A virtual tour through the lives of our two retired racing greyhounds |
Did you know that Greyhounds rarely bark!
Read inside! Why did Prince Albert name his Greyhound EOS? Do you know your dog's racing name? Click here to view their racing record and litter mates! Want to learn how to read a racing record? Click here to visit Polly's site - she'll tell just what all those numbers mean.Hop the Rail and visit the next great pet/animal site!
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Why are greyhound owners obsessed with their dogs? Read and find out why adopting retired racing greyhounds is habit forming! Greyhounds are hypo-allergenic, shed very little and do not have a doggy smell!
Meet Pharah!
Famous greyhound owners- Cleopatra, the goddess Diana, KD Lang, Frederick the Great, Prince Albert, Joyce Passifiume, General Von Steuben, General Custer and Bart Simpson We visited a greyhound farm in Florida!
Check out Zoe and Pharah's Family Tree! We are always looking for littermates! PLEASE, before you leave, take a moment to sign my guestbook!
Meet Zoe!
Very sad to announce the passing of Zoe on April 17, 2005. She is sorely missed.
Greyhounds are called the 40 mph
Couch Potato!
Zoe's Wedding Album Online!
The stuffed greyhound ambassador!
Meet Zoe and Pharah's friends!