! I'll add more as I think of it. so stop by often. Oh my Gosh!! I almost forgot to mention my older brother Rusty if it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't be here now!! Thanks!*kisses and hugs*

I feel very lucky to have some very special friends here on the net. Everyone that knows me, knows I have a person who is very Special to me! This person took me under their wing, and helped me through some very rough times in my life. To you Radioman, I give you my sincerest thanks! I don't have the words to describe to you how I feel. Every time I do, I get all chocked up and then my emotions take over. You know how special a person you are to me! And I want you to know that we have a never ending Friendship. Also To TLC(f), you have got the very best friend and mate that a girl could ever ask for. I want to thank you! For taking such good care of him!*Hugs* I Love You Guys!!!

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on the job!!


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