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The first thing you might want to know is where my Nick came from? BONESADOG.... Bones is a Dog, a real life dog . He is my dog and thats where the nick came from it was different and I didn't think others had this nick out there..

I like you to look around on my Home Page and make your self at home. I have a few cool link's to my Home State I would like you to visit. This one is dear to my Heart!!! Buffalo Creek Disaster I have many friends that lost there love ones in the Disaster, Please take a look at the site. It's a big part of West Virginia History in and around Logan County.

There was a Family Feud in the History of West Virginia too. The Battle of Matewan!!! The Hatfield McCoy Feud May 19, may have read this in your History books.

We are know for Black Bears too. They have come around my house to find food...Black Bear Resort also stop in to look at are Penitentiary Moundsville,Wv. You can come to West Virginia and Whitewater Raft, Rafting Finest. you can visit Ronald McDonald House Click Here... or take a ride on the Rails-to-Trails Stop in here!!!... The Lost World Caverns Greenbrier Valley... Civil War in Pocahontas County. While you are here take a look at Marshall University Campus.... West Virginia has a few good Web sites Huntington..andCityNet also MountainNet..There many more places to visit in West Virgina I just picked out a few to show you, now I want you to meet my Friends and some other cool Links I like. Ikey's is from West Virginia alsoHome Page

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