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The Councils name is the name of one of our parishes herein Laramie. St Laurence O' Toole Parish was constructed in 1869and the first priest assigned here was Fr. Cusson.
St. Laurence O'Toole is the patron saint of the Diocese ofDublin, Ireland where he was the Archbishop from 1162 to 1180.Prior to his appointment as Archbishop, Laurence was a monk andthe Abbot at Glendalough Monastary (home of St. Kevin). Duringthe troubles of the Norman invasion he worked to ensure thesuccess of the reform movement in the Irish Church. He died in1180 in Eu, France (Normandy) while on a peace mission.
This information courtesy of Fr. Duffy of
Grand Knight: Richard Wilson
Past Grank Knight: Robert Guth
Chaplain: Fr. Ornalas
Deputy Grand Knight: Frank Montez
Chancellor: Randy Schlosser
Recorder: Frank Heck
Financial Secretary: Terry Shearin
Treasurer: Irvin Jacobsen
Lecturer:Rodney Redding
The Advocate:
Warden: Anthony Gonzales
Inside Guard:
Outside Guard:
Outside Guard:
Trustee 3rd Year:Don Kalinay
Trustee 2nd Year: Urban Sharum
Trustee 1st Year: Augustus Diebert
District Deputy: Robert Guth
Insurance Agent:
January 1998
Febuary 1998
March 1998
April 1998
May 1997
June 1997
July 1997
2nd Installation of Officers St. Laurence O'Toole Church 7:00pm
No other meetings in July
August 1997
6th Business Meeting
17th Coconcular Picnic with St. Paul's Newman Center
20th Business meeting
September 1997
3rd Business meeting
14th Breakfast after 8:30 and 10:30 Mass
17th Business meeting
October 1997
1st Business meeting
12th Breakfast after 8:30 and 10:30 Mass
15th Business meeting
November 1997
5th Business meeting
16th Breakfast after 8:30 and 10:30 Mass
19th Business meeting
December 1997
3rd Business meeting
14th Breakfast after 8:30 and 10:30 Mass
17th Business meeting
The St. Laurence Council 2720 was estabilished in Nov 1929and has been a major role in the Catholic community in Laramie.
Mailing: Knights of Columbus, Council 2720, PO Box344, Laramie, WY, 82070
We are working to get a link to the Laramie Chamber ofCommerce also check out the University of Wyoming while you'rethere.
St. Laurence Council has a 1st Degree Team.
Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to practicalCatholic men in union with the Holy See, who shall not be lessthan 18 years of age on their last birthday. A practical Catholicis one who lives up to the Commandments of God and the preceptsof the Church. Application blanks are available from any memberof the Knights of Columbus. Every knight is happy to proposeeligible Catholic men for consideration as members.
Acceptance of the applicant depends upon a vote of themembers of the subordinate council in which he is makingapplication.
All priests and religious brothers having duly madeapplication for membership and participated in the ceremonialsbecome honorary life members of the Order and are exempt frompayment of dues.
Application for membership must be made through the councilin the community nearest the applicant's place of residence.Interested prospects without a permanent domicile, such as mentemporarily away from home through duty in the armed forces, maymake application through their hometown council or at the nearestcouncil on a military base.
If favorably voted upon, the applicant becomes a member byinitiation known as the First Degree. He subsequently is advancedthrough the Second Degree and the Third Degree.
There are modest initiation fees and dues set bysubordinate councils under regulations established by the SupremeCouncil. The insurance privileges are available to all memberswho can qualify, which represents an important advantage ofmembership. For men in every walk of life the name Knights ofColumbus engenders the image of a united organization,efficiently going about it tasks of charity, unity, fraternity,patriotism and defense of the priesthood. It is composed of menwho are giving unselfishly of their time and talents in serviceof God and their country.
Membership in the Knights of Columbus provides opportunityfor wholesome association with congenial companions who are,first of all, practical Catholic gentlemen. It offers theopportunity for fellowship with those who are of the same belief,who recognize the same duty to God, to family and to neighbor andwho stand side by side in defense of those beliefs. Programs areso organized as to appeal to the individual interest of themembers. Through many constructive activities of Christianfraternity, members are enabled to render service to theirChurch, their country and their fellowman. Through membershipthey develop a consciousness of their ability to lead and toassist.
Organized Columbianism, united behind the individual Knightof Columbus, provides the power of an intelligent, alert body ofCatholic men--a strength which the individual by himself cannotachieve.
Knights of Columbus has a proud heritage. The qualifiedCatholic man can share in that heritage and build an even greaterfuture by affiliating himself with this forceful, effective body.
Another degree open to members of the Knights of Columbusis that of the Fourth (or Patriotic) Degree. On February 22,1900, the first exemplification of that degree was held in NewYork City. The ritual added patriotism to the three originalprinciples of the Order: charit, unity and fraternity. Any ThirdDegree member in good standing, one year after the anniversary ofhis First Degree, is eligible for membership in the Fourth Degree.
The primary purpose of the Fourht Degree is to foster thespirit of partiotism by promoting responsible citizenship and alove of and loyalty to the Knights' respective countries throughactive membership in local Fourth Degree groups calledassemblies. Fourth Degree members must retain their membership asThird Degree members in the local council to remain in goodstanding.
Certain members of the Fourth Degree serve as honor guardsat civic and religious functions, an activity which has broughtworldwide recognition to the Knights of Columbus organization.
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Last Updated on : May 28, 1997