Church Staff
Current Prayer List
Map & Directions to Building
Upcoming Events
Christian Resources
How Can I Be Saved?
click here to read God's Word Online Bible
"Understanding that the 'great commission' begins at home, we strive to become a true family in God bound together by our love for Him and our love and service to each other, to equip ourselves to actively share with the world the glory and blessing of being a part of God's Family."
Our current Meeting times:
Sunday Morning:

9:15a.m. Breakfast Fellowship;
9:30a.m. Bible Class;  10:30a.m. Worship
Sunday Evening:
6:00p.m. Bible Study
Wednesday Evening:
7:00p.m. Bible Study


601 Cameron Ave.
Colonial Heights, VA 23834


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Copyright 2002-2004 by Cameron Avenue COC
Created by Burt Casey