In Search Of .... William Lee Clinton (1889/1890? - ?)
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Unknown Individual (Seated LEFT) and William Lee Clinton (Standing RIGHT) Photo taken by H.T. PETERSON, 127 SO. SPRING ST., & LUNA PARK,
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, USADate Unknown, Early 1900s
Granddaughter seeks information on Grandfather William Lee Clinton, born 1889-1890 supposedly in Chicago, Il. Married Martha Hattie Haberland in Laramie, Wyoming on Jan. 30, 1915. Last known address was Portland, Oregon in 1916.
If you think you have any information on William Lee Clinton, please send E-Mail to:
Background Information That Is Known
William Lee Clinton
Born: Supposedly in Chicago, IL, in 1889-1890
Parents: Supposedly Sidney and Martha Clinton
Age: 25 years old in 1915
Granddaughter searching for Grandfather, William Lee Clinton, supposedly born in Chicago, IL, to parents Sidney and Martha Clinton in 1889-1890.
First known contact between my Grandparents is a Christmas post card mailed to Martha Hedwig Haberland dated 12-24-14 from the Camfield Hotel in Greeley, CO. Nothing more is known until William Lee Clinton married Martha Hedwig Haberland at 11:10 PM, on 1-30-15 in Laramie, WY, in St. Matthew's Cathedral Rectory. A Priest (Dean Thornberry), a Deputy Clerk of Court (Tom Barratt) and her Employer (Mrs. McCullough) were all called from their respective beds to have this Marriage performed, Witnessed, Recorded in the Church Records and Filed and Recorded in the Albany County Courthouse prior to midnight of 1-30-15. Martha Haberland was a German Lutheran, was William Lee Clinton Catholic? This Church was neither's Church, but the Marriage was performed and recorded in both Church and Courthouse legally. This required a 3-part Special License which was obtained at 11:10 PM by the Deputy Clerk of Court (Tom Barratt) and they were married shortly after, then taken by the Deputy Clerk of Court directly to the Courthouse to file, personally.
An article of the Wedding appeared in the Laramie, WY, Boomerang Newspaper on 2-1-15, It was notated that William Lee Clinton from Greeley, CO, married a Laramie, WY, native , Martha Hedwig Haberland and listed him as a Denver Post Agent. If so, the Denver Post Human Resources stated that any records pertaining to him have been removed from their Agent Files.
This Special Laramie, WY, Marriage Application and License, is the second set as William Lee Clinton originally applied for and got a Marriage License to Marry Martha Hedwig Haberland in Greeley, CO, Weld, County on 1-28-15. The Colorado set was not used.
Nothing is known of Martha and William Lee Clinton until November 1915 when they are listed in the Pueblo, CO, City Directory. They are listed at 520 N. Grand, with William's occupation as Chef at the Oriental Café. In 1916 Martha is listed alone.
Sometime between Nov. 1915 and April 24, 1916, William Lee Clinton left his 23 year old wife and 5 month old baby Daughter in Pueblo, CO, and went to Portland, OR, where he was supposedly a Baker at Meves Restaurant. Nothing is know of his movements after 4-24-16. William Lee Clinton never returned to his family nor were any movements recorded after. Nothing to indicate he ever communicated with this Pueblo, CO, family ever again.
Nothing conclusively is known of where he originally came from. Old post cards retained by Martha are the only source that he actually existed, other than the 1-30-15 Marriage License and my Mothers Birth Certificate, which bears his name. Old post cards have him in Portland, OR, in 1-12-13, Denver, CO, in 1914, Greeley, CO, in 1914-1915, Pueblo, CO, in 1915 and Portland, OR, on 4-24-16. Prior to these dates are a blank.
Friends addresses taken from these old post cards found in my Grandmothers possession are:
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Latham (in 1915)
1055 Jefferson Ave. E.
Detroit, MIChas B. Palmer (on 4-13-12)
Cashmere, WAF.M. Davidson (on 12-16-14)
Seattle, WAMrs. M. A. Waite (on 6-21-14)
Philadelphia Hotel
Bisbee, AZ
In searching for William Lee Clinton, other than Laramie, WY, and Pueblo, CO, are all that provide hard evidence that he existed at all outside the old post cards. Nothing was ever found that his family knew of his marriage or family. The old post cards were all from old "friends." No new info has come forth as either he moved to many times to leave a trace or as I was told several times, someone removed all traces of him wherever he went. No death Certificate, Divorce or Separation papers were in Martha Clinton possession nor can he be found in Portland, OR. Or Greeley, CO, when I tried to trace him. All of his residences were General Delivery or Hotels Rooms, nothing to give him permanence anywhere.
My Mother never knew her father or the Family he had to come from. My Grandmother raised my Mother alone with no help from either of their families. I never knew my Grandfather nor the relations I should have or even what nationality I am on this side. We don't even know if William Lee Clinton is a real name or one he made up for a short time.
He has to be somewhere as he had to earn a living. Is he in your Family Bible or Photo Album? If you think this person was in your family or if you think you have any information on William Lee Clinton, please send E-Mail to:
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Origin Date: 24 December 1996 - CEN
Last Revision Date(s): 14 February 1997 - 14 June 1997 - CEN
Latest Review/Update Date: 29 December 1998 - 08 March 2000 - CEN
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