Spring fever has hit. My friend, Sheri, made this beautiful background set for me. Some of these pages are in need of a good spring cleaning (just like my house *s*), so please excuse the dust.

About Me - go here if you want to learn all about this web mistress. {will be updated soon!}

Kyle's Special Story - My son's inspirational story, his battle with a brain tumor. {will be updated soon!}

Medical Links - I am forever searching the internet for good medical links, these are some good ones that I have found.

A Special Tribute - Meet this angel that I had the honor to know for a short while.

My Friends - Meet some wonderful people, tell them I sent you =) {will be updated soon, if you want to be included, send me your url!}

Special Causes - Some very worthwhile causes on the internet that are close to my heart. {coming soon}

Memberships - Some of the wonderful groups on the internet that I've joined.

Household Hints - Time and money saving hints that really do simplify your life. Boy, do I need it!

The Country Kitchen - Running out of ideas for dinner? Eat out, or go here and search through some recipes and links. {coming soon}

Fun & Interesting Links - Some fun and interesting places I have found on the internet. {coming soon}


Credits - Go see where I find all my beautiful backgrounds and graphics.

This background set is *not* public domain. It was a gift to me, and is not available for download! Go to Grand Illusions to see her other beautiful background sets. Thank you so much, sis! *hugs*

This page last updated: 05.16.98