


This is The Living Room. Have a seat on the couch and let's get better acquainted! I'll tell you a bit about me if you'll do the same.....

I am living in the frozen wasteland of Minnesota. In the summer and fall, there is no land lovelier ~ if you like mosquitos and humidity. In the winter and spring.....eeww! I much prefer the bears method of dealing with it ~ SLEEPING!

I have to say something here.....I rented the movie Fargo. In NO WAY do we talk like that and we're not as stupid as the people in the movies! 'Nuff said.

To continue, I work as an sales assistant for a manufacturer's representative. It's pretty challenging stuff and I actually enjoy my job. Incase you really feel like checking it out, here is a link to our main principle, Eclipse Combustion and also Antunes Controls. It's an interesting company, actually, and the work is equally interesting (and no one is paying me to say this!).

I also am married to a most wonderful man, Marc, and have two children, Travis and Tasha. You want a picture of me and my honey? *sigh* Ok but don't say I never gave you anything. Here you go:

This was taken last night when we went out dancing....*giggle*


Many a child is looking forward to summer vacation. Mine included. We're planning a nice two week vacation this summer. My brother and his family live in the Portland area ~ we're planning on taking a road trip to see them. Should be fun as we're going to make detours at Glacier National Park, etc. Say .... if you know of any interesting places to visit, please drop me a note. I'd surely appreciate it!

Sabrina update (our "puppy"): She's now a full grown golden retriever and absolutely beautiful! Her personality is loving and she's still the active puppy. Her latest chewing escapade was at the expense of my comforter for my bed! (bad dog!) This summer I think its time for the doggie classes again! Also, Sabrina's birthday is in May ~ she'll be one year old! I have a picture of her with Travis in my Picture Time page if you'd care to check it out.


Well, you know a little bit about me. Care to send me some Email and tell me about you? I'd enjoy it!






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