The Garrard Family Home Page
Hi, I'm Bob Garrard. I live with my family in Greenville, Alabama.
We have lived in Alabama for 21 years but my wife and I are originally from Michigan.
My children are true Southerners (although the two oldest were born in Canada)
and my roots are in the South- - so the only true Yankee we have is my wife.
We're each going to take a turn telling you about ourselves and our interests.
Click on the one you want to know about:
Hi, again. It's me, Bob. I guess I have to take responsibility for this mess.
This was my first attempt at Web page publishing. Right now I also have a site for my church,East Greenville Baptist ChurchAs I said, I grew up in Michigan.
(Go Blue!) But my parents are from the South. As a matter of fact, my
great-great-great-great grandfather was the 2nd governor of the state of Kentucky.
But I was born in Detroit, where my dad had gone to work for the Chevrolet Motor Company.
I attended Harper Woods High School and Hyles Anderson College and graduated from
FaithWay Baptist College. Between my junior and senior years I married Bette Jayne Walker.
Upon graduation we moved to Whitby, Ontario, Canada. I served as assistant pastor in two
churches in Ontario; one in Whitby
and the other in Port Hope,
home of Joseph Scriven,
author of What A Friend We Have In Jesus. We then moved back to the U.S.
and after a year in Michigan, we moved to Alabama where we have been ever since. I have
taught in Christian schools and held various jobs from district manager for the Montgomery
Advertiser to insurance agent for Independent Life & Accident Insurance Co. Since December 31, 2000, I have been the pastor of East Greenville Baptist Church and I love it!
But the most important thing about me is that I am a Christian. When I was five years old I
knew that I was a sinner and that I could not save myself from the punishment I deserved.
So I put my trust in Jesus and His finished work on Calvary and things have never been
the same. If you have never put your faith in Him, you should. I'll show you how!
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Hi, I'm Bette. I work for the Shadow Catcher Group, framing prints. Between work and family and church I stay very busy. I'm a saved Christian who would love to tell you about my Lord.
You too can know him as your Savior. Click here!
My hobbies are cross-stitching and watching sports with my family.
My husband and I are Michigan fans.
My boys are
Auburn fans. Go Michigan or Go Auburn.
We are all Braves fans. I also enjoy helping my daughter with her cooking.
Thank you for stopping by. As you can see I enjoy my family. Return to Index
Hi, I'm Ben. I am twenty-two years old. I am now taking classes at Lurleen B. Wallace Junior College. My interests
include almost all sports and collecting baseball cards. I have found a new and
awesome medium through the news groups. Over the last few years I have traded baseball cards with
people in California, Texas, Connecticut and even Ontario, Canada. For a list of some of the cards I have
for trade click here! I am a big
Auburn fan and Atlanta Braves fan. Return to Index
Hello, I'm Abby. I love my real name, Abigail, but if you were to call me that I wouldn't answer. I'm twenty-one
years old and I am attending Troy State Unversity to get my degree in elementary education. I love to read, cook and (believe it or not) attend school.
My favorite book is Little Women, my favorite thing to bake is cookies, and my favorite subject is English.
I must be honest: my favorite things are church, church nursery and baby-sitting. I have had a few doubts
about my salvation, but am now completely firm about my beliefs and love the Lord with all my heart.
I also love children so I enjoy my turns in nursery.Return to Index
Hi, I'm T.J. (That stands for Thomas Jonathan--Dad) I am the baby of the family and I am also
the best looking. My hobbies include collecting baseball cards, eating, and sleeping. But watching sports
is just as much fun as all of that. I am a real big Auburn fan.
My whole family is basically Yankees
except for me. I was born in Montgomery, Alabama. So I am basically a red-neck, but don't hold that against
them. Well, that's about it, so...War Eagle!!!!
Chevy Rules!!!!
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I believe that a person gets saved when he or she realizes there is no where else to go.
You either put your trust in Christ or you go to Hell. There is nothing you can do to get saved.
It has all already been done, but there are some things you should know:
- You are a sinner;dead in sin spiritually with no hope in yourself. (Romans 3:23)
- You deserve to spend eternity in Hell paying for your sins. (Romans 6:23a)
- Christ died as a sinless sacrifice for you to pay that price. (Romans 5:8)
- Faith in what Christ did is all that is required for salvation. (John 3:16)
You should also know that salvation is only the beginning of what God has for you. (Ephesians 2:8-10)
If you have any questions about this or if you do trust Christ, we would be glad to hear from you. Send us E-mail.
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These are some of my cards:
- 97 Fleer Ultra Platinum Medallion-Cal Ripken Jr.
- 97 Pinnacle Certified Mirror Red-Mike Piazza
- 97 Skybox EX-2000 Credentials- Cal Ripken Jr.
- 98 Ultra Platinum Medallion-Tony Gwynn
- 98 Ultra Platinum Medallion-Mo Vaughn
- 98 Ultra Diamond Producers-Chipper Jones
I have several other cards as well. If you are interested in trading at even book,
let me know. Return to Index
Abby's Cookie Recipe
- 1 cup sugar
- 3/4 cup oil
- 2 eggs
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 2 1/2 cups self-rising flour
- Mix ingredients
- drop by teaspoonful on baking sheet
- flatten with fork
- bake at 350 degrees
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Images from: Randy's Icon and Image Bazaar
Last updated: July 23, 2001
Created By: Bob Garrard,
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