Rusty, The Shetland Sheepdog!

As I learn more about how to surf the web with paws, I hope to post more stuff up here! For now, read some of my personal stories...

Calico Missy

I have a new friend in my house....
This is my friend Missy, the cat....
We had trouble getting along at first,
but she is better now!

As for me, I am a Shetland Sheepdog. If you don't already know it, I AM NOT A COLLIE!!! I'm not even related to that breed of dog! (yuck, poooey!)
I am a little overweight (about 39 pounds), but I can still run down any cat in the neighborhood (sorry, Missy.) Being a male dog, I have a huge furry crest (chest plate) which makes kids call me the Lion King or something, but actually, it's my most attractive feature. I look bold and majestic as I stand there on the top of the hillside surveying my territory, wind rustling through my mane...(uhh)... (err)... Sorry, I digress....
But this thick furry coat can be a real problem sometime. When I eat one of my favorite rawhide chew bones, it's hard to keep from chewing my beautiful crest along with it. Of course, this gets my hair all nappy and stuff, so I go get Mommy to clean me up (which works sometimes.)
The other problem I have with this big furry coat is the heat. During this last summer, I took my owners to play tennis with me (they like that sort of thing.) I was chasing the balls as fast as they could hit them. Then I saw my next door neighbor riding his bike past the tennis courts. I decided to show my recognition of him by running along the fence and barking at him. Then it hit. Pain in my hind leg. It just froze up on me! Then the other leg. Man, I felt dizzy! I think I laid down after that, but I can't remember. Next thing I knew was my Dad throwing some water on my face and in my mouth. I was really stiff all over. It took me a day to recover from that one. Later, I heard my Mom say that it was only about 80 degrees outside that evening, but I guess I just pushed myself too hard and had one of those heat spoke (I think thats what they said) things. It was bad.
Since that time, I have to go to some place that is real mean to me. The brush my fur and throw me in a tub of water! But after that, I really feel a lot cooler during the summer and I seem to itch a lot less. I guess its a small price to pay for a few hours of pure torture, but a good month of feeling good! There should be a better way for me to have this done...? Maybe a bunch a french poodles could do that for me instead of those strange human things.?.? :)
Anyway, I don't have much else to say right now. It's really hard to type with these big paws (although it's easier when they forget to clip my toe-nails.) Here are a few places that I;ve surfed to. Hope you like some of them!
Good night, Missy. (grrrrrrrrrr.)

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