This is TANNY RAy'S PAGE!!!
HERE THEY ARE!!!! THE LONG AWAITED PICTURES OF THE ONE & ONLY TANNY RAY... The MOST beautiful baby ever born!! Don't be jealous of me just because I'm GRRREAT!!! YES,YES I KNOW!!!!
Here are some pictures of TANNY RAY'S "puppy people daddy", HEE-HEE and his Little puppy people mommy, WUDDIE HELEN.
December 18,1990-November 22,1996 "Daddy HEE-HEE & Mommy WUDDIES"
NOW wasn't it worth the wait????
"TANNY RAY" is a short-legged, long bodied, blond part cocker, Pom & Pek. He was born On JANUARY 9th,1994, and he pretty well ruled this household ever since. He's just a bit on the spoiled side. BUT he deserves to be... YOU SEE,,,when he was a baby he had parvo {bad disease}, then when he was six months old he got a ruptured disk in his back and couldn't walk for a long time,,,AND if all that wasn't bad enough... A PITBULL beat him up and he had to have an operation....
NOW,,,you tell me, doesn't he deserve to be SPOILED?Tanny Ray wants to say HI to his BEST Friends, SHELBY & MANDY WILLIAMS.
*******"MORE PICTURES"*******
"MOMMY WUDDIES & her ALFIE" "UNCLE CASSEY" "MEOW-MEOW & Husband DADDYMAN" "THE HOUNDS" Jimmie & Jerry "ME & my cat RAGSEY" "ME & DADDY" "I'm SO Beautiful!" "Brother BEAR-BEAR & Uncle SAMMY" "ME & MOMMY" E-Mail Tanny Ray {Mommy's E-mail}