Hi Web Wanderer!! Don't you want your name and comments to be added here!! Oh come on, just a little comment!!

Sharon - 02/05/00 14:47:01
My Email:sharonprince@mindspring.com
City: Atlanta
State: Ga.
Favorite Web sight: moviefone


Alicia Wicks - 01/19/00 23:57:27
My Email:awicks@centralia.ctc.edu
City: Centralia
State: WA

I've always been fascinated by Alaska but have never been there although have traveled in many countries around the world. It's next on my list. (Love Dana Stabelow and Sue Henry mysteries!) I'm a single adoptive parent with 3 kids and LOTS of fur kids to round out the lot. I look forward to exploring your web site. Alicia

Lee and Ginny sholl - 01/01/00 04:18:01
My Email:StirrupCay@aol.com
City: Pickerington
State: OH
Favorite Web sight: Sandy & Jim's


Philippe Bertron - 11/13/99 11:50:31
My Email:bertron@wanadoo.fr
City: le chambon sur lignon
State: France

cela fait quelques hivers que je m'amuse à construire des igloos, sans méthode particulière. Pour la nuit du premier Janvier 2000, nous avons envie d'aller dormir en montagne dans des igloos, avec Agnès, ma femme, et nos quatre garçons. Alors j'ai été rav de trouver vos indications. Bravo d'avoir mis ces infos en ligne. Et bon millénium à vous aussi.

Renee Swantek - 11/12/99 18:27:57
My Email:sjswan@hotmail.com
City: Sterling Heights
State: MI

I am doing research for a school project. I am making an igloo out of styrofoam. I liked your web site. Thank you.

Dagmar Hahn - 11/07/99 08:56:51
My Email:101.239417@germanynet.de
City: Viernheim
State: Germany

I am teaching bilingual Geography at my school in Viernheim and I was totally thrilled to find you in the Internet. Our subject is "polar zones" at the moment and my students will definitively appreciate your hints how to build an igloo. Thanks a lot and ots of warm regards from southern germany! Yours Dagmar

Dave Morris - 10/31/99 22:50:22
My URL:http://www.bright.net/~dmorris/
My Email:dmorris@bright.net
City: Troy
State: Ohio
Favorite Web sight: Yours and Mine!!!

I need to put a link to Ft. Wainwright on my site but can't find a good address. I surfed onto your page and was impressed. Thought I'd sign the guestbook since I was already here. 70 degrees in Ohio today!!!

margaret wolf - 09/27/99 18:54:26
My Email:margaret@prodigy. net
City: Hutchinson
State: kansas


- 08/28/99 12:44:25

Thank you for this wonderful home page.

Dana Smith - 07/15/99 02:22:56
My Email:ana56day@webtv.net
City: Anniston
State: Alabama

I enjoyed looking at and reading your page. I am new on the web, so I have been exploring, that's how I came upon your page. Thanks for sharing. Sincerely, ~Dana~

Martita Delgado - 06/17/99 18:15:01
My Email:delgado_martita@allergan.com
City: Cabo Rojo
State: PR
Favorite Web sight: none yet

I lived in Anchorage from 1990 to 1995. My sister and I intended to attend UAA for a whole academic year as intern students from Puerto Rico. We liked it so much we transferred and eventually graduated from UAA! I still keep in touch with my friends up in the last frontier. I love checking this site out so that I can keep up with AK weather and temperatures. Lots of luck with your website, and thanks for bringing a little bit of Alaska to all of us!!

Bradley Parrish - 04/17/99 17:34:32
City: orlando
State: FL
Favorite Web sight: www.tlcfanmail.com

i think this is a great sight for my school information!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Thanks, Bradley Parrish....6th grade

Don Adams - 03/07/99 14:32:35
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members2/photobug/index.html
My Email:dpadams@cajunnet.com
City: Chauvin
State: Louisiana
Favorite Web sight: ebay Auctions

I enjoyed visiting you wen site. Best wishes, Don Adams

Rita Brown - 02/28/99 01:29:56
My Email:rita_g@centuryinter.net
City: Port Aransas
State: Texas
Favorite Web sight: soapline


Jon Spears - 02/15/99 17:43:23
My URL:/Colosseum/Arena/9110
My Email:jonspears@hotmail.com
City: Fond du Lac
State: Wisconsin
Favorite Web sight: Sight as in seeing. I liked everything!

Keep up the good work. The Background music is good. Come on over to my homepage and sign the guestbook! Thanks!

shelby schutze - 02/05/99 03:06:00
My Email:shutz@gvtc.com
City: New Braunfels
State: Texas
Favorite Web sight: Disney

Checking out the rugrats related websites.

Barb - 01/24/99 20:12:31
My Email:anglboostr@aol.com
City: Anaheim
State: CA

Sandy & Jim: I have enjoyed reading about you, your families and your lives. I have just found the love of my life through Classmates.com as you did. I hope that I can say in the future that my life has turned out as yours has. Classmates has brought us together, i is now up to us to make every wish come true. We are also separated by lots of miles but hope to come together soon. Thank you for sharing your story.

Linn Gebhardt - 01/14/99 16:12:06
My URL:http://webtv
My Email:cowtrain@webtv.net
City: Belvidere
State: Il.
Favorite Web sight: classmates

Love the pictures (especially the twins) Very interesting story line. Kept my attention!

Linn Gebhardt - 01/14/99 16:09:37
My URL:http://webtv
My Email:cowtrain@weebtv.net
City: Belvidere
State: Il.
Favorite Web sight: classmates

Love the pictures (especially the twins) Very interesting story line. Kept my attention!

Dorothy Booth - 11/20/98 08:14:44
My URL:http://(working on it!)
My Email:magicdragondb@webtv.net
City: Diamondhead(50 E>New Orleans)
State: MS Gulf Coast
Favorite Web sight: Tourbus

Hi again, Sandy, first saw you on the Class Mates site which is soooo much fun! Read your guestbook,and have a tip:There are THOUSANDS of (us)WebTV users, and when print is in red, it is not readable...it is blurred!...too bad..don't know the solution. PS I had a precious Scottie name Tammy..the runt of a litter..and even at maturity,looked like a "minature." Her first litter, only two, and one was huge and so fat,& her favorite!We named her Katrinka and the other one, Tammy would kick her a foot away to l t Katrinka nurse first! I've never been to Alaska except by travelogs,but know I would love to have my fill of fresh salmon...yummmm!..I really enjoyed visiting Quebec,Canada -those citizens have such wonderful, sincere, civic pride - every yard was immac late...flowers in such abundance..and St.Anne's cathedral nearby was a very special treat to me..missed the fireworks because of the traffic...cop made us move on as thousands had arrived earlier and no parking was left.Their beer there is delicious,but w could never find any fresh lobster (my favorite).Looking forward to your assistance with my homepage. Chow!

Marj. - 10/17/98 21:52:59
My Email:MRSMARGO@aol.com
City: Greensburg
State: PA


10/04/98 10:12:25
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Julie Rogers - 10/01/98 11:05:22
My Email:JULIE.ROGERS2@gte.net
City: Boca Raton
State: Florida
Favorite Web sight: Scottish Terriers

Enjoyed your site; linked to it through the Scottie page. My husband and I are "fur family" too and have two English Springer Spaniels. We're looking to add a Scottie to the menagre and have listed ourselves on the "rescue" list. I'm a Realtor in South Florida, enjoying the year long summer, having moved here 12 years ago from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. So, I remember snow. Thanks for the interesting site!

jennifer - 09/30/98 02:02:27
My Email:jendm17@aol.com
State: Tennessee

I would love to know the 1st thing about making my own home page! I am learning more, just by reading these! Thanks! Question: Why would you want people to sign your guest book? Is this an advertisement that I missed? I'll read on! ~Jen~

Kate Hamilton-McLean - 09/16/98 00:10:33
My Email:Kpaints4u
City: Las Vegas
State: NV


DJ MOSER - 08/16/98 03:51:07
State: CA


susan glass - 06/08/98 19:41:28
My Email:glass428@aol.com
City: bartlesville
State: oklahoma
Favorite Web sight: lots

Such a beautiful page and the music is lovely;it made my day!

Meris Mom - 06/06/98 12:59:44
My Email:Tparty@aol.com
State: MA
Favorite Web sight: Parents@home page

Very well done!..My children and I liked your site.

Kathleen Andrews - 06/01/98 03:57:10
My Email:jkandrews@xtra.co.nz
City: Napier
State: HB, New Zealand

Was having trouble staying loaded into a chat room and happened upon this. Beautiful Music. New Zealand has lovely scenery and wildlife but Im always interested in Other Countries. would like to travel one day and experience all other aspects of life.

Jeff Price - 05/18/98 17:31:04
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~iprice/index.html
My Email:elderprice@yahoo.com
City: La Mesa
State: CALIF.
Favorite Web sight: Mine!

This is a very nice web page! Keep up the good work!

Janet Crowl - 05/05/98 14:53:04
My Email:The2Crowls@aol.com
City: Topeka
State: KS

I was in Kodiak, Alaska two summers ago. I went there on a Mission trip with my church to work at the Baptist Mission Center there. I had always wanted to go to Alaska and this was a great opportunity. We did go into Anchorage and see some glaciers nea by, but would love to go farther north sometime. I also liked the longer light days. I had no problem going to sleep, we worked hard and were very tired. It was great having the extra light to sightsee by after a long day of work. Nice visiting with y u!

wolfie - 05/03/98 01:42:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Village/6026
My Email:kc@eznet.net
City: shortsville
State: ny

beautiful page, just dropped by to say howdy

Betty and Luc - 05/02/98 15:40:50
My URL:http://www2.southwind.net/~luc/FROindex.html
My Email:luc@southwind.net
City: Wichita
State: Kansas
Favorite Web sight: http://www.zildjian.com

Nice page I love the music and the background and the little moose!!

Betty and Luc - 05/02/98 15:36:57


Rocco Falbo - 04/28/98 04:36:11
My Email:area@execpc.com
City: Wind Lake
State: WI


Phil - 04/25/98 06:06:21
My URL:/Heartland/Park/1780/
My Email:US BEA007@aol.com
City: Southaven
State: Ms.
Favorite Web sight: None yet

Your page looks great I hope ours turns out this good.

Phil - 04/25/98 05:54:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/1780/
My Email:US BEA007@aol.com
City: Southaven
State: Ms.
Favorite Web sight: None yet

Your page looks great I hope ours turns out this good.

Gary & Karen Dobbs - 04/24/98 03:08:20
My Email:Chea01@yahoo.com
City: London
State: Ontario, Canada


donna reid - 04/18/98 22:26:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/5625
My Email:simmons@auracom.com
City: Borden
State: Prince Edward Island, Canada

we live in a pretty small and isolated place... this puter has become our open door to the world. Please drop by and visit our site...some of our links are under construction right now..but the base of the page is all there..hope you enjoy!!! psssttt..pl ase sign our guestbook so we can come back and visit this very enjoyable, informative site again!!

Lynette - 04/17/98 18:22:18
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~lynettec/
My Email:lynettec@earthlink.net
City: Sunnyvale
State: CA
Favorite Web sight: PumpkinsPatch

Wow!, you have quite a variety here. It will take me some time to check them all out. Please come and visit.

phyllis - 04/13/98 11:46:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/prairie/3705
My Email:kopiasz@geocities.com
City: anchorage
State: ak

i like your site. i would like to add it to my links page, which includes links to the home pages of individual alaskans.

horman's - 04/10/98 00:25:12
My Email:mccdoors@alaska.net
City: wasilla
State: ak
Favorite Web sight: scotties

hey sandy, I not sure if you remeber us! but we bought one of your wheaton puppy last year! my other dogs had a litter of 9 puppies and my mother would like to ask you some question about them! please write back! wasilla clan mary, mark, beauford, barbara, beauford, missy, pippy, maxes, fifi, and 9 puppies!

Cathy Key - 03/17/98 22:03:09
My Email:Cathidoll@aol.com
City: Corona
State: Ca.

Just stumbled in on my quest for my family history search..just starting..it's like being lost in space. My lineage is Irish/German. Alaska! Huh...like dropping out of space into Alaska:) I have cousins in Alaska..worked on the Pipeline..The whole Frank family children took off from Minnesota to Alaska to work the pipeline. Love your site....our family has not a Scotty, but a Westie, amed Katie. Thanks for letting me drop in.... Cathy

Kellie Ledbetter - 02/19/98 22:49:56
My Email:KLedbet510@aol.com
City: Waynesville
State: NC
Favorite Web sight: don't really have one yet

Hi Sandy, I was bored tonight so I decided to get online and check out your web page again. I love the way you have remodeled it. The mountains in the background are beautiful. Once I get my new computer I will make this site a regular. The computer that I have now (486SX) is only 25 Mhz and can't be upgraded in speed - only memory. When I get here it takes so long to get here and then I don't get to see everything. If ther is a lot of traffic on I can't even get on. I promise to keep better in touch and look up you web page more. Love, Kellie

Sue Miedl - 02/18/98 02:33:22
My Email:SueBobScoo@aol.com
City: Independence
State: OH

Hey, Sandy! One cool Webpage! Don't you do anything else? When you get to Ohio, I'll show you what outdoors looks like. Love ya, See ya soon, Sue (Sneezy)

Jan - 02/10/98 15:43:53
My URL:http://members.aol.com/insomneea/MAIN.html
My Email:Insomneea@aol.com
State: New york
Favorite Web sight: too many to mention


Hello....*Smile*. You have a really great site going on here. Enjoyed my visit. My hubby was stationed in alaska back in 1990...I have to say i really miss those alaskan summers...and the nort ern lights in winter. I have bookmarked your site will definitely be back. take a trip to my site sometime... I also had a hand in creating this webring so do come and join The Fun Page...Bye!

Maggie Carnes - 02/07/98 21:38:09
My Email:mcarnes@imsday.com
City: Cleveland
State: Texas
Favorite Web sight: pacprod

Since I have practically all of my family living in Fairbanks,AK. I found your web site very interesting,in fact my husband and I are planning another visit up there this summer. We were there 2 summers ago and had a blast. The daylight all the time was v ry hard to get use to,but we did fish in Valdez for halibut and brought some home with us it was delicious. In fact that's why we are going back, we ate all the halibut. Only this year we plan on July to get some salmon too. Well, gotta thanks for letting me rattle on bye. Maggie

Leandra Smith - 01/29/98 23:24:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/estates/7284/snooks.html
My Email:flywheel@dixie-net.com
City: Ripley
State: State
Favorite Web sight: www.titanicmovie.com or www.lunaticlounge.com or www.reba.com

You had a pretty cool homepage. Keep up the good work.

marilyn Rozelle - 01/18/98 03:18:35
City: forty fort,
State: pennsylvania

We just lost our beloved Scottie, MacTavish. We thoroughly enjoyed your site and the creativity and love involved!

Carson Ruggles - 01/04/98 21:27:44
My Email:picaspals@juno.com
City: Chico
State: CA

Congratulations...stunning visuals...clean graphics...found you via "connectix"...enjoyed contact...end

James Crawford - 12/05/97 03:35:52
My URL:http://www2.dtc.net/~eagle
My Email:eagle@dtc.net
City: Wichita
State: Kansas

Verry good web page

dewanna - 11/27/97 00:06:42
My URL:/Heartland/Hills/4693
My Email:dew@communityonline.net

Great site!!!!!!!!!!

Chris kiana Sr. - 11/24/97 06:29:16
My URL:http://www.alaska.net/~dbakiana
My Email:dbakiana@alaska.net
City: Anchorage
State: Alaska
Favorite Web sight: Yours is excellent!

I like the Moose. My wife loves your moose. You need to make your moose bigger so that we can all enjoy it better. I especially like your piano music. Definitely a good all-around web page! If any wants to check out Eskimo Yo-Yos from Alaska, check ou my URL.

Marj. McNair - 10/30/97 03:15:56
My Email:MRSMARGO@aol.com
City: Greensburg
State: PA
Favorite Web sight: yours

Your page is the greatest. I especially enjoy the Scottish tunes and information on Scotland. I don't know anything about web pages. Do you set them up yourself? I'm new to this kind of stuff. I just surf around looking for genealogy information and ancestors. I'm just a little past my first year of playing solitaire and writing letters on my computor!

Sarah - 10/28/97 14:08:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Gallery/1216
My Email:sfraz@nmhu.campus.mci.net
City: Las Vegas
State: NM
Favorite Web sight: http://www.lib.utexas.edu/Libs/PCL/Map_collection/Map_collection.html

This page is just LOADED with information and interesting places to go and things to see. GREAT--just what I needed--another thing to keep me from doing housework. ;>) Thanks.

David - 09/21/97 00:46:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/9396
My Email:cyscll@cyberway.com.sg
City: Singapore
State: SG
Favorite Web sight: not sure

Hi ! Great site you have here..., excellent design and content! I love your site very much! Is Alaska very cold? What's it like in Alaska? Do come down and visit my site sometime too! God bless!

dAYSLEEPER - 08/30/97 15:38:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~daysleeper
City: Indianapolis

You have been visited by the one, the only Daysleeper

Shannon Coughlin & Gussie - 08/29/97 03:46:26
My Email:coughlin@cyberspc.mb.ca
City: Winnipeg
State: Manitoba
Favorite Web sight: Anything with a scottie on it!!

Great web page Sandy, lots of different points of interest. Certainly a pleasure to visit it. Shannon

Sandy Copper - 08/23/97 05:33:12 GMT
My Email:twodownpress@msn.com
City: Fountain Valley
State: Ca

It's my name to....really!! I like your site and obviously you have put a lot of work into it..Will visit you again

April Brandhorst - 08/19/97 17:56:28 GMT
My Email:aprilb@foto.infi.net
City: Fayetteville
State: NC

Just surfed ...saw your web page ... ya did a great job :) :) Have a great day :)

Uncle_Vern - 08/09/97 03:54:38 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocity.com/hearland/hills/4990
My Email:uncle_vern@geocities.com
City: Triangle
State: VA
Favorite Web sight: msn.com

Great site! I lived in Juneo some time ago and would love to be back in Alaska some day. Keep up the good work.

corgi - 07/19/97 23:15:44 GMT
My URL:http://geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/7027
My Email:pembrokecorgi@geocities.com.
State: Indiana

I very much enjoyed your home page. Alaska is a place I would love to visit some day. I live in the country and enjoy a large amount of the wildlife around me as well. Very nice!

Virginia - 07/09/97 20:47:35 GMT
City: North Pole
State: Alaska

Sandy, just wanted to let you know I like the new "Page". First time I've had a chance to see it. Congratulations again on the award!

Lisa - 07/09/97 13:09:49 GMT
My URL:/Heartland/5127
My Email:mcjones@airnet.net
State: AL
Favo ite Web sight: Hard to say, there are so many!

Happy birthday from your geocities neighbor. Hope you have a great day. Love your page...I've always wanted to visit Alaska! My neighbors have been 3 times and keep going back!< r>
Lisa - 07/09/97 13:08:57 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/5127
My Email:mcjones@airnet.net
State: AL
Favo ite Web sight: Hard to say, there are so many!

Happy birthday from your geocities neighbor. Hope you have a great day. Love your page...I've always wanted to visit Alaska! My neighbors have been 3 times and keep going back!< r>
deputydan - 07/07/97 03:01:35 GMT
My Email:murdock@ismi.net
City: brighton
State: mi
Favorite Web sight: thesite.com


Chuck Robbins - 07/02/97 00:07:47 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/2053
My Email:ChuckRobb@juno.com

An outstanding page ... really like your colors, and the message is very meaningful....

Dell Heeerrre - 06/24/97 19:12:29 GMT
My URL:http://www.snowcrest.net/~renodell/
My Email:renodell@snowcrest.net
City: Reddi g
State: CAlifornia
Favorite Web sight: HEEERRRE need i say more!


Hey Sandy!!




Cyber Dell Heeerrre

Dell Heeerrre2


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