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Welcome to the Oscoda Area High School Class of 1986 web site. Here you will find out everything you never wanted to know about your classmates. Our 10 year class reunion was held Saturday, August 3, 1996. Festivities began at the Oscoda Beach Park for classmates and their families. Several of us packed a lunch and enjoyed a day filled with games and laughter. It was an informal gathering, allowing us to "reaquaint" ourselves again.

At 5 p.m. we met at the American Legion Hall, Post 274 for hors d'oeurves and a cash bar. Dinner was ready by 6 p.m. and dancing followed shortly afterwards. We also had various door prize drawings along with a few raffles and the general consensus was a good time was had by all.

Before you leave, please be sure to sign the guest book. Feel free to read who else has signed in.

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