( You're my Inspiration )
Buying a Puppy !!
Getting a puppy is a huge decision. You are making a life long commitment to an animal that will be dependent
on you for everything, grooming, food , shelter, love, understanding, training, and vet care. I hope that whichever breed you have decided on that you have or will take time to research the breed
carefully. Also take into consideration how much time and money you will have to spend, training ,grooming and playing with your puppy. How many hours a day are you gone from home that the puppy will be home alone? Maybe an older dog (a rescue ) or a cat might make for a better pet for your family if you are gone and the pup would be home alone for most of the day .
So many people are tempted to buy a cute little puppy they see in the pet store window. But if they knew the
story behind most pet stores that sell puppies & where these puppies come from it would make them sick and they would run
screaming from the pet store.
Pet stores get their puppies from puppy brokers , Who got them from puppy mills for about $10-$50 a
piece. Puppy mills are places where dogs are bred just for the sake of producing puppies, and making money. Without concern for the dogs or their
offspring. often the conditions these dogs are born into and live in are horrible. small cages outside, dirty , stinky , and full of the
dogs own waste. The sire and dam, have not been health certified, or vet checked , and are often closley related to each other . I
once got a bitch into the Bouvier rescue that was a puppy mill brood bitch . Her Father was also her mothers father & she was
bred to him 8 times in 5 years, so her puppies father, was also their grandfather , and great grand father. In my opinion NO one
, not even if you feel sorry for the puppy should EVER buy a puppy from a pet store. If no one bought the puppies they would
quit selling them.
Most pet stores offer a 72 hour health guarantee, and a one year genetic defect guarantee ( most genetic defects can't be
tested for till the dog is 2 years of age.) And pet stores have a No return policy. So if 18 months after you bought the puppy you
find out it has glaucoma and is deaf and a fear biter what are you going to do with it ? and who will answer to you for these
problems or refund your $2400.00?, offer any help or advice ? or let you know who else in the family had these problems and
what was done about it ? By the way a reputable breeder would NEVER knowingly breed a dog that carried a genetic defect such as glaucoma.
Now for the myth of A.K.C. registered. Some people believe that if a puppy is AKC registered that it has some kind of a
stamp of quality on it. This is NOT true!!. The American Kennel Club, is nothing less then a pure bred breed registration . That's
it . It does not mean that if the dog has "papers" its a quality dog, a dog that should be bred, a good representation of it breed, or that its valuable. the following is a direct Quote
from the AKC Home page
"AKC Registered and Quality"
"There is a widely held belief that "AKC" or "AKC papers" and quality are one and the same. This is not the case. AKC is
registry body. A registration certificate identifies the dog as the offspring of a known sire and dam, born on a known date. It in
no way indicates the quality or state of health of the dog. Quality in the sense of "show quality" is determined by many factors
including the dog's health, physical condition, ability to move and appearance. Breeders breeding show stock are trying to
produce animals that closely resemble the description of perfection described in the breed standard. Many people breed their
dogs with no concern for the qualitative demands of the breed standard. When this occurs repeatedly over several generations,
the animals, while still pure-bred, can be of extremely low quality"
Another myth is that. "Breeders" meaning show dog people who breed . charge incredibly high prices for their puppies .
Most breeders prices are way below the pet store prices .
Case in Point , I saw an English Mastiff puppy in a pet store window. The puppy was throwing up,and wobbling. I went in to
inquire about the puppy ( to see if I could figure away to get him out of there ) I was told he came from "Championship lines",he had
"AKC PAPERS" was " Home Bred " , and, " Imported here to Michigan from Oklahoma". I asked to see the pedigree and
inquired on the price. He was health guaranteed for 72 hours against illness and a one year genetic defect guarantee.( you got three free vet visits to a vet the pet store had a contract with , and it was that vet you had to see if there was any problems with the puppy ) This puppy
had one Champion in its 3 generation pedigree, no kennel name, his mom was named Lucy 2, the same stud dog was on the
pedigree in 2 places and a brood bitch was on there twice., And the store had him on sale as a Christmas special for only
$2400.00! no returns after 72 hours . In comparisen my show prospect Bouvier puppy who I bought from a reputable breeder ,has 10
champions out of 14 dogs on the 3 generation pedigree,( 3 of these champions had gone to Westminster and are very well
known dogs) Mom and Dad are both champions, no dogs show up on there more than once, he has a hip guarantee, a health
guarantee till he's two years old and tested, a return policy, plus his breeders help in grooming and any questions I might have.
And I didn't pay $2400.00 for him!
Some things to ask about before buying your puppy. You should ask , an a reputable breeder should be able to answer
these questions. Have both mom & dad been vet checked and health certified for all health concerns for that breed. ( the type
of certifications for common aliments can be found when you research the breed you are interested in they vary from breed to
breed ). How about the parents litter mates?, Ask to see both parents, look at where the puppies are living. Look at the other dogs there , are they groomed and clean? Pay attention to
how the puppies are acting are they playful, and healthy looking? Are the eyes bright and clear? Ask to see pedigrees the
breeder should be able to show you at least a 5 generation pedigree, check to see if one or more dogs is showing up on there
more then once or twice. Are the parents champions? Do they hold any other titles ? How about the puppies other ancestors?
ask Why they breeder choose to breed these two dog. If they say to have a spring litter , run away ! A reputable breeder only
breeds to bring things into , to improve upon, or to continue their lines in hopes of improving the breed as a whole. They have a true love and passion for their breed and their dogs. I have always found that
reputable breeders can talk to you for hours about their dogs and lines, never seeming to get tired of answering your questions (
They want a good informed home for their puppies ! ) they are very knowledgeable in genetics, and their breed.
When you buy you puppy a reputable breeder will have you sign a contract. The contract should guarantee the puppy until
at least 2 years of age, at that time they are old enough to under go the health certifications. The contract might also include a hip
guarantee. For breeds that dysplysia is a concern . Reputable breeders also have a spay / neuter clause in their contracts, If you
have bought a pet puppy ( a puppy that won't be shown in conformation) you will be given a limited registration and won't be
able to register your dog till you have given proof of spay or neuter. this enables the breeder to have control over their lines . To
a reputable breeder their kennel lines are very important. They want their breeding stock, carefully chosen., and exhibited , like
at dog shows. Many breeders offer rebates for puppies that get their health certifications , or completing obedience classes. A
reputable breeder will want to keep in touch with you , offer grooming help, they will call you or ask you to call them when
something happens good or bad or if you have any questions .They do call from time to time to check in and see if everything is
going ok. And probably the most important thing a reputable breeder will have in the contract is a return policy. Reputable
breeder will want you to bring the dog back to them at ANY time if you are unable to care for or decide that you no longer
want the puppy . Even if its YEARS after you bought the dog. This is a much nicer option then having to turn a dog over to a
pound, or having it put to sleep , or ending up in a rescue. A reputable breeder knows they are responsible for that puppy
existing, and that their responsibility doesn't end when the puppy goes to its new home.
Good luck finding the right puppy for your family please feel free to send me an e-mail or sign my guest book with any
questions or comments!!
Some other intresting or helpful links
Puppy Mills
More information on Puppy Mills
Puppy Mills and Pet Stores
A.K.C. Registration
Am I Famous now?
Do I go Home Today ?
For Sale
How to Love your dog
Lapradors homepage
A.K.C. "How to get started being a reputable breeder
Meet our puppy Gus !
Send us an EMAIL!! with any comments or suggetions !!