Hi, I'm piratemovie!
Great News!
was released on DVD on MARCH 22, 2005!!!!!
YES, I own it.
My brother bought it for me when it came out, as a late birthday present. What a wonderful brother.
I am sorry I don't update my page much, but I am a TERRIBLE procrastinator.
Hey, we have the internet at our house now!
Well, at least for a little bit, as long as my husband gets it free from work!
I will TRY to get on here and update my page.
Hey, I have not updated this in almost a year! Sorry.
My favorite music group is
I went to an Air Supply Concert September 8, 2001!!
I have an
AIR SUPPLY only webpage!
Please go see it! It is called PirateMoviesAirSupplyPage!
Come see my page devoted entirely to Mythical Creatures!
My other favorite movie is THE PRINCESS BRIDE!!
Cary Elwes is so handsome!
PLEASE, sign my guestbook so I know you were here and so I can visit your site!! :)
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This page was last updated on June 21, 2007.
I wish to
remind you that the things on this page are my views,
are not neccessarily the opinions of GeoCities.
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