The Rowles Family Page

Ayah, just another lame family page.....
Well, we hope that you will find some amusement here.


Some of our favorite things are:


Tom's PC Hardware Guide helps you select the CPU that is right for you
Computer Shopper will get the best price for you has all the software you need
The Tech Support guy helps you find out why the darn thing doesn't work


Our Family Genealogy has about 2500 people from New England and Pennsylvania
Darryl's Genealogy Page includes the descendants of serveral immigrants.  The surnames include Black, Leach, Shoff, and Rowles


Town Hall

Citizens Against Government Waste

Some of my faviroite sites:

Dr. Dean Edell

MSN CarPoint

NHTSA Safety Problems & Issues

MircoSoft's TerrServer

Michael's Page:

Cool Stuff


Page updated: July 25, 1999