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Hi, I'm Shelby. I'm a seven year old Pomeranian. Here is me with our new sister, Chelsea. She is a orange-sable pomeranian that was born on October 1, 1997. Chelsea is full grown now, and as you can see, our mommy still hasn't put her pictures on here!! My other sister Mandy is a Beagle. Mandy went to the Rainbow Bridge in February 2001 because she had incurable cancer. She was very sweet and loving and liked to sleep a bunch. She was a true hound! We miss her a lot. We have been making lots of new friends on the internet. While you're here, be sure to visit our favorite links.
Hope you will come back to see us soon.
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Pictures of Chelsea coming soon
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With many thanks to TheGodess for giving them to us
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don't like dogs, she says:
Mandy & Shelby

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