The Cox Family's First Web Page!

The Cox Family Web Page!

We want to thank Richard and Sheila Frazier for all of their support during our good times, and especially during the time of the motorcycle accident. Not only were they our employers but their immense concern for our well being made us feel like family. For this, we will always be indebted to them.

To view a full-size picture click on one of the above thumbnails.

Hi! Welcome to Texas! No, these aren't pictures of our great state, but instead some of what Montana looks like. Montana is where we spent our first year and a half together as husband and wife. As you can tell by the pictures, it can be rather cold there, that's why we moved back south to the warmth of Texas. We've always wanted a web page of our own, and with our wide range of interests, we hope you will find something within our pages that interests you. Even our pets share a page, of which our cat, Magic oversees.

These are a some of our favorite web browsers.


-Yahoo. -Lycos.

-Excite. -DejaNews. -Linkstar.

-HotBot. -AltaVista. -InfoSeek.

-BJ's Motorcycles"R" Us Page.

-Flo's Place.

-Bobby's PC Game Codes and Fun Stuff.

-Magic's (Cats Only) Page.

Here are a few Texas links we enjoy as a family.

Dallas, Texas

-Lone Star Internet.

-Texas Red - Classic Recipes.

-NASCAR Online.

And a few Montana links.

Click for Billings, Montana Forecast
-Peaks: Online Magazine about Montana.

-Wildlife & Landscapes Fine Art.

-Montana Travel Web.

-Montana Wilderness.

Please e-mail any suggestions you may have in improving our web-site.

Thank You.

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