Welcome to
Donna's Bookshelf

Is there a house anywhere in the world large enough for
all my books?
My list of favorite books changes with my mood, with
the season, with ... well, just because! But the books that never lose
top ranking are these:
- Diana
Gabaldon's OUTLANDER series:
- Outlander
- Dragonfly in Amber
- Voyager
- Drums of Autumn
- The Fiery Cross
- (forthcoming) Sons of Liberty (formerly tentatively titled King, Farewell
- The Outlandish Companion
- The Thorn Birds
- Gone With the Wind
- The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Check it out information about the movies at The One Ring or Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
- The Mists of Avalon
- Outer Banks
- Katherine Kurtz' DERYNI novels:
- Camber of Culdi
- Saint Camber
- Camber the Heretic
- The Harrowing of Gwynned
- King Javan's Year
- The Bastard Prince
- Deryni Rising
- Deryni Checkmate
- High Deryni
- The Bishop's Heir
- The King's Justice
- The Quest for Saint Camber
- King Kelson's Bride
- Codex Derynianus, with Robert Reginald, the definitive guide to all things Deryni
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