Zeke did a lot of things in the years we've had him, most of which are summed up beautifully in an article written by Mr. David Evans for the Spring 1996 NAWBA jounal. Please enjoy Zeke's favorite article!

(This is Zeke & His family the day we brought him home from the Rescue Nov.10, 1993)
Zeke Szkrybalo. Wait a minute. Who ever heard of a Bouvier named Zeke Szkrybalo? Not "Ezekiel something von Dafzicht...de Overstort...Van De Boevers Garden", or "V.D. Stadt Homberg". The dog's registered name is Zeke Szkrybalo,& he appeared at our '95 Championships in Lansing as a Bouvier entry in carting & the weight-pulling contest we ran as a fun match.
Any Bouvier named Zeke Szkrybalo deserves a second look so, after the fall trial, I gave the dog's owner a telephone call. Soon I was talking to Glenda Szkrybalo of Howell, Mich., the wife of Kevin, mother of three girls, and last, but not least, the principle caregiver & trainer of a 3-year-old male Bouvier named Zeke Szkrybalo. Our conversation began with a discussion surrounding Zeke's 2nd place finish in carting, & 4th place in the weight pull. Then things really got interesting......
It seems that Zeke arrived in Howell, Mich. by way of the streets of Bowling Green, Ohio, where he was rescued as a filthy, sick, & starving 57-pound dog, channeled through the SE Michigan rescue program, & then placed with the Szkrybalo family in 1993. According to Glenda, Zeke was in such bad shape they had to concentrate on building up his strength for several months before he could even undergo a simple surgical procedure. But far from being discouraged by all this, & with an eye to the future, Glenda applied for an A.K.C. number under their special Indefinite Listing Privilege classification, which would enable their Bouvier of unknown parentage to eventually compete in sanctioned events, with the exception of conformation. (Jim Engel would probably like this).
Today Zeke is a big 'ol handsome & healthy Bouvier on the go. He has fully developed into a fine-looking dog, with good temperament & character, but what's more, is that he is being trained & put to use by his loving family. The NAWBA carting seminar probably played a part in all this, since the Szkrybalo children are often seen riding in the wagon behind Zeke, even delivering the local newspaper in the snow, as they did last Christmas, with Zeke dressed as Santa's helper. In addition to his achievements at the NAWBA trial, Zeke has earned a Temperament Test title, Therapy Dog International title, Canine Good Citizen, gained a blue ribbon in agility competition, graduated 1st in obedience class, & has the 1st leg of his Herding Instinct test, Glenda now plans to title him in this demanding sport. Not bad for a dog who spent his first year scavenging the streets of Bowling Green, Ohio.
I don't know if there's a moral to this story, but if there is one, it's probably that the Bouvier who lies on the rug of your living room (which most of ours do exclusively) might be far more capable of achieving things than you realize. Many of us ignore or give up on dogs that, through owner neglect, were hardly given a chance to develop their potential. Others wait forever for that "perfect" working Bouvier to appear as some kind of divine manifestation on the field, requiring damned little patience or effort on the part of the owner/trainer. There are plenty of Shutzhund people who literally stand around for years waiting for that "V" rated competition dog to walk up & introduce himself in plain English. And, in conformation, there are probably thousands of Bouvier who get s-----canned every year for having some piddly little fault that might hinder their chances at Westminster. What a crime!
I'll cast my lot with the Szkrybalo's & Zeke. If their spirit & dedication with Zeke ever permeates the serious working sports of Schutzhund & Herding we'll have plenty of Bouviers who realize their potential on the field, & for whom we can pride ourselves as an organization.
Welcome to NAWBA, Zeke Szkrybalo V.D. Boulevard du Bowling Green!
Zeke Szkrybalo, TT,TDI,CGC,HIT
( This is Zeke as he looked in 1996)

To see picture's of Zeke Carting (draft work), click
To see picture's of Zeke working as a Therapy Dog click here!